Who did help us?
Grateful thanks are extended to...
We would like to thank all the people who contributed to our team achievements:
Prof. Dr. Maria Teresa Marques Novo Mansur (Department of Genetics and Evolution, UFSCar), for providing us some restriction enzymes used in wet lab and also for supporting us as Coordinator of Bachelor´s in Biotechnology Course
Prof. Dr. Marcelo Cioffi (Department of Genetics and Evolution, UFSCar), for offering us Microscopy Lab facilities
Professors Dr. Ernesto Chaves Pereira de Souza and Dr. Marco Antonio Barbosa Ferreira (both from Department of Chemistry, UFSCar), for providing us D-limonene reagent used in bean experiment
FAI Staff (UFSCAr Institutional Support Foundation), whose actions enabled obtaining of sponsorship, as well as all procedures for our team members trip to Boston. In special, General Director Lourdes Moraes, Alexandre Bueno, Vanessa Di Genova, Eva Iniesta, Tatiane Liberato, Leila Freitas and Talita Oliveira
Heber dos Santos Tavares, for offering us Teaching Lab facilities (Department of Genetics and Evolution, UFSCar)
Marcia Pallone and Denise Scatolini, respectively director and biologist from City epidemiological surveillance service, for sharing with our team the information we needed.
Michael Henrique Zanin and Valéria Silva helped us to translate some of texts for Wiki page
Cayla Conway helped us to translate a lot of texts for Wiki and also gave us some tips about Boston city
Guilherme Engelberto Kundlatsch and Mariana Trevisan, former team members, supported us in project conception, experimental design, and fundraising activities
Dr. Rodrigo Facchini Magnani, Researcher of "Fundo de Defesa da Citricultura" (Fundecitrus) and associated researcher of Laboratory of Micromolecular Biochemistry of Microrganisms (LaBioMMi) of Federal University of São Carlos - UFSCar, for provided special attention and perform experiments of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry
Prof. Dr. Edson Rodrigues Filho, researcher in chief of LaBioMMi, for turns available CG-MS analysis to detection of D-Limonene.
Fabrícia Heloísa, Julio Cesar Sousa, Jonathan Moraes, former team members, helped us to improve our proposals.
Enactus, which provided the contact with PROVIM D. Luciano de Almeida at São Carlos 8
Elaine - Director of PROVIM Dom Luciano de Almeida
City councilman José Luis Rabello, for donating Crotalaria seeds
Professor Waldeck Schützer, for providing UFSCar photos
Our families, and specially our mothers and fathers, for all the incredible support you gave us!