Team:EPF Lausanne/Notebook/Yeast

EPFL 2015 iGEM bioLogic Logic Orthogonal gRNA Implemented Circuits EPFL 2015 iGEM bioLogic Logic Orthogonal gRNA Implemented Circuits

saccharomyces cerevisiae

pTPGI_dCas9_VP64 integration

As we need dCas9 expressing yeasts, we decided to integrate a plasmid that would inducively express dCas9.

First and second trial

The negative and positive control worked fine, but the transformation control didn’t work. After investigation we found out that we didn’t have an origin of replication in our plasmid thus not enabling our yeasts to replicate the plasmid and to grow. See more details here

EPFL 2015 iGEM bioLogic Logic Orthogonal gRNA Implemented Circuits