Team:Tokyo Tech/Description



0. Summary

iGEM 2015 Tokyo_Tech improved the function of BBa_K395160 by submission of BBa_K1632020, and characterization of BBa_K1333309, to meet gold medal criteria.

Furthermore, we have improved characterization of another previously existing part, RNA thermometer (FourU) coding sequence plasmid (BBa_K1333309), constructed by iGEM 2014 SYSU-China by the following three points. (1) We measured the function of BBa_K1333309 at 42 ºC, which wasn’t confirmed by iGEM 2014 SYSU-China. (2) We clarified the processing of the background derived from Negative control. (3) We explicated that the measuring equipment was flow cytometer.
go to RNA thermometer.

1. ssrAのパート

2. RNA thermometer

2.1. "Background”for our characterization
