Team:Technion HS Israel/Project/Results

Technion 2015 HS Team's Wiki

Results and disscussions

  • characterize of YFP
  • characterize of YFP
  • characterize of YFP

    In order to understand each module of our system, we started to test and characterize the first part of the genetic circuit. To do so, we built a BioBrick consisting of a constitutive promoter (BBa_I14032) driving expression of LuxR followed by a Lux promoter (BBa_R0062). The Lux promoter is inactive in absence of the AHL-LuxR complex and can be activated when AHL is present. Downstream of the pLux promoter we fused a gene encoding a florescent protein, in this case yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) (see Figure 1A).


    Scheme of BBa_1767010

    This BioBrick (BBa_1767010) was used as a device that allows to

    1. determine the functionality of the promoter pLux.

      (2) the formation of the active transcription factor LuxR in presence of AHL.

      (3) compare to a similar BioBrick that contains AiiA (BBa_K1767009).

      The BioBrick that does contain AiiA (LINK!!!), an AHL-inactivating enzyme, is expressed constitutively upstream of LuxR and degrades AHL hence the amount of AHL available for the formation of the active AHL-LuxR complex is limited. Decreasing active AHL-LuxR complexed leads to a reduced activation of the pLux promoter that should be observed in a reduced activation of YFP over time (Figure 1B).
