Team:Tokyo Tech/Experiment/FimB dependent fim switch state assay
FimB dependent fim switch state assay
1. Introduction
2. Summary of the Experiment
3. Results
3.1. Arabinose-dependent FimB (wild-type) expression
3.2. FLA analysis
4. Discussion
5. Materials and Methods
5.1. Construction
5.2. Assay Protocol
5.2.1 Arabinose dependent FimB expression
5.2.2. FLA analysis
6. Reference
1. Introduction
In order to enable a prisoner coli to randomly select its option between cooperation and defection, we noticed that a fim switch(wild-type), which can invert a promoter sequence bidirectionally in the presence of FimB (wild-type) recombinase, is the part we need (Fig. 3-4-1-1). |
Fig. 3-4-1-1. In the presence of FimB recombinase, the fim switch which is a promoter containing repeated DNA sequence, is invert at random. |
For implementation of Decision making coli, we newly constructed plasmid, PBAD/araC_fimB(wild-type) (BBa_K1632012) that produces FimB (wild-type). We also prepared two other new plasmids, BBa_K1632007 and BBa_K1632008 (Fig. 3-4-1-2). BBa_K1632012 enables arabinose-inducible expression of FimB (wild-type). In BBa_K1632007 and BBa_K1632008, either [ON] or [OFF] fim switch (wild-type) is placed upstream of GFP coding sequence.
Fig.3-4-1-2. New plasmids we constructed to confirm the function of BBa_K1632012 plasmid for Decision making coli |
2. Summary of the Experiment
Our purpose is to confirm that FimB (wild-type) inverts the fim switch (wild-type) from ON to the OFF and from OFF to ON (Fig.3-5-2-1). We prepared six plasmids below. (Fig.3-5-2-2). We measured the fluorescence intensity from the GFP expression in the presence of arabinose. From the results, we confirmed that our fim switch (wild-tyoe) is inverted from ON to OFF and OFF to ON. From the results we also confirmed our fim switch (wild-type) is not inverted by the endogenous FimB and FimE and that FImB expression doesn’t affect the gfp expression. We also confirmed the inversion of our fim switch (wild-type) by コロニーカウンティング以下は篠原よろしく
(1) PBAD/araC_fimB (pSB6A1)+ fim switch[default ON](wild-type)_GFP (pSB3K3)
(2) PBAD/araC_fimB (pSB6A1) + fim switch[default OFF](wild-type) _GFP (pSB3K3)
(3)Positive control 1: (pSB6A1)+ fim switch[default ON](wild-type) _GFP (pSB3K3)
(4)Negative control 1: (pSB6A1)+ fim switch[default OFF](wild-type) _GFP (pSB3K3)
(5)Positive control 2: PBAD/araC_fimB (wild-type) (pSB6A1)+Pcon_GFP (pSB3K3)
(6)Negative control 2: PBAD/araC_fimB (wild-type) (pSB6A1)+promoter less_GFP (pSB3K3)
Fig.3-4-2-1. Plasmids for the experiment of FimB dependent fim switch state assay |
3. Results
3.1. Arabinose-dependent FimB (wild-type) expression
We tried to confirm that fim switch is bidirectically inverted in the presence of FimB (wild-type) by using GFP as a reporter, under 4 different concentrations of arabinose. In the medium with 0 M arabinose, we supplemented the medium with 0.5 % glucose in order to repress the leakage in the PBAD/araC promoter. Fig. 3-5-3-1 shows the histograms of the samples measured by the flow cytometer. In the results of the reporter cell (1), when the Induction of FimB(wild-type) expression increases, the fluorescence intensity decreases. From this fact, we confirmed that the fim switch is inverted from ON to OFF by FimB (wild-type). From the result of the reporter cell (2), when the expression amount of FimB(wild-type) increases, the expression amount of GFP in the reporter cell (2) increases. From this fact, we confirmed that the fim switch is inverted from OFF to ON by FimB(wild-type). From the results of the two reporter cells (1) and (2), we successfully confirmed that FimB (wild-type) inverts the fim switch from ON to OFF and from OFF to ON.
The results of positive control 1 and negative control 1 confirmed that the endogenous FimB and FimE did not invert our fim switch (wild-tyoe). Also, the result of negative control 2, indicates that the expression of FimB (wild-type) do not have effects on the gfp expression. The reason the fluorescence intensity of the positive control 2 is increasing in proportion to the arabinose concentration is described in 4. Discussion section.
Fig. 3-4-3-1. Histogram of the samples measured by flow cytometer |
3.2. FLA analysis
4. Discussion
When the concentration of FimB (wild-type) increased by increasing the concentration of arabinose, we confirmed that the fluorescence intensity decreased in both ON to OFF process and OFF to ON process. |
5. Materials and Methods5.1. Construction-StrainAll the samples were DH5alpha strain. -PlasmidsA. PBAD/araC_fimB(pSB6A1)+ fim switch[default ON](wild-type)_gfp (pSB3K3)
B. PBAD/araC_fimB(pSB6A1)+ fim switch[default OFF](wild-type)_gfp (pSB3K3)
C. Posigive control1:(pSB6A1)+ fim switch[default ON](wild-type)_gfp(pSB3K3)
D. Negative control2: (pSB6A1)+ fim switch[default OFF](wild-type)_gfp(pSB3K3)
E. Pbad/araC-fimB (pSB6A1) +J23119 promoter_gfp (pSB3K3)…Positive control2
F. Pbad/araC-fimB (pSB6A1) +promoter less gfp (pSB3K3)…Negative control2
5.2. Assay Protocol5.2.1. Arabinose dependent FimB expression
1. Prepare overnight cultures for the each sample in 3 mL of LB medium containing ampicillin (50 microg / mL), kanamycin (30 microg / mL) and glucose (final concentration of mass of glucose is 0.5 percent) at 37 ℃ for 12h. 5.2.2. FLA analysis
1. After the assay of “Arabinose dependent FimE expression”, miniprep cell culture (A,B,
,C and D) of leftover as here.( 6. Reference1. Hung M. et al. (2014) Modulating the frequency and bias of stochastic switching to control phenotypic variation. Nat Commun 5:4574. doi:10.1038/ncomms5574 2. Timothy S. Ham et al. (2006) A Tightly Regulated Inducible Expression System Utilizing the fim Inversion Recombination Switch. Biotechnol Bioeng 94(1):1-4