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<h2> Human Practices </h2>
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<p>iGEM teams are unique and leading the field because they "go beyond the lab" to imagine their projects in a social/environmental context, to better understand issues that might influence the design and use of their technologies.</p>
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<p>Teams work with students and advisors from the humanities and social sciences to explore topics concerning ethical, legal, social, economic, safety or security issues related to their work. Consideration of these Human Practices is crucial for building safe and sustainable projects that serve the public interest. </p>
<p>For more information, please see the <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Practices_Hub">Practices Hub</a>.</p>
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<p>You must fill out this page in order to be considered for all <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Judging/Awards">awards</a> for Human Practices:</p>
        Policy & Practices
<li>Human Practices silver medal criterion</li>
      <h2 class="ui inverted header">UFSCar-Brasil Team impacting society</h2>
<li>Human Practices gold medal criterion</li>
<li>Best Integrated Human Practices award</li>
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<li>Best Education and Public Engagement award</li>
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      <h3 class="ui header" id="overview">Overview</h3>
      <p>The set of P & P activities represents all dimensions reached by project developed by iGEM teams. Brasil-UFSCar team held a series of activities that explored different aspects that bug-shoo reached in society. Since dengue affects all social classes and the solution lies in solving social, political and educational problems, our main motivation was to address the diversity that characterizes our society and the various problems related to dengue. So we developed activities with children from a poor community and we had the opportunity to know the reality of public service at our City Hall. We also deepened our involvement in education, promoting interactions between academic community and basic education, discussing the role of the University in social demands. We knew administrative sectors of UFSCar and created ways to raise money. We debated with other Brazilian teams. We also prepared a law project which provides free distribution of less toxic repellents without DEET. Finally, we reflected on aspects of our project that may be relevant to other teams, and how our experience can contribute to the formation of new iGEM teams. We hope our experiences can contribute to the consolidation of synthetic biology in Brazil. </p>
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<h5>Some Human Practices topic areas </h5>
      <img class="ui large rounded image" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/b/b6/UFSCar-Brasil_p%26p.png">
<li>Public Engagement / Dialogue</li>
<li>Product Design</li>
<li>Scale-Up and Deployment Issues</li>
<li>Environmental Impact</li>
<li>Public Policy</li>
<li>Law and Regulation</li>
<li>Risk Assessment</li>
<h5>What should we write about on this page?</h5>
<p>On this page, you should write about the Human Practices topics you considered in your project, and document any special activities you did (such as visiting experts, talking to lawmakers, or doing public engagement).</p>
<p>Read what other teams have done:</p>
<li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Dundee/policypractice/experts">2014 Dundee </a></li>
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<li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:UC_Davis/Policy_Practices_Overview">2014 UC Davis </a></li>
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<li><a href="https://2013.igem.org/Team:Manchester/HumanPractices">2013 Manchester </a></li>
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<li><a href="https://2013.igem.org/Team:Cornell/outreach">2013 Cornell </a></li>
      <img class="ui small image" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/e/e3/Political.png" alt=""> Political
    <p>The team proposed a law project that aims for the free distribution of repellents without DEET. We also held a debate with professionals from different fields, which helped us to discuss limitations and different aspects of our project. Read more</p>
    <div class="ui hidden divider"></div>
    <div class="center aligned">
      <a href="https://2015.igem.org/wiki/index.php?title=Team:UFSCar-Brasil/political.html" class="ui button">See more!</a>
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    <h2 class="ui header">
      <img class="ui small image" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/2/27/UFSCar-Brasil_social.PNG" alt=""> Social
    <p>Activity in the Sao Carlos VIII (a poor neighborhood) aimed to educate children about the relation between dump and dengue. The team presented the play "Mighty bacteria against dengue", covering the main aspects of the disease, prevention and the
      role of science in solving problems.</p>
    <div class="ui hidden divider"></div>
    <div class="center aligned">
    <a href="https://2015.igem.org/wiki/index.php?title=Team:UFSCar-Brasil/social.html" class="ui button">See more!</a>
<h3>Integrated Human Practices</h3>
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    <h2 class="ui header">
      <img class="ui small image" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/9/91/Educacao.PNG" alt=""> Educacional
    <p>On several occasions we present synthetic biology and its applications to groups with different educational levels. We launched a Seminar Cycle for academic community of the University, we offer workshops and presented our project at scientific meetings.
      Read more Read more</p>
    <div class="ui hidden divider"></div>
    <div class="center aligned">
      <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:UFSCar-Brasil/educacional.html" class="ui button">See more!</a>
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    <h2 class="ui header">
      <img class="ui small image" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/9/9d/Meio-ambiente.PNG" alt=""> Safety/Security
    <p>To ensure that limonene was actually a compound of low toxicity compared to DEET, we conducted a simple experiment using beans that received different treatments. </p>
    <div class="ui hidden divider"></div>
    <div class="center aligned">
      <a href="https://2015.igem.org/wiki/index.php?title=Team:UFSCar-Brasil/environmental.html" class="ui button">See more!</a>
<p>Do you want to be considered for the <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Judging/Awards#SpecialPrizes">Best Integrated Human Practices award</a>? Make it easy for the judges to find any wiki content that is relevant to this prize. Highlight this content with a header or separate section.</p>
  <div class="column">
    <h2 class="ui header">
      <img class="ui small image" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/8/8d/Biobricks.PNG" alt=""> Problems
    <p>The problems with BioBricks delivery and possible solutions that would make this procedure easier. See how our team has overcome this problem. Read more.</p>
    <div class="ui hidden divider"></div>
    <div class="center aligned">
    <a href="https://2015.igem.org/wiki/index.php?title=Team:UFSCar-Brasil/biobricks.html" class="ui button">See more!</a>
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    <h2 class="ui header">
      <img class="ui small image" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/8/87/UFSCar-Brasil_meetings.png" alt="">Meetings
    <p>Three Brazilian participating teams of the iGEM 2015 assembled at Jamboré Brazil, in July. The interaction between the teams allowed the discussion of the projects, discussion of proposals and challenges that the teams will possibly face in the Giant
      Jamboree. Read more. </p>
    <div class="ui hidden divider"></div>
    <div class="center aligned">
      <a href="https://2015.igem.org/wiki/index.php?title=Team:UFSCar-Brasil/meeting.html" class="ui button">See more!</a>
<h3>Education and Public Engagement</h3>
  <div class="center aligned column">
    <h2 class="ui header">
      <img class="ui middle aligned small image" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/2/23/UFSCar-Brasil_funds.png" alt=""> Fundraising
    <p>Our Team raised money in many ways to fund experiments, registration and travel. Read more. </p>
    <div class="ui hidden divider"></div>
    <div class="center aligned">
      <a href="https://2015.igem.org/wiki/index.php?title=Team:UFSCar-Brasil/fundraising.html" class="ui button">See more!</a>
<p>Do you want to be considered for the <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Judging/Awards#SpecialPrizes">Best Education and Public Outreach award</a>? Make it easy for the judges to find any wiki content that is relevant to this prize. Highlight this content with a header or separate section.</p>
<h3 class="ui center aligned header">Our amazing sponsors!</h3>
<img class="ui centered massive image" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/archive/0/0e/20150908223157!UFSCar-Brasil_logos.png">

Revision as of 02:54, 16 September 2015

Policy & Practices

UFSCar-Brasil Team impacting society


The set of P & P activities represents all dimensions reached by project developed by iGEM teams. Brasil-UFSCar team held a series of activities that explored different aspects that bug-shoo reached in society. Since dengue affects all social classes and the solution lies in solving social, political and educational problems, our main motivation was to address the diversity that characterizes our society and the various problems related to dengue. So we developed activities with children from a poor community and we had the opportunity to know the reality of public service at our City Hall. We also deepened our involvement in education, promoting interactions between academic community and basic education, discussing the role of the University in social demands. We knew administrative sectors of UFSCar and created ways to raise money. We debated with other Brazilian teams. We also prepared a law project which provides free distribution of less toxic repellents without DEET. Finally, we reflected on aspects of our project that may be relevant to other teams, and how our experience can contribute to the formation of new iGEM teams. We hope our experiences can contribute to the consolidation of synthetic biology in Brazil.


The team proposed a law project that aims for the free distribution of repellents without DEET. We also held a debate with professionals from different fields, which helped us to discuss limitations and different aspects of our project. Read more


Activity in the Sao Carlos VIII (a poor neighborhood) aimed to educate children about the relation between dump and dengue. The team presented the play "Mighty bacteria against dengue", covering the main aspects of the disease, prevention and the role of science in solving problems.


On several occasions we present synthetic biology and its applications to groups with different educational levels. We launched a Seminar Cycle for academic community of the University, we offer workshops and presented our project at scientific meetings. Read more Read more


To ensure that limonene was actually a compound of low toxicity compared to DEET, we conducted a simple experiment using beans that received different treatments.


The problems with BioBricks delivery and possible solutions that would make this procedure easier. See how our team has overcome this problem. Read more.


Three Brazilian participating teams of the iGEM 2015 assembled at Jamboré Brazil, in July. The interaction between the teams allowed the discussion of the projects, discussion of proposals and challenges that the teams will possibly face in the Giant Jamboree. Read more.


Our Team raised money in many ways to fund experiments, registration and travel. Read more.

Our amazing sponsors!

Our amazing sponsors!