Team:Waterloo/Modeling/Cas9 Dynamics

Modelling Genomic Effects of CRISPR/Cas9

Model Formation

Biology of Genomic Cutting, Repair and Deletions by CRISPR/Cas9




Talk about where all the probabilities come from


Model Validation

Include notes on how the model matches reality/our expectations of reality in this section.

Simulate w/ targets that mismatch to different extents.

Effect of sgRNA Strength

Matt visualizations for different sgRNAs.

Graph of 3 different sgRNA designs of different strengths, show % functional

Importance of Large Deletions

Include notes on how the model matches reality/our expectations of reality in this section.

Effect of Cas9 Concentration

Include notes on how the model matches reality/our expectations of reality in this section.

Plant Defense by CRISPR/Cas9

This model was applied to the CRISPR Plant Defense aspect of our project, investigating whether the P6 protein of Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) could be deactivated by frameshift mutations. The P6 protein was chosen as a focus of the investigation because it suppresses natural plant RNAi defenses and trans-activates translation of other CaMV proteins . Details on P6 and the CaMV genome can be found on CaMV Biology page.

The model was run with HOW MANY targets in the P6 gene of the simulated CaMV genome described above. We tracked the percent of simulated genomes with functional P6 across 1000 runs fo the model, giving a general prediction of how long it will take before the P6 of a particular CaMV genome is rendered non-functional by our Plant Defense system.

PLOT % functional for P6/time over many simulations.


