
Research Notebook

Week 1 (24/5 - 30/5)

▪ June 14

Anaerobic Promoter    ☀ Yi Han ☀

▶ RP_XhoI_GFP and FP_KpnI_GFP with GFP-3 as template
▶ for 7 reactions with control

Mastermix * 8
PCR buffer 80ul
Primers 0.8ul/0.8ul
DNA polymerase 4ul
dH2O 494ul
Templates 38.75

Digest more plasmid (Esa plasmid)
4 rxns ( KpnI/XhoI digest) 50ul each
Buffer 20ul
KpnI 2ul
XhoI 2ul
DNA 34.8ul
H20 141.2ul