This project is accomplished by the hard work of our team members and also others that willingly give us a hand. We really want to thank what everyone have done to make this happen. On this page, you can find out about everyone who has contributed to the project.
Team Members
Responsible for:
- The genetic design of this project.
- Most of the idea description.
- The final decision of lab design.
Responsible for:
- The construction work of most of the genetic elements.
- Arguing with Can Yin (great accomplishment!)
Responsible for:
- Modeling
- Several performance test original design
- Communication with other iGEM team
Responsible for:
- Transformation of Cyanobacteria (PCC 6803) (Both natural transformation and electro-transformation)
- GFP signal-testing
Responsible for:
- Performance test of the desalination property
- Cell-water separation (floatation and stabilization)
- Helping PCC6803 transformation
Responsible for:
- Several tests checking PCC6803’s different properties
- Helping PCC6803 transformation
Responsible for:
- Human Practice
- Supervising Wiki construction, word organization
- Visual design elements
Lin He:the supervisor of our team and the direct of Bio-X, who gives us funding and university-related support. He initiated the first team and support us since then.
Gang Ma: the supervisor of our team and the professor of Bio-X, who gives us advice and instruction. We fought together dealing with all of the hard problems.
Yushu Wang:the general advisor of our team, who spent a lot of time and energy on us, helping all kinds of problems.
Shajia Afrin:the PhD here in Bio-X, who provide us experiment advices and teaching us experiment skills relating to Cyanobacteria, Synechosystis PCC6803.
Md. Rezaul Islam Khan: The PhD here in Bio-X, who provide us experiment advices and teaching us experiment skills relating to Cyanobacteria, Synechosystis PCC6803.
General support
Research institute of Bio-X: During the whole preparation procedure of the iGEM competition, Bio-X offered us a great support in all aspects. Thanks to their providing of experimental funds and drugs.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University: Our university gives us logistics support for the whole project. Thanks for the substantial support given by our university.
School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University: During the whole experimentation, School of Life Science and Biotechnology provided us with experimental funds, laboratory and experimental apparatus.
Algae support:
Professor Peimin He from Shanghai Ocean University: Thanks for advice and information related to algae utilizing.
Professor Shengbin He from Shanghai Jiaotong University: Thanks for advice and information cell-water separation process.
Nanjing iGEM team: Thanks for cell immobilization materials.
HP support:
Professor Xi Wang from KoGuan Law School of SJTU: Thanks for supporting on government acceptance
Hangzhou Water Treatment Technology Development Center and their vice director, Hongqiang Li:Thanks for supporting om desalination process.
Shanghai Water Supply Authority: Thanks to the data and the standard lines of water purification they provided for us, which enabled our team to specifically work on the purity of water connected with factory productions.
Image support
Ying Chen: Thanks for the correction of the characters and partial document assistant. Lu li: Thanks for the design of bookmarks.
We also give thanks to all other teachers and fellow students who supported us in either experiment or brainstorming in Bio-X. Without their help and encouragement, we cannot hold up to the end.