

The Forensic Toolkit

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Week Beginning 15/6/2015


Produced a plasmid preperation of pIDT-OBP2A in order to use it as template in PCR.

17/6: Transformation of pIDT-OBP2A in MC1610 E.coli strain.

Aim of Experiment: To transform pIDT-OBP2A into MC1061 e.coli strain

Protocols Used: Transformation

Results: N/A

Next Steps: If the transformation is successful the next step will be to produce an overnight culture for plasmid preparation.

18/6: Produce an overnight culture of pIDT-OBP2A plasmid in MC1061.

Aim of experiment: To produce an overnight culture of pIDT-OBP2A from positive colonies of MC1061 E.coli strain from the transformation done on the 17/6.

Protocols Used: Overnight Cultures

Results: N/A

Next Steps: Produce a plasmid preparation of pIDT-OBP2A from this overnight culture.

19/6: Produce a plasmid preparation of pIDT-OBP2A from the overnight culture.

Aim of experiment: The overnight culture produced yesterday will now undergo a plasmid preparation in order to obtain the pIDT-OBP2A plasmid.

Protocols Used: Miniprep

Results: The plasmid preperation yeilded a concentration of 305.53 ng/ul.

Next Steps: To run a PCR using the purified pIDT-OBP2A plasmid as a template for amplification.

Week Beginning 22/6/2015


Removal of the signaling peptide from OBP2A and insertion of OBP2A into the biobrick vector pSB1C3.

22/6: PCR of pIDT-OBP2A using primers designed for the removal of the signaling peptide.

Aim of Experiment: To perform a PCR on the plasmid preparation of pIDT-OBP2A produced last week, using primers that have been designed in a way as to remove the signalling peptide at the start of the OBP2A gene.

Protocols Used: PCR

Results: N/A

Next Steps: The next step will be to run the PCR product on a gel and perform a gel extraction on the part of the gel corresponding to the size of the OBP2A gene fragment.

23/6: Gel extraction of OBP2A from the PCR performed on the 22/6.

Aim of experiment: To perform a gel extraction of OBP2A from a PCR reaction mixture that was performed on the 22/6. Once gel extraction has been performed a subsequent gel will be done to determine if the gel extraction has been successful.

Protocols Used: Gel extraction

Results: As it can be seen from the gel image, a band is present corresponding to the size of the OBP2A gene fragment.

Next Steps: To perform a restriction of OBP2A in preparation for ligation.

24/6: Restriction, ligation and transformation of OBP2A into pSB1C3.

Aim of experiment: To firstly restrict the gel extracted OBP2A. Secondly, to then ligate the restricted OBP2A into the biobrick vector pSB1C3. Third and finally to transform this plasmid into the JM110 E.coli strain.

Protocols Used: Restriction Digest : Ligation : Transformation

Results: N/A

Next Steps:If the transformation is successful and positive colonies form on the agar plate then these colonies will then be grown overnight in preparation for Miniprep.

25/6: Religation and transformation of OBP2A into pSB1C3.

Aim of experiment: The transformation performed on the 24/6 failed and as a result OBP2A will again ligated into the biobrick vector pSB1C3 and then transformed into JM110 E.coli strain.

Protocols Used: Ligation: Transformation

Results: N/A

Next Steps:If the transformation is successful and positive colonies form on the agar plate then these colonies will then be grown overnight in preparation for Miniprep.

26/6: Preparation of overnight cultures of pSB1C3-OBP2A.

Aim of experiment: To produce overnight cultures of pSB1C3-OBP2A from positive colonies of JM110 E.coli strain from the transformation done on the 25/6.

Protocols Used: Overnight Cultures

Results: N/A

Next Steps: Produce a plasmid preparation of pSB1C3-OBP2A in preparation for pre-sequence digest.

27/6: Plasmid preparation and pre-sequence digest of pSB1C3-OBP2A.

Aim of experiment: To perform a plasmid preparation of overnight cultures of pSB1C3-OBP2A from positive colonies of JM110 E.coli strain from the transformation done on the 25/6. Then to subsequently perform a pre-sequence digest of the plasmid preparation.

Protocols Used: Overnight Cultures

Results: Insert table values!

Next Steps: Looking at the pre-sequence digest it has been decided that sample 5 will be sent for sequencing.

Week Beginning 29/6/2015


Correct insertion of OBP2A into pSB1C3 determined through sequencing.

29/6: Plasmid preparation of pSB1C3-OBP2A is sent for sequencing.

Aim of Experiment: Sent sample 5 of the plasmid preparation that was done on the 24/6 for sequencing to determine if OBP2A has successfully ligated into pSB1C3.

Protocols Used:

Results: N/A

Next Steps: If sequencing comes back positive, then the next step will be to clone this gene insert into the two constituents of the two hybrid system.

30/6: Production of overnight cultures of pSB1C3-OBP2A from sequenced colony.

Aim of Experiment: Sequencing came back positive for pSB1C3-OBP2A. Soan overnight culture of pSB1C3-OBP2A from the sequenced colony will be done overnight in preparation for plasmid preparation.

Protocols Used:Overnight Cultures

Results: N/A

Next Steps:Once the overnight culture has been given ample time to grow, the culture will then undergo a plasmid preparation.

1/7: Plasmid Preparation of pSB1C3-OBP2A.

Aim of Experiment: To produce a plasmid preparation of the sequenced pSB1C3-OBP2A from the overnight culture set up on the 30/6.

Protocols Used:Miniprep

Results: N/A

Insert plasmid concentration.

Next Steps: the next step of experimentation is to use the plasmid preparation as a template for PCR using primer designed to separate the gene for use in the two hybrid system.

Week Beginning 12/7/2015


Ran PCR of OBP2A using primers for insertion of OBP2A into PUT18 and PT25.

17/6: PCR of OBP2A for insertion into bacterial two hybrid.

Aim of Experiment: To PCR OBP2A for its insertion into the bacterial two hybris vectors; pUT18 and pT25.

Protocols Used: Transformation

Results: N/A

Next Steps:Tthe next stage of experimentation will be to gel extract and restrict the PCR gene fragments.

Week Beginning 20/7/2015


Attempted insertion of OBP2A into the vectors for the bacterial two hybrid system.

20/7: Gel extraction and restriction of the PCR of OBP2A from the 17/7

Aim of Experiment: To perform a gel extraction and then subsequently a restriction of OBP2A from the PCR produced on the 17/7 that used primers designed for the insertion ofOBP2A into the vectors for the bacterial two hybrid system, pUT18 and pT25.

Protocols Used: Gel extraction Restriction

Results: N/A

Next Steps: If the gel extraction and restriction is successful, then the next step will be to ligate these restrictions into the bacterial two hybrid vectors, pUT18 and pT25.

21/7: Ligation & transformation of OBP2A into pUT18 and pT25.

Aim of Experiment: To perform a ligation and then subsequently a transformation of OBP2A into the vectors for the bacterial two hybrid system, pUT18 and pT25. Whilst using JM110 E.coli cells as a chassis for transformation.

Protocols Used: Ligation Transfromation

Results: N/A

Next Steps: If transformation is successful and positive colonies form on the antibiotic plates, then the next step will be to grow overnight colonies in preparation for purification and sequencing.

22/7: re-ligation and transformation of OBP2A into pUT18 and PT25.

Aim of Experiment: As the transformation from the 21/7 failed - no positive colonies grew on the antibiotic plates. A re-ligation and transformation of OBP2A into pUT18 and pT25 was done.

Protocols Used: ligation Transformation

Results: N/A

Next Steps: If transformation is successful and positive colonies form on the antibiotic plates, then the next step will be to grow overnight colonies in preparation for purification and sequencing.

23/7: Production of overnight cultures of pUT18-OBP2A.

Aim of Experiment: Although the transformation of OBP2A into pT25 was unsuccessful, the transformation of OBP2A into pUT18 did produce positive colonies. These colonies were grown overnight in preparation for Miniprep.

Protocols Used: Overnight Culture p>

Results: N/A

Next Steps: Once the cells have grown overnight they will undergo plasmid preparation for subsequent sequencing.

24/7: Plasmid preparation and pre-sequencing digest of pUT18-OBP2A

Aim of Experiment: The overnight cultures of pUT18-OBP2Aunderwent plasmid preparation and then a subsequent pre-sequence digest before being sent for sequencing.

Protocols Used: Miniprep Pre-sequence digest p>

Results: N/A

Next Steps: If sequencing comes back positive for pUT18-OBP2A then this can now be implemented into the bacterial two hybrid. Second attempt at cloning of OBP2A into pT25 will be done next week.

Week Beginning 27/7/2015


Successful insertion of OBP2A into both bacterial two hybrid vectors pUT18 and pT25.

27/7: PCR and gel extraction of OBP2A for preparation of insertion into pT25.

Aim of Experiment: As he first attempt of OBP2A insertion into pT25 was unsuccessful, a further PCR and gel extraction was done.

Protocols Used: PCR

Results: N/A

Next Steps: The next stage of experimentation will be to restrict OBP2A for subsequent ligation into pT25.

28/7: Restriction of OBP2A for pT25 and positive sequencing of pUT18-OBP2A

Aim of Experiment: A restriction of OBP2A for PT25 was performed. Sequencing came back positive for pUT18-OBP2A, so pUT18-OBP2A can now be implemented in the bacterial two hybrid system.

Protocols Used: Restriction p>

Results: N/A

Next Steps: The next stage of experimentation will be to ligate OBP2A into the pT25 vector.

30/7: Ligation and transformation of OBP2A into pT25.

Aim of Experiment: As the restriction was done yesterday a ligation and transformation of OBP2A into the bacterial two hybrid vector pT25 was done today.

Protocols Used: ligationTransformation

Results: N/A

Next Steps: If transformation is successful and positive colonies form on the antibiotic plates, then the next step will be to grow overnight cultures of those colonies in preparation for purification and sequencing.

31/7: Produced overnight culture from positive colonies of pT25-OBP2A

Aim of Experiment: The transformation of OBP2A into pT25 produced positive colonies, so overnight cultures of these colonies were done today.

Protocols Used: Overnight Culture p>

Results: N/A

Next Steps: Once the cells have grown overnight they will undergo plasmid preparation for subsequent sequencing.

1/8: Plasmid preparation and pre-sequencing digest of pT25-OBP2A

Aim of Experiment: The overnight cultures of pT25-OBP2Aunderwent plasmid preparation and then a subsequent pre-sequence digest before being sent for sequencing.

Protocols Used: Miniprep Pre-sequence digest p>

Results: N/A

Next Steps: If sequencing comes back positive for pT25-OBP2A then this can now be implemented into the bacterial two hybrid system. The results from the sequencing should arrive early on the 3/8.

Week Beginning 3/8/2015


3/8: Transformation of pUT18-OBP2A into BTH101 E.coli strain.

Aim of Experiment: In order to gauge the interaction between the two separate parts of my protein both pT25-OBP2A and pUT18-OBP2A must be transformed into the same cell. In this case the transformation is being done with the BTH101 E.coli strain.This is the first of two transformations.

Protocols Used: Trasformation

Results: N/A

Next Steps: If the transformation is successful, then the next stage of experimentation will be to retransform this culture of cells using the pT25-OBP2A plasmid.

4/8:Day culture and transformation of BTH101 E.coli containing pUT18-OBP2A with pT25OBP2A

Aim of Experiment: The transformation performed yesterday has produced positive colonies. These positive colonies were then grown throughout the day before being made competent and used in the transformation of pT25-OBP2A

Protocols Used: Transformation p>

Results: N/A

Next Steps: If the transformation is successful then the next stage of experimentation will be to observe the interaction of the two subunits in vivo using MacConkey agar plates.

5/8:Day culture and plating of positive colonies from transformation onto MacConkey agar.

Aim of Experiment: Positive colonies have formed on the agar plate of yesterday's transformation. Since this means that those positive colonies contain both bacterial two hybrid vectors then it is now possible to plate them on MacConkey agar as this will give us a visual demonstration of protein interaction.

Protocols Used: Transformation

Results: N/A

Next Steps: It has been decided that whilst the E.coli strain BTH101 that is being used in this experiment is useful for protein interaction. A better E.coli strain called MG1655(-cya) will be used instead as it is far more stable. This means that tomorrow overnights will be prepared of MG1655(-cya)for transformation with pUT18 and pT25 containing the different subunits of OBP2A.

6/8: Overnight of MG1655(-cya)

Aim of Experiment: Performed overnight of MG1655(-cya)E.coli in preparation for transformation with pUT18-OBP2A and pT25-OBP2A.

Protocols Used: Overnight Culture p>

Results: N/A

Next Steps: Once the overnight culture has been give the correct amount of time to grow these cells will be made competent and transformed with pUT18-OBP2A and pT25-OBP2A.

7/8: Results of MacConkey agar growth and transformation of MG1655(-cya)with pUT18-OBP2A

Aim of Experiment: Colonies of BTH101 that have formed on the MacConkey agar have grown to sufficient size that it is now possible to see that the colonies are uptaking a small amount of the red dye - which possibly suggests that the two separated parts of OBP2A are interacting. This will be shown through the use of the betagalactosidae assay. Cells of MG1655(-cya) from yesterdays overnight were firstly made competent then subsequently transformed with pUT18-OBP2A.

Protocols Used: Miniprep Pre-sequence digest p>

Results: N/A

Next Steps: If the transformation of MG1655(-cya) with pUT18-OBP2A is successful then the next step of experimentation will be retransform positive colonies with pT25-OBP2A.

Week Beginning 10/8/2015


10/8: Plating of Controls in preparation of betaglactosidase assay

Aim of Experiment: In order to perform the betagalactosidase assay several controls are implemented to allow for a concise interpretation of the results. This first assay attempt will consist of one positive control, one negative control and one intermediate control.

Protocols Used: Trasformation

Results: N/A

Next Steps: The next step will be to perform overnights in preparation of the betagalctosidase assay.

11/8: Overnights cultures in preparation of betagalctosidase assay

Aim of Experiment: Prepared overnights of positive colonies of MG1655(-cya) containing pUT18-OBP2A and pT25-OBP2A, along with the control colonies in preparation for the betagalactosidase assay.

Protocols Used: Overnight Cultures p>

Results: N/A

Next Steps: Once the cells have been given sufficient time to grow then, the next stage of experimentation will be to inoculate those colonies into free liquid broth until they reach an O.D of 0.4 before being pellet and frozen for the assay. This will be done tomorrow.

12/8:Innoculation and preparation of cultures for betagalctosidase assay tomorrow.

Aim of Experiment: A small subsample of each overnight was inoculated into fresh LB, there were two done for each colony. These were then left to grow until the O.D of each culture was between 0.3-0.5. Once there 3 replicas of 1ml were taken form each culture before being spun down, the supernatant removed and frozen.

Protocols Used: Transformation

Results: N/A

Next Steps: The samples are now ready for the betagalcatsidase assay which will be done tomorrow.

13/8: First attempt at determination of the protein interaction of the OBP2A subunits using the betagalctosidase assay.

Aim of Experiment: To determine the millers activity of the subunits of OBP2A when interacting in vivo as a basis of the level of interaction between them. This was done using the betagalactosidase assay.

Protocols Used: Overnight Culture p>

Results: N/A

Next Steps: Since it isn't clear from the data that the subunits of OBP2A aren't interaction in vivo a further assay will be prepared using more controls.

14/8: Plating of Controls in preparation of betaglactosidase assay

Aim of Experiment: Colonies of BTH101 that have formed on the MacConkey agar have grown to sufficient size that it is now possible to see that the colonies are uptaking a small amount of the red dye - which possibly suggests that the two separated parts of OBP2A are interacting. This will be shown through the use of the betagalactosidae assay. Cells of MG1655(-cya) from yesterdays overnight were firstly made competent then subsequently transformed with pUT18-OBP2A.

Protocols Used: Miniprep Pre-sequence digest p>

Results: N/A

Next Steps: If the transformation of MG1655(-cya) with pUT18-OBP2A is successful then the next step of experimentation will be retransform positive colonies with pT25-OBP2A.

Week Beginning 10/8/2015


10/8: Plating of Controls in preparation of betaglactosidase assay

Aim of Experiment: In order to perform the betagalactosidase assay several controls are implemented to allow for a concise interpretation of the results. This first assay attempt will consist of one positive control, one negative control and one intermediate control.

Protocols Used: Trasformation

Results: N/A

Next Steps: The next step will be to perform overnights in preparation of the betagalctosidase assay.

11/8: Overnights cultures in preparation of betagalctosidase assay

Aim of Experiment: Prepared overnights of positive colonies of MG1655(-cya) containing pUT18-OBP2A and pT25-OBP2A, along with the control colonies in preparation for the betagalactosidase assay.

Protocols Used: Overnight Cultures p>

Results: N/A

Next Steps: Once the cells have been given sufficient time to grow then, the next stage of experimentation will be to inoculate those colonies into free liquid broth until they reach an O.D of 0.4 before being pellet and frozen for the assay. This will be done tomorrow.

12/8:Innoculation and preparation of cultures for betagalctosidase assay tomorrow.

Aim of Experiment: A small subsample of each overnight was inoculated into fresh LB, there were two done for each colony. These were then left to grow until the O.D of each culture was between 0.3-0.5. Once there 3 replicas of 1ml were taken form each culture before being spun down, the supernatant removed and frozen.

Protocols Used: Transformation

Results: N/A

Next Steps: The samples are now ready for the betagalcatsidase assay which will be done tomorrow.

13/8: First attempt at determination of the protein interaction of the OBP2A subunits using the betagalctosidase assay.

Aim of Experiment: To determine the millers activity of the subunits of OBP2A when interacting in vivo as a basis of the level of interaction between them. This was done using the betagalactosidase assay.

Protocols Used: Overnight Culture p>

Results: N/A

Next Steps: Since it isn't clear from the data that the subunits of OBP2A aren't interaction in vivo a further assay will be prepared using more controls.

14/8: Plating of Controls in preparation of betaglactosidase assay

Aim of Experiment: Colonies of BTH101 that have formed on the MacConkey agar have grown to sufficient size that it is now possible to see that the colonies are uptaking a small amount of the red dye - which possibly suggests that the two separated parts of OBP2A are interacting. This will be shown through the use of the betagalactosidae assay. Cells of MG1655(-cya) from yesterdays overnight were firstly made competent then subsequently transformed with pUT18-OBP2A.

Protocols Used: Miniprep Pre-sequence digest p>

Results: N/A

Next Steps: If the transformation of MG1655(-cya) with pUT18-OBP2A is successful then the next step of experimentation will be retransform positive colonies with pT25-OBP2A.

Week Beginning 17/8/2015


10/8: Plating of Controls in preparation of betaglactosidase assay

Aim of Experiment: In order to perform the betagalactosidase assay several controls are implemented to allow for a concise interpretation of the results. This first assay attempt will consist of one positive control, one negative control and one intermediate control.

Protocols Used: Trasformation

Results: N/A

Next Steps: The next step will be to perform overnights in preparation of the betagalctosidase assay.

11/8: Overnights cultures in preparation of betagalctosidase assay

Aim of Experiment: Prepared overnights of positive colonies of MG1655(-cya) containing pUT18-OBP2A and pT25-OBP2A, along with the control colonies in preparation for the betagalactosidase assay.

Protocols Used: Overnight Cultures p>

Results: N/A

Next Steps: Once the cells have been given sufficient time to grow then, the next stage of experimentation will be to inoculate those colonies into free liquid broth until they reach an O.D of 0.4 before being pellet and frozen for the assay. This will be done tomorrow.

12/8:Innoculation and preparation of cultures for betagalctosidase assay tomorrow.

Aim of Experiment: A small subsample of each overnight was inoculated into fresh LB, there were two done for each colony. These were then left to grow until the O.D of each culture was between 0.3-0.5. Once there 3 replicas of 1ml were taken form each culture before being spun down, the supernatant removed and frozen.

Protocols Used: Transformation

Results: N/A

Next Steps: The samples are now ready for the betagalcatsidase assay which will be done tomorrow.

13/8: First attempt at determination of the protein interaction of the OBP2A subunits using the betagalctosidase assay.

Aim of Experiment: To determine the millers activity of the subunits of OBP2A when interacting in vivo as a basis of the level of interaction between them. This was done using the betagalactosidase assay.

Protocols Used: Overnight Culture p>

Results: N/A

Next Steps: Since it isn't clear from the data that the subunits of OBP2A aren't interaction in vivo a further assay will be prepared using more controls.

14/8: Plating of Controls in preparation of betaglactosidase assay

Aim of Experiment: Colonies of BTH101 that have formed on the MacConkey agar have grown to sufficient size that it is now possible to see that the colonies are uptaking a small amount of the red dye - which possibly suggests that the two separated parts of OBP2A are interacting. This will be shown through the use of the betagalactosidae assay. Cells of MG1655(-cya) from yesterdays overnight were firstly made competent then subsequently transformed with pUT18-OBP2A.

Protocols Used: Miniprep Pre-sequence digest p>

Results: N/A

Next Steps: If the transformation of MG1655(-cya) with pUT18-OBP2A is successful then the next step of experimentation will be retransform positive colonies with pT25-OBP2A.