Team:Technion HS Israel/Team

Technion 2015 HS Team's Wiki

Team members

This is us :) we are high school students who participate in the future scientists and inventors program at the Technion institute, Israel

this is a photo of Chen Mechel Hey, my name is Chen Mechel, I’m 17 years old. I’m the head of the project and a part of the modeling team. This project is an incredible opportunity for me to experience in the fascinating field of synthetic biology. Furthermore it gives me the opportunity to take part of an international competition.
My favorite quotation: "Life is 10 percent what you make it, and 90 percent how you take it." Irving Berlin

this is a photo of Tomer Shani Hey, i’m Tomer, I’m 17 and the head of the modeling team, I enjoy working with my friends on our project and learning new stuff in many fields through it.
My favorite scientist is albert einstein (who else?) and i really hope that someday I will make a change which is even 0.1% of what he did. Apart from that I like hiking, reading and listening to music (favorite band- Pink Floyd) and rather be a giant rodent then a tiny elephant because if people are afraid of small rodents, then a giant one will be invincible…

this is a photo of Naseeb Saida Hey, my name is Naseeb Saida, I am 17 years old , I am the head of the cloning team of our project. I enjoy working in the lab and using advanced technology. I don’t like to design primers with computer programs. I look forward to see the other teams' project and to learn more things from smart students in the competition.
I am happy to work on this project because I am learning new things in each day and I think that working with team is the best way to improve my knowledge. I am working with amazing students, and I am interested in taking part of an intentional competition.

this is a photo of Matar Rosen Hello, my name is Matar Rosen, I’m 17 years old. In our project I’m mostly responsible for the wiki. The thing I enjoy most in our project is learning new stuff from my peers and our instructors. I look forward to meeting new interesting people in the jamboree.
Quote i find intriguing : “If you don’t have a plan, you become part of somebody else’s plan.” ― Terence McKenna
I would rather read minds then be invisible because I’m really curious to know how other people’s mind work.

this is a photo of Loai Absawy Hi, my name is Loai Absawy, I’m 18 years old. In our project I worked on the cloning and also worked on designing the presentation and poster. I like working in the lab with my team it makes me feel like a real scientist. iGEM is a very unique experience way beyond any other experience I had.
I hate writing paragraphs especially ones that aren’t about science. I like machine engineering and inventing, computers, and robotics. My idols are Leonardo da Vince and Nikola Tesla because both are inventors that invented machines way ahead of their time and researched nature trying to satisfy their curiosity. I am looking forward to the jamboree and seeing what other teams worked on.

this is a photo of Fady Bader Hey, I’m Fady Baderand I’m 17 year old ,I’m part of the cloning team in our project, I definitely enjoy our work in lab, it's fun and interesting in the same time. I have learned many new things in this project, and I'm looking forward to learn more. I'm also excited to meet interesting people in this competition with the same interests, and I hope our team returns home with a smile on its face from the wonderful experience and results :).

this is a photo of Vered Levi Hi, I’m Vered Levi, I’m 17 years old. I am a part of the modeling team, and I also helped Matar a little with the wiki.
My favorite quote is: “A quote does not have to be intelligent, but when it is restated as a quote - it looks intelligent” (Vered Levi).
I would rather be with someone I don’t like on a deserted island, because than I wouldn’t feel guilty for eating him when we ran out of food. I wish all teams good luck ☺

this is a photo of joseph mouallem Hi, my name is Joseph, I'm 18 years old. In our project I worked on the cloning and also helped Loai a little bit in designing the presentation and poster. I enjoy working in the lab which makes me feel like a real scientist specially when we should think about a whole project all the way from the beginning and doing it all alone, moreover, I'm always very curious to understand and know what are the exact things that happen in the bacteria after each experiment that we do in the lab.
Despite of all the things that I enjoyed doing in the project there still some things that I didn't like during our work In the lab, these things can be summarized with two basic items, the first is waiting long time between one experiment and the one after, the second is having unwanted results after a very hard work knowing nothing about the reason for that.
I look forward in the competition to meet the other teams and their interesting projects, in addition, I'm so curious to learn from their discovers through their project.
My dream is to discover or make a new machine that would change the world and the way people think about it, that’s what makes my idol to be Albert Einstein who had discovered many new modern things which changed the world.
I would prefer to see the future rather than changing the past, because the past is gone and there is no point in changing it, but if we can see how our future looks like maybe we can do things which can change it. That's what takes us to my favorite quote: "never cry about the past but always be grateful that you still have the opportunity to change the future".

this is a photo of Ido Hey, my name is Ido and I’m 18 years old. I’m a member of the modeling team. I was responsible of making our mathematical model, together with the other modeling team members. I also developed our search engine “iGem Explorer” together with Itay, Tomer and Chen. in the “iGem Explorer” subproject i was responsible of doing the UI of the search engine. I love learning and doing math, and i also love to program. I had the amazing opportunity to combine both of these loves in our project. I’m so grateful that I was able to participate in this project, because i learned a LOT about modeling and software development and because I also learned about working together with other people on the same mission.