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A report released by the United States Government Accountability Office revealed that of the 80,000 chemicals in commercial use today, only a few are tested and even fewer are restricted. Triclosan, an antimicrobial agent added to a range of consumer product, is one of these 80,000 chemicals that has undergone scrutiny in recent years due to its environmental and human health consequences. This summer we investigated how we might leverage biotechnology to raise awareness and accountability around triclosan use specifically, and around responsible chemical use at large. After exploring our problem space we realized that any device we built for the detection of triclosan would be but one node in a complex web of social, political and industrial interactions. We thought carefully about where this tool would be most effective and what additional resources would be needed to complement it. After identifying public awareness as an effective catalyst for change, we chose high school students as a potential audience and a lesson plan as a viable medium of delivery. Our project consists of three components: a triclosan biosensor, a hands-on lesson plan, and an antimicrobial footprint app that together are an integrated solution to help promote more responsible chemical use. <br>
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<h3>Title Stuff</h3>
We are developing a biosensor for triclosan, an antimicrobial agent whose use has environmental and human health implications. Triclosan inhibits enoyl acp reductase (Fabi). By measuring the rate at which triclosan inhibits Fabi, we can make a standard curve of percent inhibition vs triclosan, and use this standard curve to determine how much triclosan is present in a wastewater sample. We are investigating the activity of the Fabi enzyme from 8 different organisms on a panel of non-native substrates to determine the combination of Fabi and substrate that will yield the best results at the lowest cost. We can then engineer the enzyme to have greater specificity on the non-native substrate through computational design and kunkel mutagenesis. By coupling our biosensor with civic engagement measures, our goal is to raise awareness and accountability around environmental concerns and to empower citizens to participate in decisions being made about chemical use.
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<b>Sources:</b> Stephenson, John B. "Options Exist to Improve EPA’s Ability to Assess Health Risks and Manage Its Chemical Review Program." GAO, June 2005. Web.</font>
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Latest revision as of 15:43, 21 December 2015