Team:elan vital korea/Attributions



Special Thanks to Professor You-Jin Hwang, PI of Elan Vital Korea, who shared our belief of what we can do, and generously allowed us to use his lab, materials and other resources we needed. He has been very supportive and understanding all the time, and offered invaluable advices whenever we needed them.

And, we cannot thank Dr. Jeffrey Hannah, our instructor, enough, however we tried. He flew all the way to Korea and stayed with us for more than a week for brainstorming and valuable lectures on the fundamentals of synthetic biology for more than 80 hours. He also opened our eyes on quorum sensing: what it is and what it can do. Our project idea is the brainchild of his works, contributions and guidance. He led us to the idea, and directed our lab works throughout all processes.

And, we cannot ever forget what Mrs. Eugene Cha gave to us. Mrs. Cha is the mother of one of our members, Suji Lee. She used to work as a molecular biology researcher with master’s degree and amazing lab skills. She worked along with us, assisting us sometimes, doing things that we couldn’t due to schedule conflicts or lack of lab. She happily undertook tedious repetitive lab works for us, and led the Lac Z lab team. Without her inspiration, skill and devotion, we wouldn’t be able to complete the LacZ plasmid.

Mr. Yeosung Moon and Ms Minji Lee helped us greatly as lab coaches. Often, they had to sacrifice their freedom to stay with us, supervise and teach us lab techniques, and share their valuable experiences.

The following companies sponsored our works: TSST Global, Thinkware Dashcam, Tannus, and Daedong Paper. They helped us greatly reaching out to the community. They generously helped us with funds for video creation and their products which we gave to visitors of our booth as gifts.

YMCA supported our project as our umbrella and guardian. Without their help, we would not have been able to participate in the Korea Youth Expo. Also they lend us their extensive network for our public awareness activities.

Mr. Sungchul Yoo, Secretary General of Korean Science Teacher association kindly distributed our information materials and videos to science teachers across Korea.

Mr. Chee Ho Yoon of Royal College of Art helped us to build an excellent team wiki with his artistic inspiration, devotion and years of experience.

Video editing and animation creation skills of Ms Heyeon Shim, Chaelyn Lee, Sodooeeeee (pen name, of course) have been invaluable for our videos.

Hotel Lotte kindly offered wonderful banquet and excellent ballroom for our regional meet-up.

June Kwon, Young Chan Kim’s mother, shared her past iGEM experience and served as a team secretary until we were able to stand on our feet. And, last but not least, we have been greatly indebted to our parents whose financial and emotional support and inspiration made it all possible. Thank you all; you made it all possible!