
iGEM Manchester Header

iGEM Manchester-Graz - Attributions


General Support

  • Prof. Dr. Anton Glieder: Supervision of Team Graz, organizational work
  • Prof. Dr. Christoph Sensen: general support regarding organizational work and social media
  • Dr. Martina Geier: supported us during the whole iGEM process not only with the organization of our team but also during our lab work
  • Christian Schmid: helped us with organization and shipment of products from our sponsors
  • Dr. Birgit Wiltschi: helped us with our Vector Design and gave general support during the vector assembly process
  • Prof Dr. Eriko Takano: UoM iGEM organizer, Supervisor and primary team contact, supervision
  • Prof Dr. Reiner Breitling: modeling advisor, supervision
  • Prof Dr. Sabine Flitsch: supervision, inter-European team idea organizer, gut bacteria idea, PD patient interview organizer
  • Lorna Hepworth: supervision, new techniques explanation
  • Alexander Wood: supervision, lab help, HPLC expert
  • Nicholas Weise: supervision, lab help , HPLC expert
  • Robert Harrison: supervision, HP explanation, help in contacting
  • Dr. Peter Both
  • Adrian Jarvis
  • Sandra Taylor
  • Rehana
  • Dr Neil Swainston

Human Practices

  • Prof. Dr. Reidl: Discussion about human gut bacteria composition, feasibility of our project idea, general background knowledge exchange, ethic background
  • Dr. Christoph Högenauer: Discussion about treatment of Parkinson patients, feasibility and possible application of the DopaDoser Modeling Support
  • Dr. Monty Silverdale: interview form a practicing doctor and opinions on our project
  • Prof Dr. Angela Tod: interview
  • Julia: PD patient interview with shedding light on PD and our project from a patient’s point of view
  • Dr Andy Balmer: HP explanation


  • Areti Tsigkinopoulou: Supported the model developing process of a quorum sensing system, general Matlab and Simbiology support
  • Dr Neil Swainston: introducing MatLab, explaining Flux Balance Analysis modeling and guiding us throughout the project on modeling

Special Thank You to our sponsors!

  • University of Technology Graz
  • The University of Manchester
  • Sanofiy
  • Evolva
  • IBCarb Network
  • Integrated DNA Technologies
  • Bartelt
  • Lactan
  • Microsynth
  • Qiagen
  • New England BioLabs Inc.
  • ThermoFisher Scientific
  • VWR International
  • Ardeypharm
  • SnapGene
  • Sigma-Aldrich
  • Promega
  • SMB Industrieanlagenbau GmbH
  • Merck Millipore