
Conception and Building of a Modular and Automated Robotic Platform to Perform Synthetic Biology Laboratory Protocols

Summary – This article discusses the conception process and ideas considered to bring forth an automated robotic platform assembled to execute sequences and protocols requiring manipulations in a biology laboratory. Ambition for this platform is focused towards creating computerized equipment in laboratories to quicken the procedures normally handled by technicians or researchers, even as to make them completely human interaction free. Liberating technicians and researchers of such duties allows for better efficiency in the processes and gives the opportunity to focus on other aspects of research. With that in mind, the research process is sped up and gives a window of opportunity for great progress and breakthrough discoveries that can apply to many fields of expertise. The platform is composed of different modules interacting between each other. Those modules include the physical platform acting as a framing support and working area reference, a dual-axis moving gripper assigned for the handling of objects around the area of work, a centrifuge designed to be fully automated and free of human interplays and a controller board conceived to electrically supply the several devices concerned on the robotic platform and accustom different applications.