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Developing a Framework for the Genetic Manipulation of Non-Model and Environmentally Significant Microbes
Parts List
These are our legos.
Our collection of submitted biobricks consists of:
- Mussel foot protein (MFP) 1-5-1 sequence [combination of Mytilus galloprovincialis Foot Protein 5 (Mgfp-5) and Mytilus li Edulis Foot Protein 1 (Mefp-1)].
- MFP with superfolder Green Fluorescence Protein (sfGFP).
- MFP with our anti-microbial peptide, LL-37.
- Entire construct of our anti-microbial adhesive peptide: 2XStrep_Flagtag--LL-37--Mussel Foot Protein--sfGFP.
Full Molecule
Testing Promoters
The part is an coding sequence for an anti-microbial peptides linked to a mussel-foot protein-linked to superfolder GFP for localization. The mussel foot protein will anneal to surfaces as a wet glue and the antimicrobial domain is designed to interact with microbial membranes and interfere with membrane stability. In order to use this part you can produce it in a TAG recoded organism simultaneously expressing a Tyrosine supressor or L-DOPA orthogonal translational system. In order to purify you can use the 2X Strep tag and strep column and later cleave with enterokinase to remove the sequence supressing LL-37 antimicrobial action.
Part 1: LL-37-MFP:
Based on BBa_K1396000
Feeding Fish
The part is an coding sequence for an anti-microbial peptides linked to a mussel-foot protein. The mussel foot protein will anneal to surfaces as a wet glue and the antimicrobial domain is designed to interact with microbial membranes and interfere with membrane stability. In order to use this part you can produce it in a TAG recoded organism simultaneously expressing a Tyrosine suppressor or L-DOPA orthogonal translational system. In order to purify you can use the 2X Strep tag and strep column and later cleave with enterokinase to remove the sequence suppressing LL-37 antimicrobial action. This is an improvement on the Utah State biobrick BBa_K1162006 which consists of only the LL-37 peptide.tion. This is an improvement on the Utah State biobrick BBa_K1162006 which consists of only the LL-37 peptide.
Part 2: MFP-sfGFP:
Based on BBa_K1396002
Harvesting Oysters
The part is an coding sequence for an anti-microbial peptides linked to a mussel-foot protein-linked to superfolder GFP for localization. The mussel foot protein will anneal to surfaces as a wet glue and superfolder GFP will allow for florescence imaging and localization. In order to use this part you can produce it in a TAG recoded organism simultaneously expressing a Tyrosine supressor or L-DOPA orthogonal translational system. In order to purify you can use the 2X Strep tag and strep column and later cleave with enterokinase to remove the sequence supressing LL-37 antimicrobial action.