Team:ETH Zurich/Achievements

"What I cannot create I do not understand."
- Richard Feynmann


We are proud to announce that we achieved the following goals

  • We designed a novel system for detection of circulating tumour cells in blood samples using genetically modified bacteria(link description)
  • We found a method to do single cell analysis by expressing a protein (Annexin V) on the E.coli membrane that makes them stick to apoptotic mammalian cells
  • We designed a genetic circuit that integrates two different cancer specific signals using an AND-gate
  • We characterized many parts and determined many parameters of our system performing various experiments
  • We modelled the system and showed that the system as a whole can work
  • We documented and submitted XX new basic parts to the iGEM parts registry and created a part collection with XX parts
  • Register for iGEM, have a great summer, and attend the Giant Jamboree. Going for it!
    Complete the Judging form
    Create a Description of the team's project
    Document the team's parts using the Registry of Standard Biological Parts
    Present a poster and a talk at the iGEM Jamboree. Going for it!
    Create a page on your team wiki with clear attribution of each aspect of your project.
    Document one new standard BioBrick Part or Device
    Experimentally validate that at least one new BioBrick Part of your own design
    Submit this new part to the iGEM Parts Registry.
    Human Practices in iGEM. Demonstrate how your team has identified, investigated and addressed one or more of these issues in the context of your project.
    Expand on your silver medal Human Practices activity
    Help another university to characterize a part
    Improve the characterization of a previously existing BioBrick Part or Device

    We would like to thank our sponsors