Team:SZU China/Attributions


Weizhao Chen
---Mentor, Leader of brainstorm, Sponsor, Instructor.He organizes students to brainstorm and spare no effort to support the team. He is the soul figure of SZU-iGEM.
Jiangxin Wang
---Instructor.He is major in systems biology and synthetic biology.He gave us a great help in English.
Qing Zhou
---Technical assist,Cell experiment instructor.Helped us to construct and verify project system.
Yongyi Wang
----Relevant experimental training, biobricks construction. Editor of the biobricks on the iGEM official website. Organized a communication with Lanzhou University iGEM. Audit of the investigation, team funds application. Reviewed and revised the speech draft. Gave suggestions on the speech, posters and wiki. Responsible for Human Practice.
Wanxin Ye
---Deputy team leader. Responsible for idea and administrative affairs. Find fund and private sponsors for our team. Translate the document. Responsible for Human Practise.
Zhipeng Qiu
---Instructor of brainstorm and experiment.
Huixin Xie
---Human practice. Doing experiments. Make contact with other organizations.
Kexin Li
---Deliver a speech about our project. Responsible for human practise in making decorative parts. Successed in making Rlu+sv40 device and Rlu part.
Zeyu Miao
---Team Photography&video. Make sv40 part and sv40+rlu, TRNA+tert device. Responsible for experimental progress in the Beijing exchange.
Hao Wang
---Labour contractor of the construction site of biobrick. Responsible for boasting at Giant Jamboree.
Fang Shu
---Responsible for biobrick construction and team’s publicity. One of lecturers of our presentation.
Zhiwei Zhang
---Wiki and Design support .
Xue Chen
---Make a survey about bladder cancer and design a questionnaire. Do experiments and human practice.
Dawei Yi
---Cell experiment. Validate genetic system in bladder cancer cells and get the data.
Hui Ai
--- Human practice. Finsh sv40 part, sv40+rlu,TRNA+tert device. Responsible for all experimental progress during Academic. Communication in beijing. Complete cell passage and transfection in the second hospital. Customized uniforms.
Shaopei Xie
---Designed the poste, the logo, the banner and the wiki. Shuang Liang
---Responsible for the construction of BioBrick. Responsible for the editing in the official website. Successfully in completed a part. Uniform design. The poster, Wiki, questionnaire was proposed for reference.
Xiao Yin
---Responsible for a human practice activities called Cultural. Festival of Life. Making questionnaire. Finsh one part of biobrick.
Changxing Hu
---Responsible for the PCR, enzyme digestion, ligation, Ransformation, validation of Rluc and the digestion and connection of Rluc and SV40.
Zhangli Hu
---Advisor of SZU-iGEM and the dean of College of Life Sciences Shenzhen university,offered our team the experimentsl rooms.
Zhiming Cai
---Director of Shenzhen hospital which is the First Affiliated Hospital of Shenzhen University. Gave a great support in experiment and human practice.
Weiren Huang
---Great help inexperimental progress and the construction of the team.
Beixin Mo
---Advisor and the vice president of College of Life Sciences Shenzhen University,she trys her best to help SZU-iGEM team in many aspects.