▪ June 14
Anaerobic Promoter
☀ Yi Han ☀
▶ RP_XhoI_GFP and FP_KpnI_GFP with GFP-3 as template
▶ for 7 reactions with control
Mastermix * 8 |
PCR buffer | 80ul |
Primers | 0.8ul/0.8ul |
DNA polymerase | 4ul |
dH2O | 494ul |
Templates | 38.75 |
Digest more plasmid (Esa plasmid)
4 rxns ( KpnI/XhoI digest) | 50ul each | Buffer | 20ul |
KpnI | 2ul |
XhoI 2ul | |
DNA | 34.8ul |
H20 | 141.2ul |
▪ June 15
Anaerobic Promoter
☀ Yun Ting ☀
PCR: RP_XhoI_GFP and FP_KpnI_GFP with GFP midiprep for 15 reactions with control:
PCR buffer | 170ul |
Primers | 1.7ul, 1.7ul |
dNTP | 34 ul |
DNA polymerase | 8.5 ul |
dH2O | 1127.1ul |
Templates | 17ul |
Total | 1360ul |
PCR protocol “GFP 1” (32 cycles)
Anaerobic Promoter
☀ Yi Han ☀
GFP PCR product -> 448ng/ul
Gel extraction
Qiagen gel extraction kit at MBI
Esa gel band from 14/6
Nanodrop: 16.4 ng/ul, 260/280 = 2.60
Plasmid construction
RE digest (KpnI, XhoI) 3 Replicates of the following:
DNA | 2.6ul |
Buffer | 5ul |
H2O | 41.5ul |
KpnI | 0.5ul |
XhoI | 0.5ul |
Ligation (2x reaction) |
40ul |
10X T4 DNA ligase buffer |
4ul |
Vector DNA (16ng/ul) |
100ng -> 6.25ul |
insert DNA (75ng) |
12 ul |
T4 DNA Ligase |
2ul |
H2O |
16ul |
▶ Note: ALL digested DNA in tube labeled lacGFP.ligation was used
▶ Nanodrop of ligation: 1114.0ng/ul. 260/280 = 3.7
▪ June 16
Anaerobic Promoter
☀ Yi Han ☀
Transformation of ligated esa-GFP plasmid into DH5\alpha cells
DH5alpha, unlabelled brown vial inside DH5\alpha box at -80
▶ Plates spread at 1140h
▶ LB + chloroamphenicol
4x (100ul)
10x (40ul)
20x (20ul)
LB - 20x (20ul)
Remaining transformed cells (~220ul) are kept at 4C
▶ labeled as placGFP in brown tube
▪ June 17
Anaerobic Promoter
☀ Yi Han ☀
only 4x placGFP plate has colonies (7)
▶ spread one new LB + chlor plate with 200ul of transformed bacteria
▶ picked 6 colonies to grow for miniprep in LB + chl liq media
▶ Conclusion: Protocol works but optimization for increase vol needed
Cloning of synparts in amp vector
▶ comes as 4mg dry DNA
▶ +40ul of DI/RNAse free H20
▶ for transformation, 150ml wed
Miniprep of placGFP followed by RE digest (Kpn, XhoI): 50 ul total
Buffer | 2.5 |
KpnI | 1 |
XhoI | 1 |
DNA | 10 |
H20 | 120.25 |
Colony PCR for synparts
▶ Failed
▶ No specific bands produced
▶ Might need optimization
Invasin + Listerolysin
☀ Yan Ting ☀
Subculture of HEK 293
▶ P4 -> p5
▶ grow/split into 150mm dish for freezing on sat (20/6)
30ml DMEM + 1ml cells
▶ 90mm dish for maintenance (buffer)
10ml DMEM + 30ul cells
▶ Cells combined from 3 90mm dishes
▪ June 17
esa Quorum Sensing
☀ Yi Han ☀
RE digest (XhoI, KpnI) of esa and GFP
esa Quorum Sensing
☀ Yun Ting ☀
Gel electrophoresis (100V, 40min).
▶ Lane 2: gpf: no bands
▶ Lane 3: 100bp ladder
▶ Lane 4: blank
▶ Lane 5: esa: 2 bands
▶ Lane 6: 1kb ladder
▶ Lane 7:blank