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<h2> Project Description </h2>
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<p>Our team is developing two keratinase-producing E. coli bacteria using the KERA and KERUS genetic sequences found naturally in the Bacillus genera.  The KERA and KERUS sequences will be optimized for expression in E. coli, synthesized into plasmid rings, and ligated into a standard biobrick backbone for submission to the iGem parts registry.  An IPTG-inducible promotor (part BBa_J04500) from the standard registry of parts will then be added to each KER gene to express this protein.  Development and characterization of function is the goal of this year's team.  Long-term goals for this project include keratinase expression protein assay, characterization of optimal conditions for keratinase activity, and kinematics modelling for understanding the rates of protein function in this new biological system. </p>
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<h2> Welcome to iGEM 2015! </h2>
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<li>  <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Requirements">Requirements page </a> </li>
<li> <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Wiki_How-To">Wiki Requirements page</a></li>
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<h4> Editing your wiki </h4>
p, #content {
<p>On this page you can document your project, introduce your team members, document your progress and share your iGEM experience with the rest of the world! </p>
<p> <a href="https://2015.igem.org/wiki/index.php?title=Team:OLS_Canmore_AB_CA&action=edit"> Click here to edit this page! </a></p>
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<h4>Templates </h4>
<p> This year we have created templates for teams to use freely. More information on how to use and edit the templates can be found on the
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/TemplatesforTeams_Code_Documentation">Template Documentation </a> page.</p>
<p>This wiki will be your team’s first interaction with the rest of the world, so here are a few tips to help you get started: </p>
<li>State your accomplishments! Tell people what you have achieved from the start. </li>
<li>Be clear about what you are doing and how you plan to do this.</li>
<li>You have a global audience! Consider the different backgrounds that your users come from.</li>
<li>Make sure information is easy to find; nothing should be more than 3 clicks away.  </li>
<li>Avoid using very small fonts and low contrast colors; information should be easy to read.  </li>
<li>Start documenting your project as early as possible; don’t leave anything to the last minute before the Wiki Freeze. For a complete list of deadlines visit the <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Calendar_of_Events">iGEM 2015 calendar</a> </li>
<li>Have lots of fun! </li>
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<p> You can also view other team wikis for inspiration! Here are some examples:</p>
<li> <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:SDU-Denmark/"> 2014 SDU Denmark </a> </li>
<li> <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Aalto-Helsinki">2014 Aalto-Helsinki</a> </li>
<li> <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:LMU-Munich">2014 LMU-Munich</a> </li>
<li> <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Michigan"> 2014 Michigan</a></li>
<li> <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:ITESM-Guadalajara">2014 ITESM-Guadalajara </a></li>
<li> <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:SCU-China"> 2014 SCU-China </a></li>
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<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:OLS_Canmore_AB_CA"><li>HOME</li></a>
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:OLS_Canmore_AB_CA/Team"><li>TEAM</li></a>
<a href="#"><li>PROJECT
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:OLS_Canmore_AB_CA/Description"><li>Description</li></a>
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:OLS_Canmore_AB_CA/Experiments"><li>Experiments & Protocols</li></a> 
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:OLS_Canmore_AB_CA/Results"><li>Results</li></a> 
                                                        <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:OLS_Canmore_AB_CA/Design"><li>Design</li></a> 
<a href="#"><li>PARTS
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:OLS_Canmore_AB_CA/Parts"><li>Team Parts</li></a>
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:OLS_Canmore_AB_CA/Basic_Part"><li>Basic Parts</li></a> 
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:OLS_Canmore_AB_CA/Composite_Part"><li>Composite Parts</li></a>
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:OLS_Canmore_AB_CA/Notebook"><li>NOTEBOOK</li></a>
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:OLS_Canmore_AB_CA/Attributions"><li>ATTRIBUTIONS</li></a>
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:OLS_Canmore_AB_CA/Collaborations"><li>COLLABORATIONS</li></a>
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:OLS_Canmore_AB_CA/Practices"><li>HUMAN PRACTICES</li></a>
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:OLS_Canmore_AB_CA/Safety"><li>SAFETY</li></a>
                                        <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:OLS_Canmore_AB_CA/Faith"><li>FAITH</li></a>
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                                <h2><center><b>The BreaKERs</b></center></h2>
<table width="792" border="0" cellpadding="0">
      <td height="168"><p>We are the &quot;Our Lady of The Snows Catholic Academy - OLS&quot; team from Canmore, Alberta, Canada. Our project aims to break down hair in wastewater treatment facilities, and to break down feather waste in the poultry industry. </p>
      <p>Our plan is to genetically engineer <i>E.coli</i> K12 to express Keratinase&mdash;an enzyme that breaks down the protein keratin, found in feathers and hair.  We will use the KeratinaseA (KERA) and KeratinaseUS (KERUS) genetic sequences found naturally in the <i>Bacillus</i> genera.  The KERA and KERUS sequences will be optimized for expression in <i>E.coli</i>, synthesized into plasmid rings, and ligated into a standard biobrick backbone for submission to the iGEM parts registry.  It is from 'Keratinase' and 'keratin break-down' that we chose our name, The BreaKERs, and our motto, that we are KER-ate chopping the keratin waste.</p></td>
      <td height="322" align="center">      <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/d/d5/OLShome_picture5.png" width="428" height="296" align="middle"/></td>
      <td height="283"><p>After much brainstorming (above), we chose our project topic because our small community is struggling to deal with hair build-up in our wastewater treatment facilities.  These build-ups have caused equipment failure, clogs, and increased maintenance costs for our town.  We researched and found that the only current strategy being applied to these blockages is to manually remove the accumulated hair. We thought there must be a better way, using synthetic biology, to solve this problem.
Through our research we also found that keratin waste is a huge issue in the poultry processing industry, as feathers are also made up of the protein keratin.  Billions of tonnes of feather wastes build-up, with limited options for disposal.  Currently, feathers are often being disposed of in environmentally harmful ways. One method is incineration, which leads to the release of many pollutants, foul odours, and harmful runoff contaminating livestock and plants in the surrounding area.  Burying the waste is another common disposal method, which leads to harmful leachates.  As keratin is protein-rich, there is an option of turning keratin waste into products such as animal feed or fertilizer; however this process is extremely extensive, expensive and time consuming, often producing products of low quality.<br>
Our project this year will provide an inexpensive and efficient method to more completely break down the keratin proteins in both hair and feathers, providing a step towards solving the issue of keratin waste treatment.</p></td>
      <td align="center"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/c/c9/OLShome_picture1.jpeg" width="750" height="500"/></td>
<p font-color:"#fff"><center>Contact us at <strong>alinaarvisais@isidore.redeemer.ab.ca</strong> or <strong>taliadixon@isidore.redeemer.ab.ca</strong>, or even send a message to our facebook page: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/OLeSsence">https://www.facebook.com/OLeSsence</a></center><p>

Latest revision as of 19:39, 30 October 2015

The BreaKERs

We are the "Our Lady of The Snows Catholic Academy - OLS" team from Canmore, Alberta, Canada. Our project aims to break down hair in wastewater treatment facilities, and to break down feather waste in the poultry industry.

Our plan is to genetically engineer E.coli K12 to express Keratinase—an enzyme that breaks down the protein keratin, found in feathers and hair. We will use the KeratinaseA (KERA) and KeratinaseUS (KERUS) genetic sequences found naturally in the Bacillus genera. The KERA and KERUS sequences will be optimized for expression in E.coli, synthesized into plasmid rings, and ligated into a standard biobrick backbone for submission to the iGEM parts registry. It is from 'Keratinase' and 'keratin break-down' that we chose our name, The BreaKERs, and our motto, that we are KER-ate chopping the keratin waste.

After much brainstorming (above), we chose our project topic because our small community is struggling to deal with hair build-up in our wastewater treatment facilities. These build-ups have caused equipment failure, clogs, and increased maintenance costs for our town. We researched and found that the only current strategy being applied to these blockages is to manually remove the accumulated hair. We thought there must be a better way, using synthetic biology, to solve this problem. Through our research we also found that keratin waste is a huge issue in the poultry processing industry, as feathers are also made up of the protein keratin. Billions of tonnes of feather wastes build-up, with limited options for disposal. Currently, feathers are often being disposed of in environmentally harmful ways. One method is incineration, which leads to the release of many pollutants, foul odours, and harmful runoff contaminating livestock and plants in the surrounding area. Burying the waste is another common disposal method, which leads to harmful leachates. As keratin is protein-rich, there is an option of turning keratin waste into products such as animal feed or fertilizer; however this process is extremely extensive, expensive and time consuming, often producing products of low quality.

Our project this year will provide an inexpensive and efficient method to more completely break down the keratin proteins in both hair and feathers, providing a step towards solving the issue of keratin waste treatment.

Contact us at alinaarvisais@isidore.redeemer.ab.ca or taliadixon@isidore.redeemer.ab.ca, or even send a message to our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/OLeSsence