Team:ETH Zurich/Attributions

"What I cannot create I do not understand."
- Richard Feynmann


When we first met in the end of March this year, we had no idea how much time we were going to spend together over this summer and how many amazing things we would learn and achieve. After an extensive time of research we came up with a project that soon caught all of our attention and we were eager to reach the many goals we had set until September. Long discussions with our advisor PhD students and supervising professors helped us to focus on the best of our ideas and left us highly motivated to work. We designed our genetic circuit with all its components, did our best to model every possible outcome and created this wiki to show our results. During this intense summer, we were lucky to be supported by a lot of people, whom we would like to thank on this page.


We were lucky to count on the support of six advisors who were always there to help us solve experimental problems, finding bugs in our models and reassuring us about our progress in weekly meetings.

  • Lukas Widmer advised us for the modeling, always magically identifying a yet undiscovered typo.
  • Daniel Gerngross helped us taking our first steps in primer design, introduced us to the power of Gibson Assembly and supported us with material and helpful advice.
  • Sabine Österle gave us valuable advice when the data seem to go nowhere and offered us a place to sleep after long days in the lab.
  • Margaux Gastor helped us finding mistakes in our mammalian cell protocols and helped us with the manipulation of FACS and the microscope.
  • Christian Jordi patiently showed us how to maintainkeep mammalian cells alive and did the PDMS chip.
  • Janina Linnick helped us with our model and brought us in contact with some experts who offered us valuable insights into the world of medical doctors.

Scientific support

Within the whole department a lot of people generously helped us out by offering either lab supplies or time and advise.

  • Professor Sven Panke, Professor Jörg Stelling, Professor Yaakov Benenson and Professor Savas Tay critically reviewed our ideas and guided us through all the process.
  • Erica Montani taught us how to properly manipulate the microscope and solved our doubts.
  • Verena Jäggin explained how to use FACS and how to interpret the data.
  • Markus Jeschek, Matthias Mehlig, Tino Frank, Johannes Thoma, Gaspar Morgado, Michael Junkin, Bartolomeo Angelici, Max Endele, and Martin Etzrodt offered us pieces of advice and material.

General support

  • Niels Bürckert emphasized the importance of safety during all stay in the lab.
  • Myriam Moisan improved our logo design and gave us some further ideas.
  • We thank all the participants in our interviews for their collaboration!
  • The shop people kindly assisted us with the purchase of all the required materials.

We would like to thank our sponsors