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The Team

Who we are

         <a href="#overview" class="ui huge inverted primary basic button">Overview</a>

Everyone of us

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Augusto Furio Balula
Shy or discreet? In the Augusto' silence we observe his qualities: intelligence, solidarity, focus, determination, persistence, and so on. "Augusto Boy" or "Little Augusto" is a master's candidate in genetics and he has expertise in molecular biology of microorganisms.
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Bárbara de Abreu Francisco
Barbara is a student of Engineering Physics and is working closely with the mathematical modeling of our project. Always with new ideas, tries to contribute in various parts of the project. It is responsible for recording the activities of the Team throughout the weeks and participates in the organization of our Wiki. It is a a newcomer to synthetic biology who learns quickly and hopes to participate in its construction in the university.
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Beatriz Brambila
Beatriz is a 2nd year student in Biotechnology. She participates in the activities in molecular biology lab. Outside the lab has contributed in various other activities. It has contacts with graphic designers that are of great value. Always works hard and animation. And it is great when dressed as bacteria.
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Célio Dias - CelioPedia or EncycloCelio
He is a very intelligent and funny master student. He operates in the group at the laboratory, but also has great participation in modeling. He greatly helps the graduating students with a foothold for them, and always we have fun with his jokes.
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Daniel Fernando Coletta Silva
Daniel, better known as Cowboy, is an undergraduate student in Biotechnology at Federal University of São Carlos. He works more actively in the laboratorial part, however he is always acting in several areas of our project. If you need someone to wear a suit and ask for sponsorship in companies and the city hall, he is the guy. Cowboy is a very fun and intelligent man, which is always responsible to amuse our weekly meetings with his unexpected jokes and funny comments.
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José Claudio Corsaletti Filho
Who is Zé Claudio? He is a college student of physical Engineering at Federal University of São Carlos and is currently working in the mathematical model of the iGEM project. Zé is a guy who enjoys learning about new things and says it’s been a rewarding challenge to participate in the synthetic biology project and learn more about that. Moreover… some of his friends say that he’s always busy playing online games when they need him to talk about the news…
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Leonardo Delphito
Leonardo Delphito is a 4th year student in Biotechnology. He is working in the molecular biology lab and contributing in organizing documents and protocols. He also collaborates with the graphic part of the work. He has interests in several areas for example: molecular biology, genetics, bioinformatics, astrobiology and astronomy. But mostly he intends to participate in this revolution called synthetic biology.
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Luani Godoy
Luani is a student of the first year of Biotechnology at UFSCar . Participates in the Policy & Practices activities and assists the team in several other parts of the project . Luani famous to be a member to use the bacteria fantasy.
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Isabella Takahashi Kitano
Isabella, popularly known as Zaki, studies Biotechnology at UFSCar. His shyness is not able to hide the greatness of his proactivity at the University and iGEM team. Today she works with microorganisms, but in the near future we will see Dr. Zaki in the lead of research on synthetic biology in plants.
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Matheus Pedrino Gonçalves
Matheus Pedrino is biotechnology student at the Federal University of São Carlos who is always concerned about social issues. He is a very kind person who everyone likes. Some people say he has the most beautiful eyes of Campus.
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Vitor Rangel
Vitor is a student of the computing engeneering. In the iGem, he is responsible for wiki. He has a lot of ideias and he’s very proactive, besides having much knowledge in the programming area.


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Daniela Modna
Daniela, also known as Dani, is the technique of teaching laboratories in our department. Actively working for the team, either in tasks in the laboratory or when problems arise. It was also responsible for making our beautiful bacteria. There is no problem that Dani can not resolve.


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Flavio Henrique Silva
Professor Flavio Henrique Silva is a nice person and is one of the founders of the Bachelor’s in Biotechnology degree at UFSCar - São Carlos. He is always interested to contribute with the undergraduation degree and its students; it’s
                 the second time that he is an instructor of a brazilian team in iGEM. His research field is based on molecular biology applied to the control of sugar cane pests and metagenomics of Amazon rivers and lakes looking for genes with biotechnological
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Francis de Morais Franco Nunes
He is our main enthusiast. It's funny??? how a teacher can be as close to the students. Never misses an opportunity to remind us that “yes, we can” and we will be well succeeded. Francis always has that innocent discovery face that fascinates and makes everyone stay fascinated, never losing the will to learn. In short, he is a instructor iGEM standard.
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Iran Malavazi
Professor Iran Malavazi teaches Biochemistry in UFSCar. His research field is Genetics of filamentous fungi. He is one of the most admired teachers in the course of Biotechnology, and highly committed with quality of education offered to our students. He is a great supporter of UFSCar-Brazil team.
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Paulo Teixeira Lacava
Professor of Basic and Applied Microbiology with expertise in biotechnology process applied to environment.Works with Agricultural Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology, Microbial Ecology, Plant-Microorganism Interaction and Microbial Biological Control. Guided us toward Bacillus subtilis Sporulation and Spores Germination.

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