We thank...
- Prof. Victor Souijk and his group for their support and the opportunity to participate in the iGEM competition.
- the group of Prof. Wolfgang Hillen and Julia Bürger (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) for sending us the tetR(B) and P5(L9A) promotors.
- Dr. Knut Drescher (MPI Marburg) for providing us with the DNA of the CDI-Operon.
- Dr. Uwe Linne (Philips-Universität Marburg) for measuring of the protein concentration of the InterLab Study constructs.
- Dr. Anja Paulick, Joana Lopes and Miriam Fischer (Center of Synthetic Microbiology, Marburg) for their help setting up the Platereader, especially for the experiments of the Interlab Study.
- Jochen Mogk for helping us with the synthesis of hydroxylapatite and the X-ray crystallography analysis.
- David Kraus and Kimon Flosdorf for their support on computer science issues.