Team:Tokyo Tech/Experiment/Overview of fim inversion system

Overview of fim inversion system

We introduce fim system


1. Introduction

Fig.3-3-3-1. ここに図の名前を打て


In order to make the E. coli decide for themselves, we needed a part that can switch back and forth at random. We decided that the fim switch can do this job. Our big achievement have created a tripartite relationship, fim switch-FimB/FimE.

Fig.3-3-3-2. ここに図の名前を打て


In the wild-type of E.coli K-12, two Fim proteins(fimbriae) invert the Fim switch, a specific 314 bp DNA sequence containing a promoter, to modulate its own expressions [1]. Fim switch has two states, ON and OFF. In the ON state, the promoter in (the fim switch transcripts to the right. On the other hand, in the OFF, promoter in fim switch transcripts to the left. In the following sentence, “ON” and “OFF" represent fim switch [default ON] and fim switch[default OFF].


Fim switch is inverted by two recombinases, FimB and FimE. These proteins have distinct activities. The FimB protein inverts fim switch in the ON-to-OFF and the OFF-to-ON direction with approximately equal efficiencies. On the other hand, the FimE protein inverts fim switch predominantly in the ON-to-OFF direction [2]. FimB and FimE gene was amplified by PCR. These PCR primers were designed by [2].

2. How to fim switch works

2.1. Wild type fim switch

2.1.1. The design of wild type fim switch

2.1.2. Result of FimB/FimE Assay to fimS(TT)

2.1.3. AHL dependent FimE Assay to fimS(TT)

2.2. Tokyo_Tech fim switch

2.2.1. The design of wild type fim switch

2.2.2. Result of FimB/FimE Assay to fimS(TT)

3. Comparison other team’s fim switch

3.1. FimB(2013_Toronto)


3.2. Fim switch(2006_Caltech)-FimE(2006_Caltech)


3.3. Fim switch(2013_Michigan)-FimE(2006_Caltech)-HbiF(2012_Michigan)


4. Reference