This year the iGEM Team Marburg decided to design, build and test various synthetic biological tools. These systems can be used in the future for different applications, from medical set ups to environmental improvements. In order to achieve a holistic approach, we are working in different subgroups that have different objectives, methods and applications.
The first subgroup is looking into the possibility of generating non-propagating cell factories that are producing only a beneficial compound. Therefore we are using different systems that encode the genetic information and we are building the cell factories.
The second subgroup is currently working on a system to link our organism into a matrix that can enhance biochemical reactions. The idea is to use this as platform technology to link the organic and inorganic chemistry.
Our third and last subgroup focuses on a delivery system for effector proteins in our model organism. Upon association of the donor strain, the system is activated to expose inhibitors or activators on its surface. These proteins are being absorbed by the recipient cell and generate an event there.
We are also working on the interlab study within the iGEM competition.