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<p>The set of P & P activities represents all dimensions reached by project developed by iGEM teams. Brasil-UFSCar team held a series of activities that explored different aspects that bug-shoo reached in society. Since dengue affects all social classes and the solution lies in solving social, political and educational problems, our main motivation was to address the diversity that characterizes our society and the various problems related to dengue. So we developed activities with children from a poor community and we had the opportunity to know the reality of public service in our city Hall. We also deepened in educational subject, promoting interactions between academic community and basic education, discussing the role of the University in social demands. We knew administrative sectors of UFSCar and created ways to raise money. We debated with other Brazilian teams. We also prepared a law project which provides for the free distribution of less toxic repellents without DEET. Finally, we reflected on aspects of our project that may be relevant to other teams, and how our experience can contribute to the formation of new iGEM teams. We hope our experiences can contribute to the consolidation of synthetic biology in Brazil. </p>
<p>The set of P & P activities represents all dimensions reached by project developed by iGEM teams. Brasil-UFSCar team held a series of activities that explored different aspects that bug-shoo reached in society. Since dengue affects all social classes and the solution lies in solving social, political and educational problems, our main motivation was to address the diversity that characterizes our society and the various problems related to dengue. So we developed activities with children from a poor community and we had the opportunity to know the reality of public service in our city Hall. We also deepened in educational subject, promoting interactions between academic community and basic education, discussing the role of the University in social demands. We knew administrative sectors of UFSCar and created ways to raise money. We debated with other Brazilian teams. We also prepared a law project which provides for the free distribution of less toxic repellents without DEET. Finally, we reflected on aspects of our project that may be relevant to other teams, and how our experience can contribute to the formation of new iGEM teams. We hope our experiences can contribute to the consolidation of synthetic biology in Brazil. </p>
<p>Our main P&P points:<p>
<p>Our main P&P points:<br>
<p>1. Dissemination of how scientists from the Universities can contribute in solving society's problems </p>
<p>1. Dissemination of how scientists from the Universities can contribute in solving society's problems <br>
<p>2. Awaken scientific interest in young people </p>
<p>2. Awaken scientific interest in young people </p>
<p>3. Dissemination of Synthetic Biology to different target audience </p>
<p>3. Dissemination of Synthetic Biology to different target audience </p>
<p>4. Dissemination of our project </p>
<p>4. Dissemination of our project </p>
<p>5. Debate of our project with experts from different fields of knowledge </p>
<p>5. Debate of our project with experts from different fields of knowledge </p>

Revision as of 21:46, 6 September 2015

Policy & Practices

UFSCar-Brasil Team impacting society


The set of P & P activities represents all dimensions reached by project developed by iGEM teams. Brasil-UFSCar team held a series of activities that explored different aspects that bug-shoo reached in society. Since dengue affects all social classes and the solution lies in solving social, political and educational problems, our main motivation was to address the diversity that characterizes our society and the various problems related to dengue. So we developed activities with children from a poor community and we had the opportunity to know the reality of public service in our city Hall. We also deepened in educational subject, promoting interactions between academic community and basic education, discussing the role of the University in social demands. We knew administrative sectors of UFSCar and created ways to raise money. We debated with other Brazilian teams. We also prepared a law project which provides for the free distribution of less toxic repellents without DEET. Finally, we reflected on aspects of our project that may be relevant to other teams, and how our experience can contribute to the formation of new iGEM teams. We hope our experiences can contribute to the consolidation of synthetic biology in Brazil.

Our main P&P points:

1. Dissemination of how scientists from the Universities can contribute in solving society's problems

2. Awaken scientific interest in young people

3. Dissemination of Synthetic Biology to different target audience

4. Dissemination of our project

5. Debate of our project with experts from different fields of knowledge


Nosso time apresentou como principal objetivo a elaboração de uma Proposta de Lei aos políticos de São Carlos. Nossa ideia foi elaborar um projeto que atente sobre a distribuição de repelentes não à base de DEET e além disso, que auxilie na conscientização sobre os métodos preventivos contra a dengue. Procuramos também verificar na legislação brasileira, quais os princípios que facilitam a importação de materiais biológicos e que dessa forma contribua para a chegada mais rápida dos BioBricks ao Brasil. Por fim, realizamos um debate com profissionais de diferentes áreas, que nos auxiliaram na discussão dos diferentes aspectos que nosso projeto pode alcançar. Read more


A atividade no bairro São Carlos VIII procurou conscientizar crianças e a população local sobre a problemática do lixo e sua relação com a dengue. Dessa forma, o Time procurou abordar os principais aspectos da doença, suas consequências e formas de prevenção comuns e alternativas. O Time organizou uma peça teatral “As bactérias superpoderosas contra a dengue”, procurando utilizar a temática da doença e o papel da ciência em solucionar problemas. Read more


Durante vários momentos o Time procurou inserir a biologia sintética e suas aplicações aos diferentes níveis educacionais. Organizamos um Ciclo de Seminários no curso de Biotecnologia da Universidade, participamos de oficinas e apresentações em congressos além de tentar levar a biologia sintética para escolas de ensino médio. Read more


O Time quis assegurar que o limoneno era realmente um composto de baixa toxicidade em relação ao DEET. Para tanto conduzimos um experimento simples utilizando feijões que receberam diferentes tratamentos. Read more.


Os problemas com a entrega dos BioBricks e as possíveis soluções que facilitariam esse procedimento. Veja como nossa equipe superou esse problema. Read more.


A realização do Jamboré Brasil, no mês de julho, reuniu três times brasileiros participantes do iGEM 2015. A reunião trouxe interação dentre os times, além de propostas e desafios que os projetos possivelmente enfrentarão no Giant Jamboree. Além disso, saiba como nosso Time está contribuindo para o surgimento de novos Times iGEM no Brasil. Read more.


Apresentamos como nosso Time utilizou diferentes formas de arrecadação de dinheiro para o pagamento das inscrições, seja por meio de patrocinadores até a venda dos brigadeiros. Read more.

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