Team:UC Davis/Project

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1. "Know Your Footprint" Lesson Plan
2. Antimicrobial Awareness App

Read about our design process:
1. Exploration
2. Inspiration/Motivation
3. Implementation
4. Refinement

Or jump to the lesson plan material!


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We were particularly inspired by Greg Neimyer’s Black Cloud initiative and identified students as an impressionable audience and a lesson plan as a viable medium.

More specifically, we wanted to develop a lesson plan to be used in conjunction with our biosensor. Our objective was two-fold:
  • to engage students in STEM by demonstrating that biology and chemistry have real world applications
  • and to raise awareness and accountability around chemical use by enlisting the help of students to use our device to monitor environmental levels of triclosan.

A lesson plan could be a viable platform, but only if it could be implemented. To determine what goes into developing an engaging and implementable lesson plan, we reached out to experts.

To aid us in our development of a lesson plan, we reached out to Community Resources for Science (CRS), an organization that works with scientists to bring their work into the classroom. CRS helps educators and scientists work together to engage students in hands on, inquiry based learning experiences. Their mission is to, “connect and engage educators, students, and scientists in a vibrant and innovative web of science learning resources, thereby transforming science education.”

Sasha Stackhouse and Morgan Seag at CRS provided valuable feedback on:
  • how to present our project more clearly,
  • how to fit our lesson plan to next generation science standards,

Once we got the approval that our lesson plan met their standards, CRS connected us with their network of teachers in Davis.

While we are excited to share our project/message with schools in the area, delivering the instructions ourselves somewhat limits our scope. Ultimately we want to reach students around the nation.

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