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<center><h2> Intellectual Property Law in the Age of Synthetic Biology </h2></center>
On <b>Friday, October 23, 2015</b> the Tufts Synthetic Biology team will be hosting a conference, Intellectual Property Law in the Age of Synthetic Biology: A Discussion on CRISPR/Cas9, with funding from Synenergene. We were inspired to hold a conference on this topic because of the <a href = "">current lawsuit between Dr. Jennifer Doudna and The Broad Institute of MIT</a> over the patent rights to the CRISPR/Cas9 system. The conference will bring experts from a wide variety of fields including academia, law, policy, and business to have a public conversation with students and the general community on the implications of intellectual property law in the realm of synthetic biology.
<center><i>Whoever invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, <br>or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, <br>may obtain a patent. </i>—US Law</center>
<p>The goal of the conference is to provide an opportunity for students to hear expert advice on the future of patent law related to synthetic biology. Attendees will learn about intellectual property issues they could face in the near future with regards to their own research, as well as hear opinions on current lawsuits related to this topic. The conference consists of two main components: speaker presentations and a discussion panel. Following the speakers’ individual presentations on their area of expertise, we will ask them a series of guided questions, which aim to delve deeper into the multi-faceted issues surrounding intellectual property law. We will then transition the discussion into an open forum, in which attendees can ask their own questions regarding their concerns. </p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;As we developed our 2015 iGEM project -- delivery of the CRISPR-Cas9 system via a bacterial toxin -- we came across a legal battle between Dr. Jennifer Doudna and Dr. Feng Zhang, of The Broad Institute of MIT, fighting for the intellectual property rights for the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-Cas9 system. CRISPR and the associated Cas9 protein comprise a bacterial immune system engineered as a genome-editing platform. As our interest in the lawsuit developed, we became aware of the ethical and legal issues arising from rapid development of novel biotechnologies. By studying the current patenting issues over the general CRISPR/Cas9 lawsuit and general IP issues faced in the technological developments, we isolated some of the major patenting issues we could potentially face: the first being patent processing issues concerning competing patent claims and documentation of evidence, the second being ethical issues regarding DNA patents and claims for technology to be open source.
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;We used the Doudna v. The Broad Institute of MIT, suit as case study to identify the benefits of the privatization of biological elements. Claims for ownership of the CRISPR-Cas9 genome-editing system date back to 2012, when Dr. Jennifer Doudna (UC Berkeley) and Dr. Emmanuelle Charpentier (University of Vienna) published a paper in Science showing that CRISPR-Cas systems (a driving force in bacterial adaptive immunity) could be programmed for genome editing. In 2013, Dr. Feng Zhang (Broad Institute of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University) published a paper showing that the CRISPR-Cas9 system could be used to edit DNA in eukaryotic cells. One year later, the Broad Institute was granted a patent over the CRISPR-Cas9 system, listing Zhang as the inventor of the technology. Doudna is suing over the patent rights of CRISPR, claiming that she was the first to invent the technology as well the first to file for a patent over the CRISPR-Cas9 system – seven months before Zhang [1]. Winning this lawsuit and the patent right to CRISPR-Cas9 has immense implications; the patent is essentially worth billions of dollars, seeing as CRISPR-Cas9 is a breakthrough technology potential for successful gene therapy. Furthermore, the owner of the patent will be credited as the inventor of this novel technology, and will be able to control the usage of the technology by other scientists. </p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;The Doudna/Zhang lawsuit over patent rights juxtaposes the values of the iGEM foundation because of the foundation’s emphasis on open biology. The foundation encourages collaboration between teams and is committed to fostering a global and open research community. Although iGEM teams compete at the Jamboree each year, open biology allows teams to build off of one another’s projects, encouraging students to contribute their unique perspectives in order to develop projects even further year after year. This competition is, in many ways, an experiment to test the waters of open biology. </p>
<center><h2> Intellectual Property Law in the Age of Synthetic Biology</h2></center>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;The field of synthetic biology has grown at an exponential rate compared to many other STEM fields, partially because of the pace at which students are encouraged to produce biobricks and share them publically. Teams have developed useful technologies such as a spoiled meat detector that could benefit the food industry, while foregoing the potential profit as well as potential lawsuits should the product fail. This could lead to a system that exists as a zero-sum game with no risk and no reward. CRISPR-Cas9 is a breakthrough idea in science and would allow synthetic biology to progress at an incredibly fast pace. Academics can build off one another’s achievements without a need to engage in legal battles, while allowing scientists to turn their findings into affordable tools for everyday use.  </p>
Location – 51 Winthrop Street, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155<br>
Date – Friday, October 23rd, 2015<br>
Schedule - <br></p>
(8:00 – 8:30 AM) &nbsp; &nbsp;  Set-Up<br>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;While this experiment is a great success for synthetic biology, it is unclear whether the model will function among professionals. Without privatization, scientists cannot claim ownership of their work -- or profit from it -- which could stifle innovation. The scientific “free market” would be passive; and a decline in novel technologies would follow decreasing the benefits to the general public. The lack of risk could also serve as a benefit if there is no risk of liability or of being sued. </p>
(8:45 – 9:00 AM) &nbsp; &nbsp;   Speakers Arrival and Registration - Breakfast provided.<br>
(9:00 – 9:15 AM) &nbsp; &nbsp;  Public Arrival and Registration - Refreshments provided<br>
(9:15 – 9:30 AM)  &nbsp; &nbsp;  Tufts Synthetic Biology Welcome and Introduction<br>
(9:30 - 11:00 PM) &nbsp; &nbsp;  Speaker Presentations<br>
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; David Taylor<br>
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Colm Lawler<br>
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Martha Bair Steinbock<br>
(11:00 – 12:00 PM) &nbsp;  Lunch<br>
(12:00 – 1:00 PM) &nbsp; &nbsp; Keynote Speaker Presentation – Thomas Krause<br>
(1:00 - 2:00 PM) &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Discussion Panel followed by Open Forum<br>
(2:00 2:30 PM) &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Closing Ceremony<br>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;Lawsuits have historically been a pressing issue for small biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. Over the past decade there has been an increasing number of “patent trolls”; companies which patent ideas for the sole purpose of suing other corporations for infringing on their intellectual property. To curb the number of patent trolls, Congress passed the America Innovates Act in 2012 creating the inter partes review (IPR). IPR simplifies the court system so that if a patent troll were to sue a company, a judge would look over the case and determine if the suit is just a patent troll being frivolous, or if there is a legitimate case to be heard. The case is then settled in a quick, timely manner which is cost effective for the company being sued. The IPR system, however, has benefited some industries more than it has benefitted others. High technology companies have hundreds or thousands of patents, so if a patent troll sues them they still have many other patents they can depend on for revenue. biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies on the other hand, often invest millions of dollars into a single drug, rendering themselves more vulnerable to a lawsuits. Even though IPR reform was poised to help both industries, hedge funds have found a loophole to manipulate the system. Hedge funds sue biotech or pharma companies (whose profits depend on few patents), buy their stock after the price drops with the lawsuit --  lowering the company’s ability to make a profit -- and then dropping the suit: short selling the stock. </p>
<h4>Sample Guided Questions</h4>
Should the government be able to grant patents over biological materials, such as specific genes or bioengineered systems?<br>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;Patent issues do not always negatively impact biotechnology companies. In the Supreme Court case, Bowman v. Monsanto Co: Monsanto, a large chemical and agribusiness, sued Vernon Bowman, a farmer in Indiana, on the grounds that patented seeds cannot be saved and planted in the next growing season without permission of the patent owner. The Supreme Court sided with Monsanto, holding that farmers must buy new seeds each year to avoid patent infringement [2]. The greater implication of the case is that it established a standard that it is legal to hold a patent over living organisms and their genetic code. This ruling protects the biotechnology industry by ensuring that inventors maintain ownership over their products and their products progeny if initial product can self-replicate, however it raises many ethical concerns:</p>
The iGEM Foundation encourages student researchers to develop biobricks that are open-source and freely available to the scientific community. What is your opinion on this practice? Do you think students should be allowed to obtain patents for their research?<br>
In regard to your area of expertise, do you think it is ethical to edit the human genome using CRISPR/Cas9? How do you foresee the government regulating this practice?<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Can large biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies abuse these patent rights? Monsanto, for example, has filed over 140 patent infringement cases over farmers, including cases in which a farmer’s crop is accidentally contaminated with Monsanto’s seeds [2]. Legal suits have forced private farms and small businesses into using the company’s products -- or worse driving them bankrupt.<br>
<h3>Thomas Krause – Patents and the Government</h3>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Can either Dr. Doudna or Dr. Zhang decide to prevent drugs from coming to market if they use the CRISPR/Cas9 system? If so, they could be denying the public of a greater good because of a contract negotiation with the company that develops the drug. Had Jonas Salk done so in the 1950s, the world would not have had as wide access to the polio vaccine.<br>
<i>United States Patent and Trademark Office, Acting Deputy General Counsel for Intellectual Property Law and Solicitor</I>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; If we switched to a system based on open biology, would scientists in academia, biotech, and pharma industries continue to do groundbreaking work? Research is expensive, requiring numerous grants and external funding. If companies cannot afford to pay their employees for work, how can they expect to attract top notch researchers and continue developing drugs?<br><br>
<p>Thomas Krause is the General Counsel for the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). An expert in his field, Mr. Krause has 13 years of experience defending patent cases before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and the U.S. Supreme Court. His work has also seen him assist the Solicitor General’s office in U.S Supreme Court cases involving copyrights and patents. Mr. Krause also teaches  classes in Intellectual Property Appellate Advocacy and Intellectual Property Rights in Computer Software as an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University Law Center.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;We have concluded that a mixture of open and private biology is the best option for the field of synthetic biology. The courts need to establish a legal distinction between engineering biological systems to perform new functions, and discovering the functionality of an existing element. Manipulating systems to carry out novel functions still requires the discovery of new materials, but in order to encourage the brightest minds to science, there needs to be an incentive for new researchers to join the field. Companies that alter the genome of an organism have the right to that intellectual property; however, we begin going down a slippery slope when we allow naturally occurring genes to be patented -- as a company may want to patent the human genome. We must also establish recourse for companies that invest millions into drugs in order to prevent them from being “falsely sued.” We hope to discuss many of these issues and generate potential solutions at our conference: <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:Tufts/conference"> Intellectual Property in the Age of Synthetic Biology.</a></p>
<h3>David Taylor – CRISPR/Cas9 Research</h3>
<i>Howard Hughes Medical Institute and University of California, Berkeley, California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences, Postdoctoral Associate, Doudna Lab</i>
[1] Regalado, Antonio. “Who Owns the Biggest Biotech Discovery of the Century?” MIT Technology Review. N.p., 04 December 2014. Web. 09 August 2015. <br>
<p>David Taylor is a postdoctoral researcher in the lab of Dr. Jennifer Doudna. He is currently researching cascade surveillance complexes, Cas9 RNA-guided endonucleases, and RNA-targeting type III CRISPR-Cas complexes. He graduated summa cum laude from Syracuse University with a B.S. in Biochemistry in 2008. Dr. Taylor received a M.Phil. and Ph.D. in  Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry from Yale University in 2010 and 2013 respectively, where he pursued research on the structural basis for RNA processing by human Dicer. </p>
[2] Pollack, Andrew. “Farmer’s Supreme Court Challenge Puts Monsanto Patents at Risk.” The New York Times. N.p., 15 February 2013. Web. 10 August 2015. </i>
<h3>Colm Lawler – Technology Transfer and Licensing</h3>
<i>Tufts University Technology Transfer & Industry Collaboration, Associate Director</i>
<p>Colm Lawler works with the Tufts University Technology Transfer and Industry Collaboration, primarily focusing his expertise to aid some of Tufts University's’ largest research hubs - Tufts Medical Center, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, and the Humans Nutrition Research Center on Aging. As an Associate Director, Mr. Lawler plays a huge role in managing the intellectual property assets and licensing of technologies. Mr. Lawler is specifically skilled in dealing with patent issues regarding start-up company formation in the different life science fields. </p>
<h3>Martha Bair Steinbock – Technology Transfer and Licensing</h3>
<i>Tufts University Technology Transfer & Industry Collaboration, Associate Director</i>
<p>Martha Bair Steinbock is the Technology Transfer Coordinator for the Pacific West Area of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Research Service (ARS). Her responsibilities include developing research partnerships with industry and negotiating licenses for ARS technologies. Prior to joining ARS, Ms. Steinbock worked in Washington, DC as an International Affairs Specialist for the USDA Office of Agricultural Biotechnology where she helped in the development of USDA biotechnology policies on such issues as international intellectual property agreements, and biosafety guidelines. Prior to joining to USDA, Ms. Steinbock worked for the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations in Rome, Italy. She received a M.A. from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies and a B.A. from Portland State University. </p>
<h3>Dr. Robin Pierce – Regulation and Policy, Translational Medicine</h3>
<i>Senior Law and Ethics Associate, Petrie-Flom Center, Harvard Law School</i>
<p>Dr. Robin Pierce is Senior Law and Ethics Associate on Petrie-Flom’s collaboration with Harvard Catalyst. She obtained her PhD from Harvard University where she addressed policy, legal, and ethical aspect of integration of genetic technology into the healthcare system. Dr. Pierce is affiliated with several European institutions, including the Rathenau Instituut of the Netherlands. Dr. Pierce is a frequent international speaker on the policy, ethics, and legality of advancing biotechnology and translational medicine.</p>
<h3>Robert Citorik – Bacteriophage Research</h3>
<i>Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Microbiology PhD Candidate, Lu Lab, MIT Synthetic Biology Center</i>
<p>Robert Citorik is a PhD Candidate in the lab of Professor Timothy Lu in the Microbiology Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He graduated with a B.S. in Microbiology from the University of New Hampshire where he explored toxin production in EHEC. Mr. Citorik continued in the field of pathogenic bacteria as a research assistant in the Infectious Disease department at Massachusetts General Hospital exploring the virulence factors in Salmonella and Vibrio cholerae. His current research focuses on the interface of synthetic biology and infectious diseases, specifically involving antibiotic resistance and enteric pathogens.</p>
<h3>Dr. Sebastien Lemire – Bacteriophage Research</h3>
<i>Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Synthetic Biology Center</i>
<p>Dr. Sebatien Lemire is a post-doctoral fellow in the lab of Professor Timothy Lu in the Research Laboratory of Electronics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He obtained his PhD in Microbiology and Bacterial Physiology from the University of Paris IX Orsay pursuing the genetic regulation of Salmonella prophages and their role in the spread of virulence factors. He then moved to Osaka to study an uncommon anti-T4 mechanism and its influence on the evolution of the T-even superfamily of phages. Mr. Lemire spent the last three years in Denmark where he got in touch with synthetic biology through mentoring two iGEM teams. His current research bring together his diverse
background in an effort to combat bacterial pathogens through the use of engineered phages.</p>

Latest revision as of 21:03, 18 September 2015

Whoever invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture,
or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof,
may obtain a patent.
—US Law

  As we developed our 2015 iGEM project -- delivery of the CRISPR-Cas9 system via a bacterial toxin -- we came across a legal battle between Dr. Jennifer Doudna and Dr. Feng Zhang, of The Broad Institute of MIT, fighting for the intellectual property rights for the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-Cas9 system. CRISPR and the associated Cas9 protein comprise a bacterial immune system engineered as a genome-editing platform. As our interest in the lawsuit developed, we became aware of the ethical and legal issues arising from rapid development of novel biotechnologies. By studying the current patenting issues over the general CRISPR/Cas9 lawsuit and general IP issues faced in the technological developments, we isolated some of the major patenting issues we could potentially face: the first being patent processing issues concerning competing patent claims and documentation of evidence, the second being ethical issues regarding DNA patents and claims for technology to be open source.

  We used the Doudna v. The Broad Institute of MIT, suit as case study to identify the benefits of the privatization of biological elements. Claims for ownership of the CRISPR-Cas9 genome-editing system date back to 2012, when Dr. Jennifer Doudna (UC Berkeley) and Dr. Emmanuelle Charpentier (University of Vienna) published a paper in Science showing that CRISPR-Cas systems (a driving force in bacterial adaptive immunity) could be programmed for genome editing. In 2013, Dr. Feng Zhang (Broad Institute of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University) published a paper showing that the CRISPR-Cas9 system could be used to edit DNA in eukaryotic cells. One year later, the Broad Institute was granted a patent over the CRISPR-Cas9 system, listing Zhang as the inventor of the technology. Doudna is suing over the patent rights of CRISPR, claiming that she was the first to invent the technology as well the first to file for a patent over the CRISPR-Cas9 system – seven months before Zhang [1]. Winning this lawsuit and the patent right to CRISPR-Cas9 has immense implications; the patent is essentially worth billions of dollars, seeing as CRISPR-Cas9 is a breakthrough technology potential for successful gene therapy. Furthermore, the owner of the patent will be credited as the inventor of this novel technology, and will be able to control the usage of the technology by other scientists.

  The Doudna/Zhang lawsuit over patent rights juxtaposes the values of the iGEM foundation because of the foundation’s emphasis on open biology. The foundation encourages collaboration between teams and is committed to fostering a global and open research community. Although iGEM teams compete at the Jamboree each year, open biology allows teams to build off of one another’s projects, encouraging students to contribute their unique perspectives in order to develop projects even further year after year. This competition is, in many ways, an experiment to test the waters of open biology.

  The field of synthetic biology has grown at an exponential rate compared to many other STEM fields, partially because of the pace at which students are encouraged to produce biobricks and share them publically. Teams have developed useful technologies such as a spoiled meat detector that could benefit the food industry, while foregoing the potential profit as well as potential lawsuits should the product fail. This could lead to a system that exists as a zero-sum game with no risk and no reward. CRISPR-Cas9 is a breakthrough idea in science and would allow synthetic biology to progress at an incredibly fast pace. Academics can build off one another’s achievements without a need to engage in legal battles, while allowing scientists to turn their findings into affordable tools for everyday use.

  While this experiment is a great success for synthetic biology, it is unclear whether the model will function among professionals. Without privatization, scientists cannot claim ownership of their work -- or profit from it -- which could stifle innovation. The scientific “free market” would be passive; and a decline in novel technologies would follow – decreasing the benefits to the general public. The lack of risk could also serve as a benefit if there is no risk of liability or of being sued.

  Lawsuits have historically been a pressing issue for small biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. Over the past decade there has been an increasing number of “patent trolls”; companies which patent ideas for the sole purpose of suing other corporations for infringing on their intellectual property. To curb the number of patent trolls, Congress passed the America Innovates Act in 2012 creating the inter partes review (IPR). IPR simplifies the court system so that if a patent troll were to sue a company, a judge would look over the case and determine if the suit is just a patent troll being frivolous, or if there is a legitimate case to be heard. The case is then settled in a quick, timely manner which is cost effective for the company being sued. The IPR system, however, has benefited some industries more than it has benefitted others. High technology companies have hundreds or thousands of patents, so if a patent troll sues them they still have many other patents they can depend on for revenue. biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies on the other hand, often invest millions of dollars into a single drug, rendering themselves more vulnerable to a lawsuits. Even though IPR reform was poised to help both industries, hedge funds have found a loophole to manipulate the system. Hedge funds sue biotech or pharma companies (whose profits depend on few patents), buy their stock after the price drops with the lawsuit -- lowering the company’s ability to make a profit -- and then dropping the suit: short selling the stock.

  Patent issues do not always negatively impact biotechnology companies. In the Supreme Court case, Bowman v. Monsanto Co: Monsanto, a large chemical and agribusiness, sued Vernon Bowman, a farmer in Indiana, on the grounds that patented seeds cannot be saved and planted in the next growing season without permission of the patent owner. The Supreme Court sided with Monsanto, holding that farmers must buy new seeds each year to avoid patent infringement [2]. The greater implication of the case is that it established a standard that it is legal to hold a patent over living organisms and their genetic code. This ruling protects the biotechnology industry by ensuring that inventors maintain ownership over their products and their products progeny if initial product can self-replicate, however it raises many ethical concerns:

        Can large biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies abuse these patent rights? Monsanto, for example, has filed over 140 patent infringement cases over farmers, including cases in which a farmer’s crop is accidentally contaminated with Monsanto’s seeds [2]. Legal suits have forced private farms and small businesses into using the company’s products -- or worse driving them bankrupt.
        Can either Dr. Doudna or Dr. Zhang decide to prevent drugs from coming to market if they use the CRISPR/Cas9 system? If so, they could be denying the public of a greater good because of a contract negotiation with the company that develops the drug. Had Jonas Salk done so in the 1950s, the world would not have had as wide access to the polio vaccine.
        If we switched to a system based on open biology, would scientists in academia, biotech, and pharma industries continue to do groundbreaking work? Research is expensive, requiring numerous grants and external funding. If companies cannot afford to pay their employees for work, how can they expect to attract top notch researchers and continue developing drugs?

  We have concluded that a mixture of open and private biology is the best option for the field of synthetic biology. The courts need to establish a legal distinction between engineering biological systems to perform new functions, and discovering the functionality of an existing element. Manipulating systems to carry out novel functions still requires the discovery of new materials, but in order to encourage the brightest minds to science, there needs to be an incentive for new researchers to join the field. Companies that alter the genome of an organism have the right to that intellectual property; however, we begin going down a slippery slope when we allow naturally occurring genes to be patented -- as a company may want to patent the human genome. We must also establish recourse for companies that invest millions into drugs in order to prevent them from being “falsely sued.” We hope to discuss many of these issues and generate potential solutions at our conference: Intellectual Property in the Age of Synthetic Biology.

[1] Regalado, Antonio. “Who Owns the Biggest Biotech Discovery of the Century?” MIT Technology Review. N.p., 04 December 2014. Web. 09 August 2015.
[2] Pollack, Andrew. “Farmer’s Supreme Court Challenge Puts Monsanto Patents at Risk.” The New York Times. N.p., 15 February 2013. Web. 10 August 2015.