Heavy Metals
Zusammenfassung in ganz wenigen Worten.
in vivo
in vitro
in vivo
Our sensor for chromium detection consists of ChrB the repressor and the chromate specific promoter ChrP. The promoter is regulated by the ChrB, which binds Cr-ions. Behind the promoter is a sfGFP for detection of a fluorescence signal. In vivo we could show that the addition of different concentrations of chromium have different effects to transcription of sfGFP. Our data lead to the conclusion that in a cell based system it is possible to detect chromium. In contrast to our expectations with higher chromium concentrations we got lower fluorescence levels. These observations needed further vitro
As shown above copper has no negatice influence on the functuality of our cell extact. Therefore a ralatively stable system for copper sensing is provided. First Tests with specific cell extract and different copperconcentrations lead tu further tests and normilisationsLead
in vivo
in vivo
in vitro
in vivo