

Dr. William Whitman

Dr. Yajun Yan

Dr. Brahm Verma


Dr. Zhe Lyu

Dr. Zhe Lyu. Postdoctoral research associate. I have been working on methanogenic archaea encompassing their isolation, genomics, physiology and ecology since my doctoral studies. I am currently involved in engineering Methanococcus maripaludis, an excellent model organism for methanogenic archaea to promote biogas production. Methanogenic archaea play vital roles in regulating our climate and quenching our thirst for clean energy, all because the one simple molecule they release – methane. I believe that our research activities at UGA will enable better engineering and understanding of methanogenic archaea using synthetic biology, and prepare us for the grand challenges such as global warming and energy crisis.

Narendran Sekar

Student Members

Rebecca Buchanan

Hirel Patel

John Buchanan

John Buchanan is currently a third year student at The University of Georgia pursuing a B.S. in Biology with an emphasis in Neuroscience from the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences. He has been a part of UGA iGEM since the spring and in which has taken interest in metabolic modeling and has led the screening team. One day he hopes to pursue a graduate/professional degree and then pursue a career in medicine. Outside of school, John enjoys to play golf, fish, and watch football.

Steven Kodish

Benjamin Park

Akshay Chandora

Lucas Bougang

Anjana Kumar

Walter Asencios

Walter joined iGEM in Spring 2015, and has enjoyed every second of it, from performing lab work to seeking funds for our project as the Fundraising Chair. Additionally, Walter is a member of FIMRC (Foundation for International Medical Relief of Children), where he educates elementary children in an interactive way about the different ways in which a person can maintain a healthy lifestyle. He enjoys volunteering at Mercy Health Clinic, playing intramural soccer, and playing the violin whenever he's not studying. Walter plans to attend medical school upon completion of his UGA studies.

Tomelia Barnes