Difference between revisions of "Team:EPF Lausanne/Judging"

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CODE style
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           <h3>Bronze medal</h3>
           <h3>Bronze medal</h3>
           <table cellspacing='0' style="width:75%">
           <table cellspacing='0' style="width:80%">
Line 182: Line 113:
                   <tr class="b">
                   <tr class="b">
                       <td>Team registration</td>
                       <td>Team registration</td>
                       <td><a href="https://igem.org/Team.cgi" target="blank">EPF_Lausanne</a></td>
                       <td><a href="https://igem.org/Team.cgi" target="blank">EPF_Lausanne</a></td>
Line 187: Line 119:
                   <tr class="evenb">
                   <tr class="evenb">
                       <td>Complete judging form</td>
                       <td>Complete judging form</td>
                       <td><a href="https://igem.org/2015_Judging_Form?id=1723" target="blank">Judging form</a></td>
                       <td><a href="https://igem.org/2015_Judging_Form?id=1723" target="blank">Judging form</a></td>
Line 192: Line 125:
                   <tr class="b">
                   <tr class="b">
                       <td>Team Wiki</td>
                       <td>Team Wiki</td>
                       <td><a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:EPF_Lausanne" target="blank">Wiki</a></td>
                       <td><a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:EPF_Lausanne" target="blank">Wiki</a></td>
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                   <tr class="evenb">
                   <tr class="evenb">
                       <td>Present a poster and a talk at the iGEM Jamboree</td>
                       <td>Present a poster and a talk at the iGEM Jamboree</td>
Line 202: Line 137:
                   <tr class="b">
                   <tr class="b">
                       <td>Clear attribution of each aspect of your project</td>
                       <td>Clear attribution of each aspect of your project</td>
                       <td><a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:EPF_Lausanne/Attributions" target="blank">Attributions</a></td>
                       <td><a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:EPF_Lausanne/Attributions" target="blank">Attributions</a></td>
Line 207: Line 143:
                   <tr class="evenb">
                   <tr class="evenb">
                       <td>Document at least one new standard BioBrick part or device</td>
                       <td>Document at least one new standard BioBrick part or device</td>
Line 216: Line 153:
           <h3>Silver medal</h3>
           <h3>Silver medal</h3>
           <table cellspacing='0' style="width:75%">
           <table cellspacing='0' style="width:80%">
Line 244: Line 181:
           <h3>Gold medal</h3>
           <h3>Gold medal</h3>
           <table cellspacing='0' style="width:75%">
           <table cellspacing='0' style="width:80%">

Revision as of 12:49, 4 September 2015

EPFL 2015 iGEM bioLogic Logic Orthogonal gRNA Implemented Circuits EPFL 2015 iGEM bioLogic Logic Orthogonal gRNA Implemented Circuits


Take a look at our judging form for more details!

Medal criteria

Bronze medal

Criterion Description Link
Team registration EPF_Lausanne
Complete judging form Judging form
Team Wiki Wiki
Present a poster and a talk at the iGEM Jamboree
Clear attribution of each aspect of your project Attributions
Document at least one new standard BioBrick part or device

Silver medal

Criterion Link
Experimentally validate one new BioBrick part or device
Submit this new part to the iGEM Parts Registry
Human practices Practices

Gold medal

Criterion Link
Boost human practices Practices
Help considerably another iGEM team
Improve the function or characterization of an existing BioBrick
Demonstrate a functional prototype of your project
EPFL 2015 iGEM bioLogic Logic Orthogonal gRNA Implemented Circuits