Team:EPF Lausanne/Notebook/Yeast

EPFL 2015 iGEM bioLogic Logic Orthogonal gRNA Implemented Circuits EPFL 2015 iGEM bioLogic Logic Orthogonal gRNA Implemented Circuits

saccharomyces cerevisiae

Express dCas9-VP64
Integrate pTPGI_dCas9_VP64

We received plasmid pTPGI_dCas9_VP64 from Addgene. The plasmid was found from the article "Tunable and multifunctional eukaryotic transcription factors based on Crispr/Cas". After glycerol stocks and miniprep, we performed a restriction analysis to check the identity of our plasmid. We linearised the plasmid, in order to integrate it into yeast genome. For more details about our experiments, see here. Only our fourth trial to integrate the plasmid was successful.

Materials and method

  • Glycerol stocks
  • Miniprep
  • Restriction analysis
  • Polymerase Chain Reaction
  • Yeast integration A AJOUTER SUR PROTOCOLS


We used four different sets of enzymes for the restriction analysis. Linearized pTPGI_dCas9_VP64 is expected to be 10'987 bp. We observe that the gel (fig.1) corresponds to the expected one.
The plasmid was linearised both with EagI HF and NotI HF prior to integration. We integrated each linearised plasmid to obtain two different yeast strains.

Express dCas9-VP64
Western Blot of dCas9-VP64

The Western Blot allows to check the expression of dCas9.

Materials and method



Results of Western Blot.

Integrate reporter plasmid
Linearise reporter plasmid

We received the plasmid pCYC1m_yeGFP from Addgene. The plasmid was found from the article "Tunable and multifunctional eukaryotic transcription factors based on Crispr/Cas". After glycerol stocks and minipreps. We linearised the plasmid by PCR.

Materials and method

  • Polymerase Chain Reaction


Linearized pCYC1m_yeGFP is expected to be 5'485 bp. We observe that the gel...
The plasmid was linearised both with ...

Integrate reporter plasmid
Synthesize promoters

The promoter CYC#0 was already present in plasmid pCYC_yeGFP from Addgene. We synthesized three other promoters CYC#1, CYC#2 and CYC#3. The only differences between one another were the three gRNA SDSs c3, c6 and c7.

Materials and method

  • Synthesis ??


We obtain four different promoters CYC#0, CYC#1, CYC#2 and CYC#3 according to fig. ...

Integrate and express gRNAs
PCR-amplify the gRNA expressing cassettes

The gRNA expressing cassettes c3_0, c3_1, c3_2, c3_3 (activating sequences), c6_0, c6_1, c6_2, c6_3, (inhibiting sequences), c7_0, c7_1, c7_2, c7_3 (inhibiting sequences) were ordered together with the promoters CYC_0, CYC_1, CYC_2, CYC_3 promoters. The c3 gRNA expressing cassettes were synthesized along with their corresponding CYC promoter as individual G-Blocks, all other gRNAs were synthesized as individual G-Blocks. Four primers were used in order to PCR out or amplify the gRNAs and the promoters: f_IDT_tri, f_IDT_squ, r_IDT_dia and r_IDT_cir. For detailed reaction mixes, click here LIEN A INSERER

Materials and method

  • Polymerase Chain Reaction


Each amplicon (gRNA expressing cassette or CYC promoter) is 250 bp long (the exact length can vary by max two bp depending on the primers used). Several PCRs were required for amplification, we only show the gels corresponding to the PCR products we kept.
Fig...: c6_0, c6_1, c6_2, c6_3, CYC_0, CYC_1, CYC_2 Fig...: c7_0, c7_1, c7_2 Fig...: c7_3 Fig...: CYC3_, c3_0, c3_1, c3_2, c3_3

EPFL 2015 iGEM bioLogic Logic Orthogonal gRNA Implemented Circuits