
iGEM Bielefeld 2015

Data Page

An Overview of our favourite BioBricks

Data for PRIA

BBa_K1758201Lac Repressor with His-Tag under control of T7 promoter and a strong RBS
BBa_K1758202Lac repressor fused with superfolding Green Fluorescence Protein (sfGFP) with His-Tag under control of T7 promoter and a strong RBS
BBa_K1758203 Arsenic repressor fused with superfolding Green Fluorescence Protein (sfGFP) with His-Tag under control of T7 promoter and a strong RBS
BBa_K1758204 Blc repressor fused with superfolding Green Fluorescence Protein (sfGFP) with His-Tag under control of T7 promoter and a strong RBS

Data for Heavy metals

BBa_K1758310Chromium Repressor under control of constitutive Promoter and strong RBS
BBa_K1758311 Chromium responsive promoter with RFP
BBa_K1758312 Chromium responsive promoter with UTR+RBS and sfGFP
BBa_K1758313 Chromium repressor under control of constitutive promoter and strong RBS, chromium responsive promoter, UTR+RBS and sfGFP
BBa_K1758314 Chromium responsive promoter with T7-promoter and UTR-sfGFP
BBa_K1758320 Copper activator under control constitutive promoter and strong RBS
BBa_K1758321 Copper responsive promoter with RFP
BBa_K1758322 Copper activator under control constitutive promoter and strong RBS and Copper responsive promoter with RFP
BBa_K1758323 Copper responsive promoter with UTR-sfGFP
BBa_K1758324 Copper activator under control constitutive promoter and strong RBS and Copper responsive promoter with UTR-sfGFP
BBa_K1758325 Copper responsive promoter with T7-promoter and UTR-sfGFP
BBa_K1758330 Lead repressor under control of constitutive promot er and strong RBS
BBa_K1758331 Lead responsive promoter with RFP
BBa_K1758332 Lead responsive promoter with UTR-sfGFP
BBa_K1758333 Lead repressor under control of constitutive promoter and strong RBS and lead responsive promoter with UTR-sfGFP
BBa_K1758334 Lead responsive promoter with T7-promoter and UTR-sfGFP
BBa_K1758340 Mercury repressor under control of constitutive promoter and strong RBS
BBa_K1758342 Mercury responsive promoter with UTR-sfGFP
BBa_K1758343 Mercury activator under control of constitutive promoter and strong RBS and mercury responsive promoter with UTR-sfGFP
BBa_K1758344 Mercury responsive promoter with T7-promoter and UTR-sfGFP
BBa_K1758350 Nickel repressor under control of constitutive promoter and strong RBS
BBa_K1758351 Nickel responsive promoter with RFP
BBa_K1758352 Nickel responsive promoter with UTR-sfGFP
BBa_K1758353 Nickel activator under control of constitutive promoter and strong RBS and Nickel responsive promoter with UTR-sfGFP
BBa_K1758354 Nickel responsive promoter with T7-promoter and UTR-sfGFP