

Please note that all information on this page is in a draft version.
Please check back often for details.

There are two types of fees that iGEM teams are responsible for during the course of the season: team registration fees and Jamboree attendance fees.

Team Registration Fee

The team registration fee for iGEM 2015 is $4000 USD.

One team pays one registration fee, has one presentation at the Jamboree, one poster, and is eligible for one set of prizes. The team registration fee is the participation fee to take part in the iGEM competition. Every team must pay the fee regardless of section, track, region, etc. The fee goes to iGEM Headquarters to pay for running the iGEM competition.

To apply for a team, proceed to the iGEM 2015 Team Registration page.

To pay your team registration fee, see the Team Registration Fee page.

  • Regular Registration: March 31
  • Late Registration: TBD

Jamboree Attendance Fee

The Jamboree attendance fee for the iGEM 2015 Giant Jamboree is TBD per attendee.

  • Jamboree Registration opens:TBD
  • Jamboree Registration closes: TBD

For more details and to register and pay to attend the Giant Jamboree, see the Jamboree Attendance Fee page.