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          <h1>What are we talking about?</h1><!--PAS FAN DES QUESTIONS-->
          <h1>What are we talking about?</h1>
           <p>The characterization of new devices is as important as their conception. <!--This not only provides a “how to use” guide for future users of your part but also allows the discovery of biologically relevant information about how it functions. NOT CLEAR--> For iGEM, the importance of characterization is huge since thousands of new parts are registered each year. Last year the competition launched its first InterLab Study, inviting every participating team to measure previously existing devices. In addition to providing robust and statistically useful data, the InterLab Study aims at assessing how measurements vary between labs. If two teams use the same protocols, is the data similar? How does this differ if  different measurement equipment is used? This year, these questions will be answered for three constructs that were sent to each team. Each contained a promoter from the widely used Anderson promoter collection that controlled the expression of GFP (see description below). We contributed this year by measuring the three constructs in biological triplicates with a flow cytometer, which allowed us to assess the cell-to-cell variability of our samples. As part of the extra-credit assignment, we also provided technical triplicates of our data, thus determining the precision of the measurements. <!-- NOT CLEAR--> In addition to the study, we were also obtained data in from our project since our reporter plasmid has GFP controlled by J23117.</p>
           <p>In the field of synthetic biology, characterizing his devices turns out to be as important as conceiving them. This becomes/constitutes a major concern when it comes to iGEM, where thousands of new parts are registered each year. And as a matter of fact the competition launched last year its first edition of the InterLab study. This additional feature of the competition invites each participating team to measure fluorescence of various constructs. Not only does the study provide large data for characterization but it also aims at assessing the variation in the measurements from different labs. How similar are the measurements when using the same bacterial strain, the same protocol or the same instrument? This year, these questions are addressed to teams on the basis of three constructs. Each of them contains the same GFP gene controlled by a different promoter from the </p>
<a href="http://parts.igem.org/Promoters/Catalog/Anderson" > Anderson promoters collection </a>
<p>. The promoters contained in this lot derive from the initial J23119 promoter, in which mutations have been introduced to create the other members of the collection. Their different tightness establishes a fine gradient for protein expression.  iGEM had us analyze the fluorescence of J23101, J23106 and J23117, whose relative strength measured by Anderson and the 2006 iGEM Berkeley team are 0.7, 0.47 and 0.06 respectively. We contributed this year by measuring the three in biological triplicates and also fulfilled the extra-credit assignment providing technical triplicates of each colony. We were also able to integrate the results we obtained into our project since it uses the J23117 promoter in one of our reporter plasmids. </p>
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<h1>How did we achieve this?</h1>
<h1>How did we achieve this?</h1>
The construction of the three devices was achieved using the BioBrick cloning system. Plasmids pSB1C3 containing promoters J23101, J23106 or J23117 were opened using SpeI and PstI enzymes while plasmid pSB1A2 containing I13504 was digested with XbaI and PstI. pSB1C3-J23101, pSB1C3-J23106 and pSB1C3-J23117 were dephosphorylated (cf. Protocols) with antarctic phosphatase in order to prevent their self-ligation. I13504 was finally ligated with each of the open promoter-containing pSB1C3 plasmids using T4 ligase (cf. Protocols). Constructs were run on a 1.2% agarose gel, purified and transformed in DH5alpha high-efficient bacteria to be finally plated on chloramphenicol LB agar plates. Three colonies per plate were cultured overnight as biological replicates in 5mL LB medium with chloramphenicol. Cultures were spun down and pellets resuspended in 1mL PBS. Samples were measured by Accuri c6 Flow-Cytometer (BD) and data were acquired three times in arbitrary units.
The construction of the three devices was achieved using the BioBrick cloning system. Plasmids pSB1C3 containing promoters J23101, J23106 or J23117 were opened using SpeI and PstI enzymes while plasmid pSB1A2 containing I13504 was digested with XbaI and PstI. pSB1C3-J23101, pSB1C3-J23106 and pSB1C3-J23117 were dephosphorylated with antarctic phosphatase in order to prevent their self-ligation. I13504 was finally ligated with each of the open promoter-containing pSB1C3 plasmids using T4 ligase. Constructs were run on a 1.2% agarose gel, purified and transformed in DH5alpha high-efficient bacteria to be finally plated on chloramphenicol LB agar plates. Three colonies per plate were cultured overnight as biological replicates in 5mL LB medium with chloramphenicol in test tubes. Cultures were spun down and pellets resuspended in 1mL PBS. Samples were measured by Accuri c6 Flow-Cytometer (BD) and data were acquired three times, one after the other. They were displayed in arbitrary units.
More information is available in our InterLab Protocol, InterLab Worksheet and in our
More information is available in our InterLab Protocol, InterLab Worksheet and in our
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:EPF_Lausanne/Notebook/Protocols" > Protocol
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:EPF_Lausanne/Notebook/Protocols" > Protocol
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<h1>What did we get?</h1>
<h1>What did we get?</h1>
We plotted the constructs’ mean of fluorescence for the three measurements of the three biological replicates (Fig.1). We also expressed the ratio between the three promoters (Fig.2) which gives more relevant information about differences in GFP expression. As showed in the figure, we compared our results with the measured strength of those promoters from the Anderson collection (lien vers la page).<!--NOT CLEAR--> While the J23101/J23106 ratio is quite similar to the one measured by Anderson himself (only 1.67 fold difference), J23101/J23117 and J23106/J23117 ratios vary from 27 and 16 fold respectively between our results and Anderson’s. A plausible explanation for such discrepancy could be the variation between measurement instruments. We used a Flow-Cytometer that allows finer measurements of week constructs such as J23117, and it is possible that Anderson used a plate reader or another instrument. Also, the different chassis or protocol used to prepare samples could also impact on GFP expression. Those differences are precisely what the InterLab Study intends to shed light on and we are curious to see the results that other iGEM teams will obtain.
Fluorescence of constructs was given in arbitrary units by taking the mean of the three measurements of the biological triplicates. Figure 1 shows these results, where the error bars is the standard deviation calculated across replicates. We estimated the promoters to be different from each other and formally assessed this statement by calculating the p-values. They were all less than 10-5 thus proving our assumption. However, it was more relevant to express fluorescence in ratios, thus getting rid of the arbitrary units. We plotted them along with those calculated by Christopher Anderson (Figure 2) and were surprised by the huge discrepancy between the two measurements. J23101/J23106 ratios are close to each other (1.67 fold) but the J23101/J23117 and J23106/J23117 ratios we obtained are much higher than Anderson’s (27 and 16 fold respectively). This first glimpse into inter-laboratory variation is very instructive and shows how challenging reproduce exact measurements can be tough. The gap between ratios involving J23117 and its strong tightness suggest that low fluorescence is harder to calculate and triggers more variation. It is possible that Anderson used a plate reader or another instrument, which could explain this deviation. This can also be the cause of the use of other chassis or protocols. Unfortunately, we were not able to find any further reference about his work. We are then curious to see what results will the other teams provide to confirm our hypothesis.
                  <a href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/a/ad/EPFL_Interlab_Fig1.png"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/a/ad/EPFL_Interlab_Fig1.png" alt="" width="75%"></a>
                  <a href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/a/ad/EPFL_Interlab_Fig1.png"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/a/ad/EPFL_Interlab_Fig1.png" alt="" width="75%"></a>
                  <figcaption><b>Fig.1</b> - Mean of fluorescence expression of K12 DH5alpha E.Coli with three constructs: pSB1C3 with J23101+I13504, pSB1C3 with J23106+I13504, pSB1C3 with J23117+I13504. Results are given in arbitrary units. </figcaption>
                  <figcaption><b>Fig.1</b> - Mean of fluorescence expression of K12 DH5alpha E.Coli with three constructs: pSB1C3 with J23101+I13504, pSB1C3 with J23106+I13504, pSB1C3 with J23117+I13504. Error bars represent the standard deviation across replicates. Results are given in arbitrary units. </figcaption>
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                  <figcaption><b>Fig.2</b> - Fluorescence ratios between the three constructs containing the three different promoters from the Anderson collection: J23101, J23106 and J23117. In blue are the ratios obtained by the our team (EPFL 2015), measured with a Flow-Cyotemeter, and in yellow are those obtained by Christopher Anderson and the 2006 Berkeley team. While J23101/J23106 ratio is rather conserved between the two measurements, J23101/J23117 and J23106/J23117 ratios are dramatically different. This is probably due to the presence of J23117 that is a weak promoter and making precise measurement harder to perform. </figcaption>
                  <figcaption><b>Fig.2</b> - Fluorescence ratios between the three constructs containing the three different promoters from the Anderson collection: J23101, J23106 and J23117. In blue are the ratios obtained by the our team (EPFL 2015), measured with a Flow-Cyotemeter, and in yellow are those obtained by Christopher Anderson and the 2006 Berkeley team. While J23101/J23106 ratio is rather conserved between the two measurements, J23101/J23117 and J23106/J23117 ratios are dramatically different. This is probably due to the presence of J23117 that is a weak promoter and making precise measurement harder to perform. </figcaption>
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<h1>IntraLab Study</h1>
While waiting for those to come out at the Giant Jamboree, we continued to investigate fluorescence variation among our own measurements, carrying out what we called an IntraLab Study. Along with the name, this also implied slightly changing the focus. Instead of different strains, we were interested in comparing different colonies (biological replicates) and in analyzing the variability in measurements from one instrument rather than between instruments.
We also decided to investigate variations among our own samples or, in other words, to lead an "IntraLab study". For that purpose, we did as much as possible to reproduce the same experimental conditions for the growth of our cultures to avoid unwanted variation due to different sample preparation. We first compared technical replicates from a same colony. Each of the three technical replicates had 100’000 individuals measured. After eliminating the noise from our data,<!--???--> we approximated the fluorescence to be normally distributed across single cell measurements <!--due to their large number = (n = 100'000)-->. In order to determine if technical replicates were significantly different, we calculated confidence intervals (CI) for each one of them. Based on the Bonferroni correction (as we are comparing three measurements), we set the confidence level at 99.2% instead of the commonly used 95% level. Despite a large number of samples per measurement, we were surprised to see that about two third of the technical replicates were significantly different. Figure 3 displays a typical example where we can clearly see how the first two measurements are contained in each other’s CI while the third is clearly out. Unless samples were not sufficiently homogeneous, meaning bacteria were agglomerated in population clusters expressing different fluorescence levels and which seems quite unlikely<!--UNCLEAR-->, we can state that despite their great accuracy, measurements had a significant difference between each other. Increasing the statistical robustness could then be achieved by doing more than three technical replicates and consider each median as a part of a normal distribution itself. This will also allow measuring the proper variation due to the flow cytometer and obtaining a more precise mean of fluorescence for each construct.
Each Flow-cytometer measurement computed the fluorescence of 100’000 individuals. Based on this high number and on the shape of the distribution histograms, we assumed the fluorescence to be normally distributed. Doing so, we also approximated the mean by the median. We first performed z tests on technical replicates and biological replicates in order to see any significant difference between them. We used a confidence level of 0.8% instead of 2.5% on the basis of the Bonferonni correction principle. We noticed that p-values for biological replicates were all less than 10-5 assessing the strong difference between them. Fluorescence varied in fact from 20% to 30% among the colonies, constituting an important disparity (Figure 3). This tells us that regardless of the strain, colonies from a same transformation can behave very differently. The major reason is certainly how well the plasmid integration occurred in each of them. As it is high-copy, there are also many distribution possibilities for the number of plasmids in each cell.
                  <a href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/c/c5/EPFL_Interlab_Fig3.2.png"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/c/c5/EPFL_Interlab_Fig3.2.png" alt="" width="75%"></a>
                  <a href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/c/c5/EPFL_Interlab_Fig3.2.png"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/c/c5/EPFL_Interlab_Fig3.2.png" alt="" width="75%"></a>
                  <figcaption><b>Fig.3 </b>- Median of fluorescence from three measurements of one biological replicate of pSB1C3 with J23106+I13504. Bars represent a 99.2% confidence interval to assess if the measurements are significantly different from each other. Measurements 1 and 2 are not significantly different on a level of 99.2% because they are framed by the CI of the other. Measurement 3 on the other hand is significantly different on the same level since it is not included  in other measurements CI. </figcaption>
                  <figcaption><b>Fig.3 </b>- Mean fluorescence of three biological replicates of the construct containing J23101 promoter. The mean was calculated across the three measurement and error bars display the associated standard deviation. We notice first colony is 30% smaller than the third. </figcaption>
Along with the technical variation, we also compared the different biological replicates. We were surprised by how two colonies with the same plasmids could have very different fluorescence expression. Figure 4 shows how wide the gap is between colonies. Unlike Figure 3, it is not possible to clearly see CI bars on this figure since they are extremely small compared to median differences. This result is nevertheless reassuring in a way since it proves technical difference is less than biological one, which should appear as obvious due to the stochastic basis of a living organism. This huge biological variation can also be used to explain technical variation. 100’000 organisms are maybe not sufficient to have a comprehensive sample of the population. This explanation could be assessed by increasing the number of bacteria sampled per measure, for example by a 10x factor. So if the biological variance is so important, what can we expect from the comparison of fluorescence from two different chassis? That’s what we are eager to learn during the Giant Jamboree!
We then looked at the variation among technical replicates. This time, we obtained 75% of p-values under 0.08. We were puzzled by this result and even if the variation was only 1% between fluorescence values, we decided to run a more robust Fisher test on our data. On a level of 0.05, p-values for J23101, J23106 and J23117 measurements were 0.065, 0.125 and 0.024 respectively. While the two first indicate no significant difference between measurements, the last suggests it is not the case for J23117. This promoter has a weak fluorescence, which might imply less accurate measurements. Nevertheless, we found those results odd, so we decided to plot measurements next to each other (e.g. Figure 4). We discovered that measurements had a tendency to decrease over time in 80% of measured colonies of each promoter. It is unlikely that the instrument systematically caused a reduction in fluorescence. Rather it was due to a third factor, probably biological or physical. We immediately thought the PBS medium could have affected E.Coli metabolism triggering a loss of GFP expression. But as the variation is only 1% despite this disruptive factor, we can firmly assume the accuracy of the measurements.
                  <a href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/1/12/EPFL_Interlab_Fi4.2.png"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/1/12/EPFL_Interlab_Fi4.2.png" alt="" width="75%"></a>
                  <a href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/1/12/EPFL_Interlab_Fi4.2.png"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/1/12/EPFL_Interlab_Fi4.2.png" alt="" width="75%"></a>
                  <figcaption><b>Fig.4</b> - Median of fluorescence of three biological replicates of pSB1C3 with J23106+I13504. Error bars of a 92% confidence interval were added. They can not be seen however because they are too small compared to the fluorescence gap between samples, indicating a strong difference between them.  </figcaption>
                  <figcaption><b>Fig.4</b> - Median of fluorescence of technical replicates of the second colony of the J23106 containing construct. Bars represent a confidence interval at the level of 0.8% and state clearly the significant difference between the three measurements. Moreover, we observe a clear decrease of fluorescence over time since the three measurements were performed one after the other.  </figcaption>
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        <h1>What did it bring to us?</h1>
        <h1>What did it bring to us?</h1>
        <p>Finally, these results bring us some insight for our project that aims at making cells possess the circuits of a machine. How could this information be integrated in the design of a system like ours? We can imagine for example applying a selection mechanism to organisms, somehow like it has been done in agriculture and for the cattle in man history. To comply with the rigid structure imposed by logic gates, bacteria must work in the most similar way and of course are expected to be the most efficient ones. This final comment underlines what we wanted to prove at the beginning: measuring is equally important as creating. A powerful system is the product of the strong and bilateral interaction between those two concepts.</p>
        <p>The InterLab and IntraLab studies taught us interesting lessons and brought new insights to our project. First, we saw how setting up an experiment requires thorough thinking about multiple parameters. If we had the time, we would have carried out more measurements, to compare how time spent in PBS really impacted on our cells. Secondly, we did not expect colonies with similar DNA contents were to behave so differently. In a project like Bio LOGIC, precision and stability are major features since we want cells to reproduce computer-like transistors. One way of getting around this variation problem would be the selection of clones through many batches of test. In conclusion, those two examples proved the importance of measuring his devices, as said at the beginning. A good system is based on the interaction between design and measurements, constantly improving one another.

Revision as of 18:51, 17 September 2015

EPFL 2015 iGEM bioLogic Logic Orthogonal gRNA Implemented Circuits EPFL 2015 iGEM bioLogic Logic Orthogonal gRNA Implemented Circuits

Interlab study

What are we talking about?

In the field of synthetic biology, characterizing his devices turns out to be as important as conceiving them. This becomes/constitutes a major concern when it comes to iGEM, where thousands of new parts are registered each year. And as a matter of fact the competition launched last year its first edition of the InterLab study. This additional feature of the competition invites each participating team to measure fluorescence of various constructs. Not only does the study provide large data for characterization but it also aims at assessing the variation in the measurements from different labs. How similar are the measurements when using the same bacterial strain, the same protocol or the same instrument? This year, these questions are addressed to teams on the basis of three constructs. Each of them contains the same GFP gene controlled by a different promoter from the

Anderson promoters collection

. The promoters contained in this lot derive from the initial J23119 promoter, in which mutations have been introduced to create the other members of the collection. Their different tightness establishes a fine gradient for protein expression. iGEM had us analyze the fluorescence of J23101, J23106 and J23117, whose relative strength measured by Anderson and the 2006 iGEM Berkeley team are 0.7, 0.47 and 0.06 respectively. We contributed this year by measuring the three in biological triplicates and also fulfilled the extra-credit assignment providing technical triplicates of each colony. We were also able to integrate the results we obtained into our project since it uses the J23117 promoter in one of our reporter plasmids.

Tested constructs


BBa_J23101 + BBa_I13504 in pSB1C3 Sequencing can be found here


BBa_J23101 + BBa_I13504 in pSB1C3 Sequencing can be found here


BBa_J23101 + BBa_I13504 in pSB1C3
Sequencing can be found here

How did we achieve this?

The construction of the three devices was achieved using the BioBrick cloning system. Plasmids pSB1C3 containing promoters J23101, J23106 or J23117 were opened using SpeI and PstI enzymes while plasmid pSB1A2 containing I13504 was digested with XbaI and PstI. pSB1C3-J23101, pSB1C3-J23106 and pSB1C3-J23117 were dephosphorylated with antarctic phosphatase in order to prevent their self-ligation. I13504 was finally ligated with each of the open promoter-containing pSB1C3 plasmids using T4 ligase. Constructs were run on a 1.2% agarose gel, purified and transformed in DH5alpha high-efficient bacteria to be finally plated on chloramphenicol LB agar plates. Three colonies per plate were cultured overnight as biological replicates in 5mL LB medium with chloramphenicol in test tubes. Cultures were spun down and pellets resuspended in 1mL PBS. Samples were measured by Accuri c6 Flow-Cytometer (BD) and data were acquired three times, one after the other. They were displayed in arbitrary units. More information is available in our InterLab Protocol, InterLab Worksheet and in our Protocol section.

What did we get?

Fluorescence of constructs was given in arbitrary units by taking the mean of the three measurements of the biological triplicates. Figure 1 shows these results, where the error bars is the standard deviation calculated across replicates. We estimated the promoters to be different from each other and formally assessed this statement by calculating the p-values. They were all less than 10-5 thus proving our assumption. However, it was more relevant to express fluorescence in ratios, thus getting rid of the arbitrary units. We plotted them along with those calculated by Christopher Anderson (Figure 2) and were surprised by the huge discrepancy between the two measurements. J23101/J23106 ratios are close to each other (1.67 fold) but the J23101/J23117 and J23106/J23117 ratios we obtained are much higher than Anderson’s (27 and 16 fold respectively). This first glimpse into inter-laboratory variation is very instructive and shows how challenging reproduce exact measurements can be tough. The gap between ratios involving J23117 and its strong tightness suggest that low fluorescence is harder to calculate and triggers more variation. It is possible that Anderson used a plate reader or another instrument, which could explain this deviation. This can also be the cause of the use of other chassis or protocols. Unfortunately, we were not able to find any further reference about his work. We are then curious to see what results will the other teams provide to confirm our hypothesis.

Fig.1 - Mean of fluorescence expression of K12 DH5alpha E.Coli with three constructs: pSB1C3 with J23101+I13504, pSB1C3 with J23106+I13504, pSB1C3 with J23117+I13504. Error bars represent the standard deviation across replicates. Results are given in arbitrary units.
Fig.2 - Fluorescence ratios between the three constructs containing the three different promoters from the Anderson collection: J23101, J23106 and J23117. In blue are the ratios obtained by the our team (EPFL 2015), measured with a Flow-Cyotemeter, and in yellow are those obtained by Christopher Anderson and the 2006 Berkeley team. While J23101/J23106 ratio is rather conserved between the two measurements, J23101/J23117 and J23106/J23117 ratios are dramatically different. This is probably due to the presence of J23117 that is a weak promoter and making precise measurement harder to perform.

IntraLab Study

While waiting for those to come out at the Giant Jamboree, we continued to investigate fluorescence variation among our own measurements, carrying out what we called an IntraLab Study. Along with the name, this also implied slightly changing the focus. Instead of different strains, we were interested in comparing different colonies (biological replicates) and in analyzing the variability in measurements from one instrument rather than between instruments.

Each Flow-cytometer measurement computed the fluorescence of 100’000 individuals. Based on this high number and on the shape of the distribution histograms, we assumed the fluorescence to be normally distributed. Doing so, we also approximated the mean by the median. We first performed z tests on technical replicates and biological replicates in order to see any significant difference between them. We used a confidence level of 0.8% instead of 2.5% on the basis of the Bonferonni correction principle. We noticed that p-values for biological replicates were all less than 10-5 assessing the strong difference between them. Fluorescence varied in fact from 20% to 30% among the colonies, constituting an important disparity (Figure 3). This tells us that regardless of the strain, colonies from a same transformation can behave very differently. The major reason is certainly how well the plasmid integration occurred in each of them. As it is high-copy, there are also many distribution possibilities for the number of plasmids in each cell.

Fig.3 - Mean fluorescence of three biological replicates of the construct containing J23101 promoter. The mean was calculated across the three measurement and error bars display the associated standard deviation. We notice first colony is 30% smaller than the third.

We then looked at the variation among technical replicates. This time, we obtained 75% of p-values under 0.08. We were puzzled by this result and even if the variation was only 1% between fluorescence values, we decided to run a more robust Fisher test on our data. On a level of 0.05, p-values for J23101, J23106 and J23117 measurements were 0.065, 0.125 and 0.024 respectively. While the two first indicate no significant difference between measurements, the last suggests it is not the case for J23117. This promoter has a weak fluorescence, which might imply less accurate measurements. Nevertheless, we found those results odd, so we decided to plot measurements next to each other (e.g. Figure 4). We discovered that measurements had a tendency to decrease over time in 80% of measured colonies of each promoter. It is unlikely that the instrument systematically caused a reduction in fluorescence. Rather it was due to a third factor, probably biological or physical. We immediately thought the PBS medium could have affected E.Coli metabolism triggering a loss of GFP expression. But as the variation is only 1% despite this disruptive factor, we can firmly assume the accuracy of the measurements.

Fig.4 - Median of fluorescence of technical replicates of the second colony of the J23106 containing construct. Bars represent a confidence interval at the level of 0.8% and state clearly the significant difference between the three measurements. Moreover, we observe a clear decrease of fluorescence over time since the three measurements were performed one after the other.

What did it bring to us?

The InterLab and IntraLab studies taught us interesting lessons and brought new insights to our project. First, we saw how setting up an experiment requires thorough thinking about multiple parameters. If we had the time, we would have carried out more measurements, to compare how time spent in PBS really impacted on our cells. Secondly, we did not expect colonies with similar DNA contents were to behave so differently. In a project like Bio LOGIC, precision and stability are major features since we want cells to reproduce computer-like transistors. One way of getting around this variation problem would be the selection of clones through many batches of test. In conclusion, those two examples proved the importance of measuring his devices, as said at the beginning. A good system is based on the interaction between design and measurements, constantly improving one another.

EPFL 2015 iGEM bioLogic Logic Orthogonal gRNA Implemented Circuits