Team:Macquarie Australia/Practices/SytycsResults

So You Think You Can Synthesise Results
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Voting Results

On this page are the statistics for each episode of So You Think You Can Synthesise.

The Contestants

Biobrick Ben
Biobrick Ben
Jimmy Gel Runner
Jimmy Gel Runner
Lauren The Lab Monkey
Lauren The Lab Monkey
Pascal The Promoter
Pascal The Promoter
Sam The Solution
Sam The Solution

Episode 1

Video popularity at 27-Aug-2015: 300 views.

The webpage used for Episode 1 voting is here.

Episode 1 overall
Fig. 1. Episode 1 overall voting statistics
Episode 1 by country map
Fig. 2a. Episode 1 votes by country - World Map
Episode 1 by country breakdown
Fig. 2b. Episode 1 votes by country - Breakdown

Voting: 20 comments.

Name Comment Name Comment
Louise My vote is for Solar Synthesisers with 'Hydrogen-hero' as team mascot! Caitlin SOLAR SYNTHESISERS FOR THE WIN! Jimmy Gel Runner you have my vote!!
Georgia Go with solar synthesisers, hydrogen hero's is a better mascot than name! Tamara GREAT episode guys, My vote is for Solar Synthesisers! Who ever came up with that is a genius
Matthew Rosic Lauren was the best Donna Excellent
Megan chisholm Go Lauren John Smith SOLAR SYNTHESISERS!!
Jono Solar Synthesisers! Martin Brannan go Lauren
Tracy Great episode guys! What a huge effort, great work Team Macquarie! Good luck at the jamboree. Oh and my vote is for Solar synthesisers as the team name. A great name for a great team Tiffany My vote is for hydrogen hero being the mascot and Solar Synthesisers as the team name, It really sets the scene for your project!
Anita My vote is for Solar Synthesisers! What a great name Cameron Solar Synthesisers has it in the bag!
Emily Woooohhh go Lauren the Lab Monkey Jason Solar Synthesisers FTW!
Sarah Solar Synthesisers = best name! Wooooo Samantha Can't wait for the next episode!
Julie Jimmy Gel Runner Your explanation was the best and what a fantastic name Solar Synthesisers! This team is going places Emma Solar Synthesisers for the win! Loved the episode can't wait for episode 2

Episode 2

Video popularity at 27-Aug-2015: 171 views.

The webpage used for Episode 2 voting is here.

Episode 2 overall
Fig. 3. Episode 2 overall voting statistics
Episode 2 by country map
Fig. 4a. Episode 2 votes by country - World Map
Episode 2 by country breakdown
Fig. 4b. Episode 2 votes by country - Breakdown

Voting: 4 comments.

Name Comment Name Comment
Callum GREAT episode guys! Sad to see biobrick Ben go. Can't wait to see what's going to happen next week Tiffany AMAZING! This is a great example of science communication! Great work guys, keep it up
Demiana Hanna YAYYYY lauren!!!!!!!! Jeremy LAUREN!

Episode 3

Video popularity at 27-Aug-2015: 129 views.

The webpage used for Episode 3 voting is here.

Episode 3 overall
Fig. 5. Episode 3 overall voting statistics
Episode 3 by country map
Fig. 6a. Episode 3 votes by country - World Map
Episode 3 by country breakdown
Fig. 6b. Episode 3 votes by country - Breakdown

Voting: 6 comments.

Name Comment Name Comment
Tim WOW! just WOW Such a tremendous effort from everyone involved in this episode Maree The explanation of transformation is very good!
Sarah WOW! the amount of effort that went into this episode is unbelievable Such a great example of collaboration! Good work Team Macquarie Tanzeem Hi guys, this type of outreach is actually quite remarkable! I heard about this from a friend and had to check out the episodes. I also appreciate how you guys have endeavoured to combine spreading knowledge re: your project with creating something entertaining. I am sure it will be hugely appreciated.
Jason Involving teams from all over the world Congratulations Macquarie, this is a great example of collaboration! Tim Great work guys! I finally understand what is involved in a transformation!

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