Team:HZAU-China/Modeling/Regulation to oscillator
Mixed-Reality CellBidirectinal coupling between real and virtual bio-oscillators
Regulation to oscillator--light control system
In order to establish the connection between genetic oscillator in E.coli and e-oscillator in computer, we adopt light as the medium and bond. A light control system is employed in our project as the wetlab mentioned (Figure 1). Therefore, we can change the expression level of the gene behind the ompc promoter through different light intensity.
Figure 1. Light control system.(Tabor J J, et al,2009)
Based on the paper of Jeffrey J. Tabor(2009), we get the transfer function between light intensity and expression rate:
whereis the expression rate, the fit parameter is K=0.0017,,are the maximum and minimum expression level, L is the intensity of light ().
In our project, the expression of lacI behind the ompc promoter will change with the light intensity. So we add it to the DDEs model of dual-feedback oscillator,
and modify the procedure in MATLAB.
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