

Andre Baxter

  • Biomolecular Engineering
    Bioinformatics minor
    Merrill College (UCSC)
    5th Year
    Grant, Social Media, &
    Website Team
    From: Napa, CA 

Ray Bryan

  • Neuroscience
    Bioinformatics minor
    College Eight (UCSC)
    5th Year
    Programming Team
    From: Victorville, CA

Tina DeLeon

  • Biomolecular Engineering
    Crown College (UCSC)
    5th Year
    From: Fairfield, CA 

Adriana Landeros

  • Molecular, Cell, &
    Developmental Biology
  • College Ten (UCSC)
  • 4th Year
  • Grant Team
  • From: Salinas, CA

"Participating in UCSC iGEM has been one of the most rewarding and life-changing experiences I have had to date. Prior to iGEM I had little hands-on experience in a laboratory setting, which was very structured and did not allow me to have the independence or freedom I craved in a lab. Since then, I have helped design protocols, learned different wet and dry lab techniques, and have gotten familiar with using different kinds of laboratory equipment. iGEM has given me such a different and unconventional lab experience; it has given me the confidence and leadership skills to attend meet-ups, give oral presentations, take my laboratory skills to a whole other level, and motivate me to follow my passions in science. All in all, iGEM has given me more than I would have ever expected and I am so glad I took advantage of all the opportunities and valuable well-rounded skills iGEM offered me"

Sofia Menendez

  • Biology
    Sociology minor
    Stevenson College (UCSC)
    4th Year
    Grant & Social Media Team
    From: San Ramon, CA

"My experience with UCSC iGEM has been amazing! The exposure of doing field work and and working in lab has given me the confidence to continue developing my research experience as an undergrad. My favorite part of this summer has been sharing our project with the community. I've been motivated to bringing science presentations and college workshops to low income communities, such as my hometown Salinas where crime rate and gang activity is high. I feel we have the power to inspire the future innovators."

Henry Vilas

  • Biomolecular Engineering
    College 8 (UCSC)
    4th Year
    From: Aliso Viejo, CA 

Jocelyn Simlick

  • Microbiology
    Hartnell College
    4th Year
    Grant & Video Team
    From: Yuba, CA