Team:FAU Erlangen/Tour32

Yeast transformation with YFP

Day 1, 15/06/25:

1. Cultivating S. cerevisiae strain K699 and BY4742 derivative 4196 out of hostlab's strain collection
  • Strains taken from -80°C freezer were spread out on YPED-Medium plates
  • Incubation for 3 days at 26°C
2. Transformation of Vectors YCplac22, YEplac 181 and YIplac204 in DH5α E. coli
  • 1 µl DNA Stocksolution was given onto 50µl bacteria suspension
  • Incubation on ice for 30 minutes
  • Heatshock at 42°C for 90 seconds
  • Incubation on ice for 2 minutes
  • Addition of 500µl SOC-Medium
  • Incubation at 37°C for 60 minutes
  • 100µl of suspension wase plated on agarplates containing ampicilin
  • Incubation at 37° C over night

Day 2, 15/06/26:

1. Picking colonies for overnight cultures (ONK)
  • Picking a colony for each vector and additionally from the agarstamp ordered from the registry (K801000)
  • Afterwards incubation overnight at 37°C

Day 3, 15/06/29:

1. DNA-preparation via alkaline Lysis
  • Experimental procedure according to " Protocol 1: Alkaline Lysis "
  • Changes to protocol:
    • No centrifugation of ONK
    • Two 2ml reaction tubes filled with ONK instead
2. Picking of yeast colonies
  • Two yeast colonies picked out of YPED
  • Medium plates from Day 1 (see day 1/1.)
    • Clone 1 named A
    • Clone 2 named B

Day 4, 15/06/30:

1. Restriction digest of the obtained DNA-Solutions
  • Mastermix for a control digest of the obtained DNA-Solutions of plasmids YCplac22, YEplac181, YIplac204 produced according to following table
Reagent Volume for one sample Mastermix for four samples
EcoRI 0.5 µl 2 µl
EcoRV 0.5 µl 2 µl
Tango Buffer 4 µl 16 µl
Add 20µl ddH2O 14 µl 56 µl
Σ 19 µl 76 µl
  • 19 µl out of the mastermix were transferred to three 1.5 ml reaction tubes
  • 1 µl YCplac22/YEplac181/YIplac204 solution obtained in day 3/1 were given in one mastermix tube each
  • 1µl K80100 solution obtained in 3/1 was added to following reagents:
Reagent Volume for one sample
PstI 0.5 µl
Buffer O 2 µl
Add 20µl ddH2O 16.5 µl
Σ 19 µl
  • Digests were incubated at 37°C for 3 h
2. Gelelectrophoresis of digested DNA
  • Gelectrophoresis was executed according to "protocol 2: Gelelectrophoresis "
  • 2 µl 6x staining solution were given unto 10 µl digest
  • Samples were loaded onto the gel according to following scheme
    ⇒ 1kb-DNA-Marker (6µl)\\YCplac22 undigested\\ YCplac22 digested\\YIplac204 undigested\\YIplac204 digested\\ YEplac181 undigested\\ empty (pocket damaged)\\ YEplac181 digested\\K801000 undigested\\K801000digested\\empty\\1kb DNA-marker (6µl)
  • Photos were taken 1 hour, 1 hour 40 minutes and 2 hours 20 minutes

Day 5, 15/07/01:

1. Repetition of restriction digest for Ycplac 204 and K801000 digested
  • Mastermix created for BBa_K801000 and YIplac204

    Reagent Volume for one sample Mastermix for three samples
    Eco RI 0.5 µl 1.5 µl
    EcoRV 0.5 µl 1.5 µl
    Tango Buffer 4 µl 12 µl
    Add 20µl ddH2O 13 µl 39 µl
    Σ 18 µl 54 µl

  • 2µl of obtained DNA
  • Solution were transfered to 18 µl of mastermix
  • Incubation at 37°C for 3 hours
  • Gelelectrophoresis was conducted according to protocol 2
  • 2 µl of 6x staining solution were added onto 10 µl of digest
  • Samples were loaded in pockets according to following scheme
    ⇒ 6µl 1kb-DNA-marker// YIplac204 digested (15/07/01) // K801000 digested(15/07/01)//YCplac22 (15/06/30)// K801000(15/06/30)// YIplac204 (15/06/30)//empty//YEplac181 (15/06/30)// empty // 6µl 1kb-DNA-marker
2. Preparation of S. Cerevisiae tryptophan negative plates
  • Added following substances in two 1 liter flasks:
    • 3.35g Difco yeast nitrogen base 2/o aminoacid
    • 5.5 g CAA vitamin assay
    • 10 g Glucose
    • 83.0 mg Tyrosin
    • Uracil
    • Adenin
    • mix
    • 50.5 mg Leucin
    • 22g Agar
3. Preparation of S. Cerevisiae full media plates
  • Added following substances in two 1 liter flasks
    • 5.3g yeast extract
    • 11g Bacopepton
    • 10g Glucose
    • 22.7 mg Adenin
    • 11g Agar
4. Overnightculture of YIplac204 positive bacteria
  • Two times 5 ml ampicilin medium (80µg/ml) inoculated with 2 ampicilline ressistant bacteria colonies picked of plate from day 1/2.
  • Incubation at 37°C over night

Day 6, 15/07/02:

1. Moulding of Agar-plates
  • Added 500ml destilled Water to each Flask of day 5/2. and day 5/3.
  • Short mixing with stirring bar
  • Flask autoclaved
  • Stirring with stirring bar for 20 minutes at room temperature
  • Moulding of plates underneath a laminar flow hood
2. DNA-Preperation of overnight culture (see day 5/4.)
  • Conducted analogous to day 3/1. according to protocol 1
3. Digest of obtained DNA
  • Mastermix created to digest 2 µl DNA solution

    Reagent Volume for one sample Mastermix for three samples
    EcoRV 0.5 µl 1.5µl
    Buffer R 2.0 µl 6 µl
    Add 20µl H2O 15.5µl 46.5µl
    Σ 18µl 18µl

  • 2 µl DNA-preparation of each dublicat of YIp204 were added onto 18µl mastermix
  • Incubated for 3 hours at 37°C
  • Electrophoresis was conducted according to protocol 2
  • Added 4µl 6x staining buffer to each digest after incubation time
  • Added 4µl 6x staining buffer to 20µl undigest DNA
  • Preperation
  • Loaded gel according to following scheme
    ⇒ 6µl 1kb-DNA-marker\\ Prep A digested\\ Prep B digested \\ Prep A undigested \\ Prep B undigested
  • DNA-fragments of unknown origin were found
  • Repitition of experiment needed
4. Overnight culture of strains 4196 and K699 for transformation
  • 3 ml YEPD Medium was given to each of 4 reaction tubes
  • Two yeast colonies of 4196 and K669 were picked
  • Incubation at 30°C over night
5. Restriction digest of Vector DNA for the transformation
  • Mix to digest 10 µl YIplac204 DNA obtained in preparation 3.1 for transformation created

    Reagent Volume for one sample
    Eco RV 1 µl
    Buffer R 5 µl
    Add 20µl ddH2O 34 µl
    Σ 40 µl

  • Incubation over night at 37°C
6. Overnight culture of YIplac204
  • 5 ml of ampiciline-medium (80µg/ml) were inoculated with one colony obtained of experiment day 1/2.
  • Incubation at 37°C overnight

Day 7, 15/07/03

1. Transformation of S. cerevisiae strains K699 and 4196 with YCplac22 and Ylplac204
  • over night culture diluted 1:100 with MQ (10 µl suspension and 990 µl MQ)
  • measurement 0D600:
    • 699 A = 0.203
    • 699 B = 0.143 → used
    • 7196 A = 0.12
    • 4196 B = 0.139 → used
  • two flasks filled with YEPG next to Bunsenburner
    • A: 50 ml
    • B: 25 ml → Media (wrong estimate)
  • in flask A 2 ml suspension 699 oD600 = 0.30
  • in flask B 1 ml suspension 4196 oD600 = 0.293
  • 3 h at 30 °C and incubated while shaking
2. DNA-Preparation with YIplac204 overnight culture (see day 6/6.)
  • Experiment conducted according to protocol 1
3. Gelelectrophoresis of overnight digestion and DNA Preparation
  • Experiment conducted according to protocol 2
  • Changes to protocol: → 1.2 % agarose gel
  • 5 µl of overnight digest added to 1 µl 6x staining buffer
  • loaded onto gel according to following scheme ⇒ 6 µl 1kb-DNA-marker \\ overnight digest
  • After the photo was taken DNA-Preparation from day 7/2. loaded on same gel
  • Scheme : 6 µl 1kb-DNA-marker //overnight digest //empty// marker // Miniprep
4. Precipitation of plasmid-DNA of digested YIplac204
  • 3.5 µl 3M NaAC added to DNA solution
  • 1.5 µl Glycogen (Thermo Scientific) added
  • 100µl 95% Ethanol added
  • Incubation for 5 minutes at room temperature
  • Centrifugation (fullspeed, 5 min, room temperature)
  • DNA appears as a small pellet
  • Supernatant removed
  • Pellet washed in two volumes (240 µl) EtOH 70 %
  • Dried at room temperature for 30 min
  • DNA solved in 5 µl TE
5. Transformation of the yeast K699
  • 25 ml yeast culture from the flask given in 50 ml falcon
  • oD determined
    • 699 = 0.76
    • 4196 = 0.75
  • Centrifugation (5 min, 3500 rpm, room temperature)
  • Supernatant discarded
  • Pellet resuspended in 25 ml ddH2O
  • Pelletised at 3500 rpm and room temperature
  • Supernatant discarded
  • Pellet in 1 ml of 100 mM LiAc resuspended and given in reaction tubes
  • Centrifugation (10 s, 3500 rpm, room temperature)
  • Supernatant discarded
  • Pellet resuspended in 500 µl 100 mM LiAc
  • For each transformation 50 µl cell suspension (4) transferred in 1.5ml ml reaction tubes
  • Centrifugated for 10 s and supernatant discarded
  • All samples of 4196 discarded (too few DNA)
  • Mix for transformation added (adhered to order as written below)
    • 240 µl 50 % PEG 3350
    • 36 µl 1 M LiAc
    • 5 µl carrier DNA (10mg/ml)
    • 4 µl YEP122 (positive control) / 5 µl YIP204/ 3µl YCplac22/ 5µl ddH2O (negative control)
    • → 65 µl of ddH2O to YEplac122 → 360 µl
      → 64 µl of ddH2O to YIplac204 → 360 µl
      → 66 µl ddH2O to YCplac22 → 360 µl
      → 64 µl ddH2O to negative control → 360 µl
  • Sample vortexed until pellet was resuspended
  • Incubation at room temperature (30 °C)
  • heat shock for 20 min at 42 °C
  • centrifugated for 10 s, pellet resuspended in 400 µl H2O
    • YEplac122 200 µl plated
    • YIplac204 400 µl plated
    • YCplac22 200 µl plated
    • negative control 200 µl plated
  • incubated (72 h, 30 °C)
Day 8, 15/07/06:

1. Examination of 7/4.

  • Colonies grown!
  • Transformation works

2. Resuspension of IDT geneBricks his_spacer adh1 and his_rep_klein

  • 500 ng in 50 µl TE given (c = 10 ng/ml)
  • incubated (50 °C, 20 min)
  • vortexed and centrifugated (10 s at fullspeed)

3. Restriction digest for ligation of his_spacer adh1 and his_rep_klein

  • calculations for needed amount of DNA via following formula:

    m(plasmid) * lengt (insert)/length(Vector)*5 → factor 5 is based on experience

    Thus following values were calculated:

    Insert his_rep_klein for cloning in YIplac204 =200 ng (plasmid) * 700 bp/3500 bp *5 = 200ng
    Insert his_rep_klein for cloning in YCplac22 =200 ng (plasmid) * 700 bp/4850 bp *5 = 144 ng
    Insert his_spacer_adh1 for cloning in YEplac181 =200 ng (plasmid) * 500 bp/5740 bp *5 = 86ng
    Insert his_spacer_adh1 for cloning in K801000 =200 ng (plasmid) * 500 bp/5500 bp *5 = 90ng

  • following restriction digests were constructed:

    • insert his_spacer_adh1/ insert His_Rep_klein

  • DNA 40µl MM for 3 samples
    EcoRI 2µl 6µl
    PstI 2µl 6µl
    Buffer 0 20µl 60µl
    add 200µl ddH2O 136 µl 408 µl

    • Vector YEplac181/ YCplac22/ YEplac204 (7/3)

    DNA 5 µl MM for 4 samples
    RNAse 1 µl 4 µl
    EcoRI 1 µl 4 µl
    PstI 1 µl 4 µl
    Buffer O 5 µl 20 µl
    add 50µl ddH2O 37 µl 148 µl

    • Vector K801000

    DNA 40 µl
    RNAse 1 µl
    EcoRI 2 µl
    PstI 2 µl
    Buffer O 10 µl
    add 100µl ddH2O 45 µl

  • large volumes were chosen because of the high EDTA-concentration
  • over night incubation at 37 °C
4. CloneJet (Thermo Scientific) PCR-cloning with his3_rep_klein and his_spacer_adh1
  • as a backup the following plasmids were generated using the CloneJET PCR Cloning Kit
2 µl 10 x ligase buffer
2.5 µl DNA solution
1 µl pjet-vector
add 19 µl ddH2O 13.5µl
1 µl T4Ligase
  • Incubation (ca. 10 min)
5. Transformation
  • DH5alpha E. coli unfreezed
  • Each 5 µl from Day8 4. given on top of 50 µl competent cells
  • As a positive control 1µl PBSC
  • Bluescript was given on top of 50 µl E.coli
  • As a negative control no changes were applied to 50 µl E. coli
  • incubate for about 15 min on ice
  • heat shock for 90 s
  • 2 min on ice
  • 500 µl SOC medium added
  • incubated (45 min, 37 °C)
  • centrifugation (2 min, 7000 rpm)
  • remove 450 µl supernatant
  • E.coli in remained 100 µl resuspended
  • 100 µl plated on ampiciline plates

Day 9, 15/07/07

1. Analysis of over night digest from Day 8/3.
  • Electrophoresis was conducted according to protocol 2
  • The gel was loaded with 10 % digest volume
  • 6x staining buffer was added according to volume (given in Brackets)

YEplac181/ YCplac22/YIplac204

5 µl

(1 µl)


10 µl

(2 µl)

Inserts (his3_rep_klein/ his_spacer_adh1

20 µl

(4 µl)

  • Pockets were loaded according to following scheme
    ⇒ 1 kb DNA-marker //YEplac181//YCplac22//YIplac204//K801000//his_spacer_adh1//his3_rep_klein
2. Restriction digestion 204
  • 40 µl plasmid solution 204 obtained out of Day 7 2. digested

DNA 40 µl
EcoRI 2 µl
PstI 2 µl
Buffer O 20 µl
H2O 136 µl
Σ 200 µl
  • incubation (2h, 37 °C)
3. Gelelectrophoresis for extraction
  • Gelelectrophoresis conducted according to protocol 2
  • Middlepocket of gel loaded with 45 µl YCplac22 Day 8 3.according to following scheme:
    ⇒ 6µl 1 kb DNA
  • marker // empty // YCplac22 // empty
    • Changes to protocol:
    • large comb used
    • run for 2h at 50V
4. Gelextraction via Quiagen kit
  • Gel fragment weighted: 470 mg
  • 3 times the volume QC-buffer added → 1410 µl QC-buffer added
  • 10 min at 50 °C gel dissolved
  • After 3 min and 7 min for 5-7 s vortexed
  • 450 µl isopropanol added
  • Sample inverted and shortly vortexed
  • 800 µl given on speedcolumn with wastetube
  • Centrifugation (13300 rpm, 1 min) → flowthrough discarded
  • Step 3 times repeated
  • 0,75 ml PE buffer added on column for cleaning
  • Centrifugation (13300 rpm, 1 min)
  • Flowthrough discarded
  • Centrifugation (13300 rpm, 1 min)
  • Flowthrough discarded
  • Column transferred on 1.5 ml tube
  • 30 µl Elutionbuffer added on column
  • Centrifugation (13300 rpm, 1 min)
  • Eluate used for further experiments
5. Further cleaning with Quiagen PCR-purification-kit
  • 180 µl sample given to 900 µl PB buffer given
  • 800 µl Sample given on column
  • column centrifugated (13300 rpm, 1 min)
  • remaining 280 µl given on column
  • column centrifugated at 13300 rpm
  • both times flowthrough was discarded
  • column loaded with 750 µl PE
  • centrifugation (13300 rpm, 1 min)
  • flowthrough discarded
  • centrifugation (13300 rpm, 1 min)
  • flowthrough discarded
  • column transferred on 1.5 ml Eppi
  • 30 µl EB (elution buffer) given
  • centrifugation (13300 rpm, 1 min)
  • eluate used for further experiments
6. Controlgelelectrophoresis of eluate and digestion of YIplac204 and YCplac22 (day 9/2.)
  • Gelelectrophoresis according to protocol 2: Electrophoresis
  • Gel loaded with samples according to following scheme:
⇒ Standard (6µl) // YCplac22 (3µl) //YIplac204 digested (20µl) // empty // Standard (6µl) // Insert his3_reporter_klein (2.8µl)
  • Changes to protocol:
    • Gelelectrophoresis for 45 min
    • note: insert was added after 20 min
7. Overnight culture of Pjet-transformed E. coli
  • 2 colonies on plate 204, Pjet_His_spacer, Pjet_reporter_klein picked
  • Each were given into 5 ml 80 µg/µl ampiciline medium given
  • over night incubation at 37 °C

Day 10, 15/07/08:

1. Ligation of the linearised vector YCplac22 and the his3_rep_klein
  • 3 samples for ligation generated
    • ligation with insert
      • 3 µl vector (YCPlac22) linearized
      • 14 µl insert (His3_rep_klein/ his_spacer_adh1) linearized
      • 2 µl ligase buffer
      • 1 µl T4 Ligase
    • Religation control without insert
      • 3 µl vector (YCPlac22) linearized
      • 14 µl ddH2O
      • 2 µl ligase buffer
      • 1 µl T4 Ligase
    • control for complete digestion
      • 3 µl vector (YCPlac22) linearized
      • 15 µl H2O
      • 2 µl ligase buffer
      • ligation incubated for 3 h at room temperature
2. Miniprep from overnight culture day 9/7.
  • 2 ml over night culture transferred to 2 ml
  • reaction tubes
  • centrifugation (7000 rpm, 5 min)
  • supernatant discarded
  • 2 ml from over night culture transferred in the same reaction tubes as their precursors to increase the amount of bacteria
  • centrifugation (7000 rpm, 5 min)
  • supernatant discarded
  • DNA
  • Preparation conducted as given by Quia
  • Gen Miniprep instruction
  • Elution in 50 µl elution buffer
3. Digestion of Miniprep
  • Digest prepared
1 µl DNA from the miniprep(see above) MM for 7 samples à 19 µl
EcoRI 0.5 µl 3.5 µl
PstI 0.5 µl 3.5 µl
Buffer O 2 µl 14 µl
ddH2O 16 µl 112 µl
  • digestion for 3 h at 37 °C
4. Moulding of Chloramphenicol agar plates
  • TY-Medium with agar heated
  • Cooling while mixing
  • Addition of 50 µl Chloramphenicol (100 mg/ml)
  • c_end= 10µg/ml
  • Moulding of plates
5 Preparation of X-gal plates
  • 40µl 2% x-gal spread on 6 ampicilin enriched plates
  • 40µl IPTG spread on the dried plates
  • 40µl dH2O spread on the dried plates
6 Transformation of Ligation and EYFP (BBa_E2030)
  • Each of folowing DNA
  • samples added to 50 µl DH5α on ice
    • 5µl ligation from 10.1
    • 5µl ligase + vectorligation from 10.1
    • 5µl vector + ligase buffer solution from 10.1
    • 1µl pBluescript
    • 5µl H2O
    • 2.5µl EYFP (BBa_E2030)
  • Transformation analogous to 8.5
  • Transformed E. coli samples spread on ampiciline plates as followed
    • 100 µl ligation
    • 200 µl ligation
    • 200 µl ligase + vector
    • 200 µl pBluescript
    • 200 µl H2O
  • Remaining transformed bacteria spread on chloramphenicole agar plates
    • 200 µl EYFP (BBa_E2030)
    • 200 µl H2O
7. Gelelectrophoresis of the Digestion from 3. (see above)
  • Gelelectrophoresis conducted according to protocol 2
  • 20 µl taken from earlier digest (see above) and added to 4µl Staining Solution
  • Gel loaded according to following scheme:
⇒ his3_rep_klein A // his3_rep_klein B // his_spacer_adh1 A // his_spacer_adh1 B// YIplac204 A //YIplac 204 B// 1kb DNA-marker

Day 11, 15/07/09

1. Cultures picked for over night culture
  • 12 colonies taken from 100 µl plate (compare Day 10 6.)
  • inoculation of 2 ml 80 µg/ml ampiciline medium
  • 2 colonies picked from YFP
  • plate
  • 5 ml 25 µg/ml Canamycin medium inoculated
  • over night incubation at 37 °C

Day 12, 15/07/10

1. Miniprep of the over night culture from day 11/1. (see above)
  • conducted according to protocol 1
  • eluted in 30µl 1x TE
2. Restriction digestion
  • Restriction for all DNA-preparations (14 samples)
DNA Solution 3 µl MM for 15
PstI 0.5 µl 7.5 µl
EcoRI 0.5 µl 7.5 µl
Buffer O 2 µl 30 µl
ddH2O 14 µl 210 µl
  • incubation (1.5 h, 37 °C)
3. Gelelectrophoresis
  • Gelelectrophoresis performed according to protocol 2
  • Changes to protocol:
    • Volume for two 1% agarosegels produced 170 ml (100 ml+70 ml)
    • 13,6 µl Roth Ethidiumbromide added
  • Samples from Day 12 2. (see above) were added to 4 µl staining solution
  • Gels were loaded as followed:
Gel I: 1kb DNA-marker// YCPlac22 + insert 1 //
2 //
3 //
4 //
5 //
6 //
7 //
8 //

Gel II: 1kb DNA-marker // YCPlac22 + insert 9 //
10 //
11 //
12 //
YFP clone 1 //
YFP clone 2//
  • Results not expected ratio insert vector seems tilted
  • Over night culture of all samples analogous to Day 11/1.

Day 13, 15/07/11

1. Miniprep via Quiagen column
  • 5 ml over night culture from day 12/3. centrifuged (7000 rpm, 5min) in 2 ml Eppis
  • Quiagen Miniprep analogous to 10/2. performed
2. Restriction digestion
  • DNA-Solutions obtained in Day 13/1. (see above) EcoRI PstI digested
  • Mastermix created
single sample Mastermix for 13 Samples
1 µl DNA -
0.5 µl EcoRI 6.5 µl EcoRI
0.5 µl PstI 6.5 µl PstI
2 µl Buffer0 26 µl Buffer0
16 µl ddH2O 208 µl ddH2O
  • incubation (2 h, 37 °C)
3. Gelelectrophoresis
  • Gelelectrophoresis conducted according to protocol 2
  • 4 µl staining solution added to each of the 12 samples from experiment Day 13/2. (see above)
  • 24 µl loaded on gel according to following scheme
    • 1kb DNA-marker //
    • YCPlac 22 + insert 1 //
    • YCPlac 22 + insert 2 //
    • YCPlac 22 + insert 3 //
    • YCPlac 22 + insert 4 //
    • ...
    • YCPlac 22 + insert 12 //

Day 14, 15/07/14

1. Restriction digestion XhoI, Sal I from YCPlac22 + insert10 (day 13/13)
  • restriction digestion conducted
DNA YCPlac22 + insert10 from day 13 20 µl
Sal I 2 µl
XhoI 4 µl
Buffer 0 10 µl
ddH2O 64 µl
  • incubation (2 h, 37 °C)
2. Addition of SalI and XhoI restriction sites via PCR

Sample water control
H2O 71 µl 73 µl
5 x buffer 20 µl 20 µl
template 2 µl -
Forward Primer 2 µl 2 µl
Reverse Primer 2 µl 2 µl
Fusion Polymerase 1 µl 1 µl
Σ 100 µl 100 µl
  • program:
    • 1. 98.0 °C 15 s
    • 2. 98.0 °C 10 s
    • 3. 72.0 °C 15 s
    • 4. 72.0 °C 3 s
  • each step was repeated 30 times
3. Gelelectrophoresis of the restriction digestion and PCR
  • Gelelectrophoresis performed according to protocol 2
  • Changes to protocol
    • 70 ml 1 % agarose gel moulded
  • 1 µl staining solution added to 5 µl water control
  • 1 µl staining solution added to 5 µl PCR-sample
  • 2 µl staining solution added to 10 µl of digest
  • Gel loaded according to following scheme 1kb DNA-marker // digestion // water control // PCR
4. Purification of the PCR fragment
  • Analogous to Day 9/5.
  • pellet was solved in 30 µl EB
5. Restriction digestion of the YFP-PCR fragment
  • purified insert digested with XhoI Sal I
DNA 30 µl
Sal I 2 µl
XhoI 4 µl
Buffer O 10 µl
ddH2O 54 µl
  • incubation (3 h, 37 °C))
6. Gelextraction of the digested vector
  • gelelectrophoresis (1.5 h) in 1 % agarose gel analogous to Day 9 4.
  • band with scalpel removed and weighted = 390 mg
  • three fold amount of QC added (1160 µl)
  • analogue to Day 9 4. continued

Day 15, 15/07/15

1. Purification of the digestion from day 14/5.
  • Analogue to Day 9/5.
  • Changes to Day 9/5.
    • 380 µl PB used
    • eluted in 30 µl Elution Buffer
2. Dephosphorylation of the vector
  • alkaline phosphatase mix created
TCPlac22 + insert XhoI Sal I digested 20 µl
FAP buffer 3 µl
FAP 1 µl
H2O 6 µl
  • incubation (20 min, 37 °C)
  • incubation (5 min, 75 °C)
3. Ligation YCPlac22 + insert his3_rep_klein and YFP
  • 3 ligation samples prepared
A) 4 µl vector, dephosphorylated (YCPlac22)
5 µl insert (YFP)
2 µl ligase buffer
1 µl T4 ligase
8 µl ddH2O

B) 4 µl vector, dephosphorylated
2 µl ligase buffer
1 µl T4 ligase
12 µl ddH2O

C) 4 µl vector, dephosphorylated
2 µl ligase buffer
14 µl ddH2O
  • incubation (3 h, room temperature)
4. Transformation of the ligation
  • performed analogue to Day 8 5.
  • transformation plated as followed:
    • 200 µl, 100 µl, 50 µl of ligation on ampiciline plated
    • 200 µl ligase + vector on ampiciline plated
    • 200 µl vector on ampiciline plated
    • 200 µl PBSC-Bluescript and H2O on ampiciline plated

Day 16, 15/07/16

1. Picking of colonies
  • 20 colonies of the ligation plate picked
  • Each given in 5 ml 100 µg/ml ampiciline medium
  • Incubation over night at 37 °C
2. Retransformation of the ligation
  • Repition of Day 15/3. (see above)

Day 17, 15/07/17

1. Miniprep of the over night culture
  • Performed according to protocol 1
2. Restriction digestion from the Miniprep
  • Restriction digest created
Miniprep 1 µl Mastermix for 21 samples
Sal I 0.5 µl 10.5 µl
XhoI 1 µl 21 µl
Buffer 0 2 µl 42 µl
ddH2O 15.5 µl 325.5 µl

  • digestion (2 h, 37 °C)
3. Gelelectrophoresis
  • Gelelectrophoresis performed according to protocol 2
  • 4 µl staining solution was added to each digest
  • 6 µl 1kb DNA-marker loaded
  • scheme:
1kb DNA-marker // Miniprep 1 - 10 = Gel I 1kb DNA-marker // Miniprep 11 - 20 = Gel II
  • Restriction sites XhoI and SalI are compatible, but after XhoI-SalI-ligation the restriction site is removed. Thus "homo"-ligation creates an insert after XhoI-SalI digestion whereas "hetero"-ligation does not.
  • Restriction sites XhoI and SalI are compatible, but after XhoI-SalI-ligation the restriction site is removed. Thus "homo"-ligation creates an insert after XhoI-SalI digestion whereas "hetero"-ligation does not.
  • Clones 1, 8, 9, 12, 14, 18 had an insert, which were similar to the expected size

Day 18, 15/07/20

1. Overnight culture of S. cerevisiae K699 and 4196
  • Two colonies picked of each strain
  • Inoculation of 5 ml YEPD-Medium each
  • Incubation overnight at 28°C

Day 19, 15/07/21

1. Transformation of S. cerevisiae strains K699 and 4196 with YCplac22-YFP
  • over night culture dilitued 1:100 with MQ (10 µl suspension and 990 µl MQ)
  • measurement 0D600:
699 A = 0.019 → used
699 B = 0.014
4196 A = 0.108 → used
4196 B= 0.056
  • two flasks filled with YEPG next to Bunsenburner
A: 25 ml
B: 25 ml
  • 4,46 ml added to flask A suspension 699 oD600 = 0,208
  • 0.58ml added to flask B suspension 4196 oD600 = 0,193
  • 3 h at 30 °C and incubated while shaking
  • 25 ml yeast culture from the flask given in 50 ml falcon
  • oD600 determined
699 = 0.543
4196 = 0.503
  • Centrifugation (5 min, 3500 rpm, room temperature)
  • Supernatant discarded
  • Contamination in 4196 suspension detected => Sample discarded
  • Pellet resuspended in 25 ml ddH2O
  • Pelletised at 3500 rpm and room temperature
  • Supernatant discarded
  • Pellet in 1 ml of 100 mM LiAc resuspended and given in 1.5 reaction tubes
  • Centrifugation (10 s, 3500 rpm, room temperature)
  • Supernatant discarded
  • Pellet resuspended in 500 µl 100 mM LiAc
  • For each transformation 50 µl cell suspension (6) transferred in 1.5ml ml reaction tubes
  • Centrifugated for 10 s and supernatant discarded
  • Mix for transformation added (adhered to order as written below)
    • > 240 µl 50 % PEG 3350
    • > 36 µl 1 M LiAc
    • > 5 µl carrier DNA (10mg/ml)
    • > 5µl ddH2O (negative control)/ YCplac22-YFP 1, 8, 9, 12, 14 and 18
    • > 64 µl of ddH2O
  • Sample vortexed until pellet was resuspended
  • Incubation at room temperature (30 °C)
  • Heat shock for 20 min at 42 °C
  • Centrifugated for 10 s,
  • Pellet resuspended in 400 µl H2O
  • 200 µl and 100µl of transformation plated on mediaplates without tryptophan
  • Incubated (72 h, 30 °C)

Day 20, 15/07/24

1. Convokal Microskopy
  • One colony per construct picked and diluted in Water
  • Microscopy → see result section

1 von Filip

1 von Vlady (schon auf Studon)

Generation of TALE, RPD3 constructs and EC in vectors
