Template:SVA-NYC/Processing Samples



Experiments & Protocols

Processing Samples

Soil Extraction

Soil Filter

Materials needed

  • 50 mL conical tube
  • 9 cm Qualitative Filter Paper
  • 7 cm diameter funnel
  1. Fold the filter paper in half and in half again creating the shape of a triangle.
  2. Lift one layer of the filter paper from the created triangle to form a cone that is placed inside of the funnel. Take the funnel and place inside the opening of the 50 mL conical tube.
  3. Measure 4 gms of soil from a sample bag and place inside the cone created by the filter paper that is inside of the funnel.
  4. Measure 14 mL of Universal Extract Buffer and slowly pour over the soil in the funnel to begin extraction.
  5. The extraction process is timely. Allow the buffer to pass through the soil unaided. The makeup of the soil will determine the length of time needed for extraction.
  6. If the buffer is extremely cloudy, once it has been passed through the filter, use 15 mL conocal tubes in a centrifuge to spin down the particulates.
  7. Congratulations! You may proceed to the next cog on the wheel of processing.

Soil Processing

Processing Soil Sample

Al3+ Aluminum

337uL of soil sample extract (1) was pipetted (2) into a cuvette (3). 5 drops of Aluminum Test Solution (4) were then added to the cuvette and vortexed. An initial comparison of the sample was made to the color chart before the cuvette was processed in the spectophotometer for more precise reading.

Processing Soil Sample

NH3+ Ammonia Nitrogen

675uL of soil sample extract (1) was pipetted (2) into a cuvette (3). 5 drops of Ammonia Nitrogen Test Solution (4) was added to the cuvette and vortexed. An initial comparison of the sample was made to the color chart (5) before the cuvette was processed in the spectophotometer for more precise reading.

Processing Soil Sample

Ca++ Calcium

675uL of soil sample extract (1) was pipetted (2) into a cuvette (3). 5 drops of Ammonia Nitrogen Test Solution (4) was added to the cuvette and vortexed. An initial comparison of the sample was made to the color chart (5) before the cuvette was processed in the spectophotometer for more precise reading.

Processing Soil Sample

Cl- Chloride

675uL of soil sample extract (1) was obtained using Demineralizer (6) and pipetted (2) into a cuvette (3). 4 drops of Chloride Test Solution (4) was added to the cuvette. An initial comparison of the sample was made to the color chart (5) before the cuvette was processed in the spectophotometer for more precise reading.

Processing Soil Sample

Fe3+ Ferric Iron

675uL of soil sample extract (1) was pipetted (2) into a Cuvette (3). 0.25g of Iron Reagent Powder (4) was added to the Cuvette and stirred. 5 drops of Ferric Iron Test Solution (5) was added and stirred. An initial comparison of the sample was made to the color chart (6) before the cuvette was processed in the spectophotometer for more precise reading.

Processing Soil Sample

Mg++ Magnesium

675uL of soil sample extract (1) was pipetted (2) into a Cuvette (3). 2 drops of Magnesium Test Solution (4) was added to the Cuvette, stirred, and a pale yellow color developed. Magnesium and Manganese Test Solution 2 was added (5), one drop at a time until color was stable pink (4 drops avg). An initial comparison of the sample was made to the color chart (6) before the cuvette was processed in the spectophotometer for more precise reading.

Processing Soil Sample

Mn++ Manganese

675uL of soil sample extract (1) was pipetted (2) into a Cuvette (3). 0.1g of Manganese Buffer Reagent (4) was added to the Cuvette, stirred, and then 0.1g of Manganese Periodate Reagent (5) was added, vortexed and let to stand for 20 seconds. An initial comparison of the sample was made to the color chart (6) before the cuvette was processed in the spectophotometer for more precise reading.

Processing Soil Sample

NO3- Nitrate Nitrogen

1000uL of soil sample extract (1) was pipetted (2) into an ependorf tube. 10 drops of Nitrate Reagent #1 (4) was added to tube and vortexed. 0.5g of Nitrate Reagent 2 Powder (5) was added and vortexed. Solution was pipetted into cuvette (3). An initial comparison of the sample was made to the color chart (6) before the cuvette was processed in the spectophotometer for more precise reading.

Processing Soil Sample

NO2- Nitrite Nitrogen

675uL of soil sample extract (1) was pipetted (2) into a cuvette (3). 3 drops of Nitrite Nitrogen Reagent 1 (4) was added to the cuvette. 3 drops of Nitrite Nitrogen Reagent 2 (5) was added to cuvette and vortexed. 9 drops of Nitrite Nitrogen Reagent 3 (6) was finally added and vortexed. An initial comparison of the sample was made to the color chart (7) before the cuvette was processed in the spectophotometer for more precise reading.

Processing Soil Sample


4mL of Soil (1) was distilled with 6.5mL of Demineralizer (2) through filter paper into 15mL test tube. 5 drops of Soil Flocculating Reagent (3) was added to filtered solution and centrifuged. 2 cuvettes were pipetted with 1 mL each. First cuvette had 2 drops of Duplex Indicator (4) added, and was used to determin a narrower range indicator. 2 drops of the correlating narrow range indicator was added to the sample. An initial comparison of the sample was made to the color chart (7) before the cuvette was processed in the spectophotometer for more precise reading.

Processing Soil Sample

PO4- Phosphorus

2.5mL of soil sample extract (1) was pipetted (2) into a 15mL (6). 6 drops of Phosphorus Reagent 2 (4) was added and vortexed. 1 Phosphorus Test Tablet (5) was then added and vortexed. 1ml was pipetted immidiatly into a cuvette (3). An initial comparison of the sample was made to the color chart (7) before the cuvette was processed in the spectophotometer for more precise reading.

Processing Soil Sample

K+ Potassium

2.7mL of soil sample extract (1) was pipetted (2) into a 15mL test tube. 1 Potassium Reagent B Tablet (4) was added to tube and vortexed till disolved. Potassium Reagent C (5) was added to bring solution to 6.5mL. 1m was pipetted into cuvette (3). An initial comparison of the sample was made to the color chart (6) before the cuvette was processed in the spectophotometer for more precise reading.

Processing Soil Sample

SO42- Sulfate

675uL of soil sample extract (1) was pipetted (2) into a cuvette (3). 4 drops of Sulfate Test Solution (4) were added to the cuvette. An initial comparison of the sample's turbidity according to the color chart was made before the cuvette was processed in the spectophotometer for more precise reading.

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335 W 16th St.
New York, NY 10011
+1 (212) 592-2510