


This year, iGEM invited all the competing teams around the world to measure fluorescence from the same three genetic devices for GFP expression. Teams all around the world measured the fluorescence of the devices at on OD of 0.5. The reason for this study is to show the variability between labs and to create a so defined standard for constructs used in synthetic biology. Since standardization is one of the most important parts in synthetic biology, we wanted to show a way to make an overall characterization of devices. For that we extended the InterLab Study in our Measurement Study and characterized the promoters with diverse methods and in different constructs. We used plate reader, flow cytometry, proteomics and microscopy to measure the fluorescence in single cells and in populations. We introduced the devices in two different strains: DH5alpha and the wild type MG1655. We expressed RFP instead of GFP and normalized our data not only over the OD but also in our double constructs also to the expressed RFP in our double constructs. We also showed the impact of evolution that can be seen in protein expression over time and quantified the noise of gene expression.

Project Design

We extended the Interlab Study constructs (Fig. 1) in order to be able to better characterize the promoter, and the expression on both single cell and population level. In order to see whether the coding sequence of a gene has an influence on the expression level, we build a construct, where the GFP is replaced by an RFP (Fig. 2). Additionally we wanted to normalize not only to the OD, but also to an internal standard. Therefore we placed in two constructs a second fluorescent gene (RFP) with a strong promoter upstream of our GFP InterLab constructs 1 and 2 (Fig. 3). This double promoter-fluorescence gene construct was also used to measure the noise of our expression system. As not only the constructs themselves can lead to different expression levels but also the chassis, we used two common lab strains, Dh5alpha and MG1655 in order test our constructs. The expression levels were measured with a variety of different techniques and will allow a more comprehensive characterization and description of our constructs.

Figure 1: Structure of InterLab Study Constructs that were further characterized in our Measurement Study

Figure 2: Structure of extended InterLab Study constructs - replacement of coding sequence to test its influence on expression

Figure 3: Structure of double promoter and double fluorescence constructs to normalize over fluorescence and measure noise.


To get a more comprehensive characterization, we analyzed InterLab study constructs with more techniques and additionally build constructs, that will give as more information about the behavior of the promoter. For the different methods, only the constructs were used that will provide us with additional insight for an improved part characterization.


The platereader results from the stationary phase of our constructs in MG1655 and DH5alpha (Fig. 4) are comparable to the ones we obtained for the Interlab Study. Like previously described, we diluted an over night culture to an OD of 0.5 and depending on the strain measured the fluorescence intensity of GFP, RFP or both. As described on the registry page of the constitutive promoter family we used construct 1 to 3 with decreasing promoter activity. In most cases, the normalized promoter activity was higher in MG1655 than in DH5alpha. Taken together, we show that the chassis plays an important role for the characterization of a construct. In order to provide a comprehensive characterization/analysis we used both, the commonly used cloning strain DH5alpha as well as the wildtype strain MG1655 for our further studies.

Figure 4: Fluorescence of GFP in stationary phase in MG1655 und DH5alpha.
Figure 5: Fluorescence of RFP in stationary phase in MG1655 und DH5alpha.

The timelapse measurement of our constructs reveals that fluorescence intensity increases over time. The used fluorescent proteins are not fused to a degradation tag, which may have led to an accumulation of GFP and RFP and hence to an increase of fluorescence intensity. In accordance with the one-point measurements in the plate reader, we observed a variation between the two different chassis. Also the expression levels and the ratios of fluorescence intensities are consistent.
Figure 6: Green Fluorescence over time in DH5alpha und MG1655.
Figure 7: Red Fluorescence over time in DH5alpha und MG1655.
Figure 8: Fluorescence normalized over RFP and OD.

Flow Cytometry

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Figure 9: Fluorescence measured in Flow Cytometry.


As previously mentioned, expression levels of proteins within a population may vary over time or within a cell population. The variation can be quantified by noise analysis. We therefore designed two constructs that carry our promoter of interest fused to RFP (strong and weak promoter, construct 3 and 4, respectively) in addition to a second strong constitutively active promoter fused to GFP. Flow cytometry was used to analyze the expression on single cell level over time (Fig. 10). From the obtained data we calculated the mean expression as well as the coefficient of variation (CV). The CV provides information about the variation of fluorescence intensity of the population -the lower the CV, the lower the noise. Our results reveal that the CV is the lowest during early-log phase and increases with higher ODs. This leads us to conclude that measuring expression levels of different constructs is optimal in log-phase, which may improve the InterLab Study Protocol.

Figure 10: Structure of double promoter and double fluorescence constructs to normalize over fluorescence and measure noise.


Single cell microscopy pictures gave us both an expression on the variability of gene expression levels as well as on the shape of the cells. If the cell shape varies from the empty strain, this usually gives a hint on the burden of a construct. The cells of our construct 1 are elongated and in some cases stopped dividing. This is usually a sign that the cells are really stressed. This can be observed from this strong promoter. The weaker promoters of construct 2 and 3 don’t result in a variance in cell size and shape. Additionally we used a computer algorithm, microbeTracker, in order to quantitatively analyze the fluorescence intensity of the cells. The results are showed as histograms. For construct 1 the microscopy settings were not optimal, as they were not adapted to the intensity and are hence saturated. The histogram gives as only an estimation of the real values. For construct 2 we see a high variation in fluorescence intensities and that a high population exhibits lower fluorescence intensity. Construct 3 that carries the weakest promoter shows a nice Gaussian distribution of the intensities, as we would have expected it for all the constructs. Even though this microscopy analysis can be optimized and should repeated, it still gives us important information about the cell state and can additionally be used to analyze the single cell fluorescence and to compare the data with flow cytometry.

Figure 11: Histogram and Microscopy Picture of Devise 1.

Figure 12: Histogram and Microscopy Picture of Devise 2.

Figure 13: Histogram and Microscopy Picture of Devise 3.

Figure 14: Microscopy Picture of Empty Cells.


Evolution is an aspect that is usually not taken into account when characterizing parts and constructs as constructs are normally used for short-term experiments. But as constructs might also be used for different purposes, long-term robustness of genetic devices needs to be ensured. We hence cultured our strains carrying construct 1-3 for 48h and measured the fluorescene intensity by flow cytometry every 12h and inoculated the strains in new flasks. The results exhibit that the stronger the promoter, the more and faster the fluorescence intensity decreases (Fig. 15,16). We observed four replica for every construct and for construct 1, with the strongest promoter, two replica significantly loose expression of fluorescence proteins. For construct 2, one colony is reduced in fluorescence. The data for the last construct are not shown, as the fluorescence intensity didn’t change over our measurement period. In order to unravel the underlying reason for the decrease in fluorescence we sent extracted plasmids from each construct and replica for sequencing. The promoter sequence of the constructs, that display reduced fluorescence, mutated, which most probably lead to the reduction of fluorescence protein expression. The strains still expression at previously observed levels didn’t show any mutations in the promoter region. From the results of our evolution study we can conclude that the stronger a promoter, the higher is the probability of loss of function of the device. For long-term expression of genetic devices, design and engineering principles need to be incorporated (Sleight et al., 2010).

Figure 15: Evolution Study of Device 1.
Figure 16: Evolution Study of Device 2.


In our follow up studies, we want to establish a standardization pipeline from construction till the provision of a data sheet. The registry of biological parts is the biggest collection of its kind, but many researchers that we have spoken to, hesitate using it. The reason for that is the lack of characterization and therefore a lack of quality. All iGEM Teams have to face this challenge and see it as a contribution to the field and the community of synthetic biology to provide a good characterization of their parts and construct. However, there is a strong need for standardization and characterization facilities in synthetic biology. As teams submit the BioBricks around the world, there should be a synthetic biology standardization facility in each continent, so that the standardization effort becomes an international call in synthetic biology. We as the iGEM Team Marburg will continue our work on part characterization. We want to extend our efforts further, for example on the RNA level, to have indications on all levels of protein biosynthesis about the expression of the fluorescent proteins. Much more work is needed to aim our goal of perfect characterization of standard biological parts.


In synthetic biology, it is important that part characterization is consistent between different labs to be able to create well-defined standard parts whose behavior is predictable. One of the fundamental principles in Synthetic Biology is engineering. But different from electrical or mechanical engineering, Biology engineering makes use of life itself. Our biological constructs are self-replicating and there is an interaction between our circuits and the chassis that we choose to express them in. Also most biological Parts are not as well defined and characterized as in other engineering disciplines. Because of that, one of the most challenging parts in the transition from science to an engineering field is to define standards. Every engineering discipline is very fond of standardization. In the classical mechanical engineering, standards are used to provide sufficient information about a part and the defined standards lead to an abstraction of an element’s behavior and the simplification of the design. Hence parts can be treated as a black box, which can easily be combined with others. The most common example for standardization in synthetic biology is the BioBrick standard generated by the iGEM competition. Another example is the recently introduced Standard European Vector Architecture. But as we can already see with this example, there is no uniform concept of DNA part standards. Besides the introduction of a common standard also the characterization of parts should be standardized. Both the BioBricks and the Standard European Vector Architecture are only construction standards. Developing a characterization standard is even harder to reach, as Biology is a complex science and each part and construct behaves differently in the different chassis. It is hence hard to define characterization procedures and protocols and to be able to compare them. One way of approaching the characterization is to test the different behaviors of a construct. In our measurement project we tried to follow a holistic approach in order characterize a part as complete as possible and to introduce a new standards of how to characterize parts.


iGEM Marburg - ZSM Karl-von-Frisch-Straße 16, D - 35043 Marburg