
Introduction: Auxin-IAA Pathway

CRISPR Transcriptional Factors

CRISPR transcriptional factors enable scientists to make targeted changes in gene expression through the use of a guide RNA (gRNA). The gRNA attaches to the CRISPR protein, and guides it to a specific DNA locus based on the sequence of the gRNA. The CRISPR proteins we used known as dCas9 were obtained from the Klavins lab, and are designed so that they do not cleave the DNA strands themselves, this dead CRISPR will instead bind tightly and prevent access to the gene by other proteins. This effectively disables transcription and translation of the targeted gene. CRISPR transcriptional factors were first developed by Perez-Pinera et al. in 2013.

Auxin Background

Auxin is a class of plant hormone that is involved in developmental and behavioral signalling. This type of molecule serves as a good proof-of-concept for the detection of small-molecules by our model system. This is because our Auxin can pass through the cell membrane and bind to an F-box protein (AFB2) and a degron (deg1), which will then target our dCas9 protein for degradation. Additionally, auxin is orthogonal to the biochemical machinery of the yeast, allowing for uninterrupted signal processing. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is the specific Auxin molecule that we are using in our model system.

Model System Design

The pathway relies on several components. Firstly, a dead-CRISPR transcription factor (dCas9) is fused to a degron domain (Deg1) and a strong repressor domain (MXI1). Along with a guide RNA designed to target an a promoter region for a signal response. Combined, the dCas9 complex along with the guide RNA will suppress the expression of LacZ. However, in the presence of IAA and an F-Box protein (AFB2), the dCas9 complex will be degraded and LacZ will be expressed leading to the production of beta-galactosidase. Thus, causing another small molecule X-Gal to be converted into indigo when cleaved by beta-galactosidase and appear blue. The system is designed to produce a response (a color response in our case) to the presence of the small molecule indole-3-acetic acid.

(1) dCas9-deg1-MXI1 binds to a guide RNA which targets a sequence of a LacZ promoter causing the expression of beta-galactosidase to be supprefont size = 2ssed. (2) Auxin binds to both AFB2 (which also helps recruit the ubiquitin ligase) and deg1 simultaneously bringing the two into close proximity allowing the ubiquitin ligase to ubiquitinate the dCas9 construct. (3) LacZ expression is no longer suppressed allowing beta galactosidase to be produced and in the presence of x-gal, indigo is then formed.


The transformation of the LacZ gene containing a uracil marker proved successful as yeast cells grew on plates or in liquid media lacking uracil. Furthermore, blue-white assays further showed that a constitutively expressing LacZ gene was successfully transformed into the yeast cell. The transformation of the gRNA was partially successful. Cell growth on plates lacking uracil and histidine showed that the cells did contain the both a LacZ gene containing a uracil marker as well as a gRNA gene containing a histidine marker. However cell (containing both the LacZ and gRNA genes) cultures were assayed in parallel in which one culture had auxin added while another lacked auxin yet both assays turned blue. However, the cells with auxin added turned blue significantly faster.


WE PROVED OUR SYSTEM? The system that our team developed does indeed work as expected. There is a visible signal that responds to the presences of a small molecule, x-gal is converted to indigo in the presence of auxin. With this success we can now apply our system to a portable paper device.

Future Direction

Introduce high-resolution, easily-quantifiable response gradient using ONPG

ONPG is a molecule used in a liquid assay and can be measured quantitatively with very high-resolution. This works by using a response factor that is able to dissolve in liquid solution and is thus measurable via photospectroscopy. Using this method, our team can precisely measure the impact of varying concentrations of small molecules on our system. We can then use the measured, overall response of our system to predict the amount of analyte present.

Alternatively, use a quicker and easily visible response factor

Currently, the response time of our system utilizing beta-galactosidase to cleave x-gal is somewhat lengthy. By switching over to a rapidly produced, colored signal response that is visible to the naked eye we hope to make the system easier to use. Colored response signals such as RFP are great because they can be visualized without the need for lab instruments.

Find or design a protein similar to AFB2 that can target other toxins/small molecules

The limitations of our model system is that only Auxin like molecules can be detected. However, with future advancements in the field of protein engineering perhaps more complex molecules can be detected using our system.


  • BBa_K1711000: AFB2 auxin-binding F-box protein:

  • This part, called AFB2, is an F-box protein that binds the common plant hormone auxin. F-box proteins contain an F-box domain that mediates degradation of other proteins by recognizing substrates for ubiquitination.

    In our system, a dCas9-degron-repressor complex represses expression of lacZ. In the presence of auxin, the F-box protein and the presence of auxin, the AFB2 binds to auxin and the degron; the F-box protein then recruits the ubiquitin ligase to degrade the dCas9-degron-repressor complex. When this occurs, lacZ is no longer repressed and production of beta galactosidase occurs. Beta galactosidase acts as a reporter for the presence of auxin.