Team:EPF Lausanne/Software

EPFL 2015 iGEM bioLogic Logic Orthogonal gRNA Implemented Circuits EPFL 2015 iGEM bioLogic Logic Orthogonal gRNA Implemented Circuits


Name Description
code2html Script creating automatically HTML and CSS code from source files in Python, C++ or BASH.
ODEs Generator Program generating automatically the ODEs governing our system from the circuit structure.


The following Python script allows to generate HTML (and CSS) code from source files in C++ and Python languages. It is based on Pygment, a Python syntax highlighter. All code in our Wiki is formatted using this script.

This script accepts two command line arguments: the first argument is the name of the file to convert, the second one (optional) is to ask separate HTML and CSS files.



            python code2html INPUTFILE [CSS]


        INPUTFILE: name (with path) of the file to convert to html
        CSS: write "true" (ot "t", "yes", "y") in order to obtain separate .html and .css files ("false" by default)

        from pygments import highlight
        from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer
        from pygments.lexers import CppLexer
        from pygments.lexers import BashLexer
        from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter

        # Code formatting style
        style = "monokai"

        # C++ extensions
        cpp = ["cpp","cxx","cc","h"]

        # Python extensions
        py = ["py"]

        # Bash extensions
        bash = ["sh","bash"]

        def load_file_as_sting(fname):
            Open the file FNAME and save all its content in an unformatted string

            content = ""

            with open(fname,'r') as f: # Open the file (read only)
                content = # Read file and store it in an unformatted string
                # The file is automatically closed

            return content

        def save_string_as_file(fname,string):
            Save the unformatted string STRING into the file FNAME

            with open(fname,'w') as f: # Open the file (write only)
                # The file is automatically closed

        def lexer_formatter(language,css=False):
            Return the lexer for the appropriate language and the HTML formatter

            L = None

            if language in py:
                # Python Lexer
                L = PythonLexer()

            elif language in cpp:
                # C++ Lexer
                L = CppLexer()

            elif language in bash:
                # Bash Lexer
                L = BashLexer()

                raise NameError("Invalid language.")

            HF = HtmlFormatter(full=not css,style=style)

            return L, HF

        def code_to_htmlcss(code,language):
            Transform CODE into html and css (separate files)

            # Obtain lexer and HtmlFormatter
            L, HF = lexer_formatter(language,css=True)

            # Create html code
            html = highlight(code,L,HF)

            # Create css code
            css = HF.get_style_defs('.highlight')

            return html,css

        def code_to_html(code,language):
            Transform CODE into html and css (all in the same file)

            # Obtain lexer and HtmlFormatter
            L, HF = lexer_formatter(language)

            # Create fill html code
            html = highlight(code,L,HF)

            return html

        import sys

        if __name__ == "__main__":


                python code2html INPUTFILE [CSS]


            INPUTFILE: name (with path) of the file to convert to html
            CSS: write "true" (ot "t", "yes", "y") in order to obtain separate .html and .css files ("false" by default)

            # Command line arguments
            args = sys.argv

            # Check command line arguments
            ncla = len(args) # number of command line arguments

            if ncla != 2 and ncla != 3 :
                raise TypeError("Invalid number of command line arguments.")

            css_bool = False

            if ncla == 3 and args[-1].lower() in ["true",'t',"yes",'y']:
                css_bool = True # Export css separately

            # Input file
            fname_code = sys.argv[1] # Name of the file containing the code to convert in html

            # Input file extension
            language = fname_code.split('.')[-1]

            # Output files
            fname_html = fname_code.split('.')[0] + ".html" # Name of the file where the html code will be stored
            fname_css = fname_code.split('.')[0] + ".css" # Name of the file where the css code will be stored

            # Save code into a unformatted string
            code = load_file_as_sting(fname_code)

            if css_bool == False: # Convert to standalone html
                html = code_to_html(code,language)
            else: # Convert to html and css separately
                html,css = code_to_htmlcss(code,language)

            # Save html

            if css_bool == True:
                # Save css
EPFL 2015 iGEM bioLogic Logic Orthogonal gRNA Implemented Circuits