In order to ensure our safety in the lab we had an interview with the Biohazard Safety inspector here at Warwick University.
Here we received information about the assembly points in case of a fire, and within the lab safety. Here are the key points we felt came as a result of this meeting:
Medical Emergency
It is important to remain calm in situation like these. The level of threat posed to the person's life dictates what happens next. The emergency services are to be called immediately and someone must attend to the victim's wounds. If only one person is present with the injured they must shout for help, stop any immediate dangers to the patient (i.e. stop any major bleeding) and then call 999.
Ring the fire alarm, and if the fire is small try to extinguish it or suffocate it with the various tools available.
Contaminant Outbreak
people in the immediate area must be made aware, and the spill, if possible must be covered with appropriate equipment. If it is flammable all Bunsens must be turned off and depending on the severity of the spill, the lab must be evacuated.
Hazardous Material Splashed in Eye
Immediately rinse eyeball in a sink provided and wash inner surface of eyelid thoroughly for at least 15 minutes. Medical attention should also be attained and the incident must be reported.