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* Bootstrap v3.1.1 (http://getbootstrap.com)
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* Cover
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* Jasny Bootstrap v3.1.3 (http://jasny.github.io/bootstrap)
* Copyright 2012-2014 Arnold Daniels
* Licensed under Apache-2.0 (https://github.com/jasny/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
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<title>iGEM Berlin 2015 | TU-Berlin</title>
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      Reduce <strong>microplastic</strong> in our <strong>water.</strong> <br />
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    <h1 class="cover-heading green bubble">iGEM BERLIN</h1>
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      Remote-controlled E. coli bacteria?
       That’s the aim of the interdisciplinary iGEM Team Berlin! <br />
       That’s the aim of the interdisciplinary iGEM Team Berlin! <br />
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           <h2><img id="" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2014/f/ff/Team_Berlin_igem_questionmark.png" alt="" class="teaser-icons hidden-xs" />Magnetic E. coli?</h2>
           <h2><img id="" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2014/f/ff/Team_Berlin_igem_questionmark.png" alt="" class="teaser-icons hidden-xs" />Enzymatic Flagellulose</h2>
          The bacteria shall be optimized for the absorption and synthesis of iron in order to
          <img style="max-heigth:150px; max-width:150px;" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/0/06/Team_Berlin_logo.png">
          remote-control them magnetically. Small and efficient E. coli units with various areas
          of use shall be the result.<br><br>These cells are attractive as they offer new solutions in bio therapeutics, bio materials and bio process engineering. Furthermore, we want to use these cells as remote controlled bacteria that can be controlled by a real time computer interface.</p>
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           <h2><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2014/f/ff/Team_Berlin_igem_questionmark.png" alt="" class="teaser-icons hidden-xs" />Project</h2>
           <h2><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2014/f/ff/Team_Berlin_igem_questionmark.png" alt="" class="teaser-icons hidden-xs" />Project</h2>
           <p>In October 2014, a team of Berlin students from a variety of backgrounds are participating
           <p> <strong>This year’s iGEM project of the Berlin team is all about plastic -
          for the first time in the international genetically engineered machines competition.
            to be specific: microplastic and the clearance of our water with the aid of Synthetic Biology.<br/>
          For our project, the iGEM Berlin team has decided to make E. coli bacteria susceptible to
              The idea is to build a modular filter system for wastewater treatment plants which is able to degrade plastic.
          magnetic fields. By knocking out the iron efflux transporter (FieF) and iron uptake
                Bacterial flagella, moleculare hair-like structures, are equipped with a combination of enzymes
          suppressor (FUR), we want to increase the total iron level of the cytosol. By sequestering
              that are able to decompose plastic molecules.</strong></p>
          iron in a ferritin protein, iron crystals are formed and the cell is detoxified. In order
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          to create ferromagnetic of super paramagnetic crystals, we will then use an intensive high
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          through put media optimization to discover the best conditions for the formation of magnetic
          nanoparticles in E. coli. Furthermore, we will work with other metal binding proteins like
          metallothioneins and phytochelatin synthases in order to achieve nanoparticle synthesis in
          E. coli. Once we have discovered the best way to magnetize E. coli bacteria we will build
          and characterize a suitable BioBrick that can be used by any research lab or iGEM team in
          the world in order to remote control the movement of E. coli cells.</p>
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           <h2><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2014/f/ff/Team_Berlin_igem_questionmark.png" alt="" class="teaser-icons hidden-xs" />Team</h2>       
           <p>Our team is made up of 17 undergraduates and postgraduates from a wide range of disciplines as well as our supervisors. The first iGEM Team Berlin 2014 is an assembly of highly motivated students from different universitys.  
           <p><strong>Our team is made up of 12 undergraduates and postgraduates from different disciplines as  
Due to the multidisciplinarity our team is able to find different strategies to solve complex problems in synthetic biology.
well as our supervisors. The iGEM Team Berlin 2015 is an assembly of highly motivated  
Hosted by Prof. Dr. Nediljko Budisa from the TU Berlin, our lab is  
students from different universities. Due to the multidisciplinarity our team is able to find  
          located at the Müller-Breslau-Straße 10, 10623 Berlin. Come by for a visit (Monday 5 pm).</p>
different strategies to solve complex problems in synthetic biology.  
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Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Nediljko Budisa group leader of the Biocatalysis Group at the
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Our lab is located at the Müller-Breslau-Straße 10, 10623 Berlin (Germany).</strong>
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           <h2><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2014/f/ff/Team_Berlin_igem_questionmark.png" alt="" class="teaser-icons hidden-xs" />Safety</h2>
            Our country uses a four-part „Safety Level“ rating system for laboratories. Level 4 is used for the most dangerous organisms.
          <strong>One very positive aspect of our Enzymatic Flagellulose is that it does not consist of any    microorganisms, but of their products or parts. Our modular filter is biocompatible, which means it is environmentally friendly — our product should not affect the environment negatively, nor should it pose a threat to humans since no dangerous compounds are involved.</strong>
            This is equivalent to the WHO system. The Safety Level of our lab is Level 1 (low risk).
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          <strong>SYNENERGENE is a four-years mobilization and mutual learning action plan (MMLAP) supported by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme. The project aims to contribute to Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in synthetic biology by establishing an open dialogue between stakeholders concerning synbio’s potential benefits and risks, and by exploring possibilities for its collaborative shaping on the basis of public participation.</strong>
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<strong>In our Notebook we provide a summary of our labwork and an overview over the used protocols. The daily labwork is summarized in weeks in order to achieve a better overwiev. The protocols are provided in pdf format to be able to download and redo the protocols for further teams.</strong>
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Latest revision as of 21:18, 18 September 2015

iGEM Berlin 2015 | TU-Berlin

Enzymatic Flagellulose


This year’s iGEM project of the Berlin team is all about plastic - to be specific: microplastic and the clearance of our water with the aid of Synthetic Biology.
The idea is to build a modular filter system for wastewater treatment plants which is able to degrade plastic. Bacterial flagella, moleculare hair-like structures, are equipped with a combination of enzymes that are able to decompose plastic molecules.


Our team is made up of 12 undergraduates and postgraduates from different disciplines as well as our supervisors. The iGEM Team Berlin 2015 is an assembly of highly motivated students from different universities. Due to the multidisciplinarity our team is able to find different strategies to solve complex problems in synthetic biology. Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Nediljko Budisa group leader of the Biocatalysis Group at the TU-Berlin. Our lab is located at the Müller-Breslau-Straße 10, 10623 Berlin (Germany).


One very positive aspect of our Enzymatic Flagellulose is that it does not consist of any microorganisms, but of their products or parts. Our modular filter is biocompatible, which means it is environmentally friendly — our product should not affect the environment negatively, nor should it pose a threat to humans since no dangerous compounds are involved.


SYNENERGENE is a four-years mobilization and mutual learning action plan (MMLAP) supported by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme. The project aims to contribute to Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in synthetic biology by establishing an open dialogue between stakeholders concerning synbio’s potential benefits and risks, and by exploring possibilities for its collaborative shaping on the basis of public participation.


In our Notebook we provide a summary of our labwork and an overview over the used protocols. The daily labwork is summarized in weeks in order to achieve a better overwiev. The protocols are provided in pdf format to be able to download and redo the protocols for further teams.