Team:TU Delft/Collaborations

Collaborations Title



Subtitle or summary goes here. Should be short - two or three sentences.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ultrices tincidunt ipsum, vitae tempor nibh porta ac. Fusce consectetur neque et dolor vestibulum iaculis. Nunc pretium turpis at arcu tempus vehicula. Nam nec accumsan metus, ac tempus tortor. Aenean euismod elit vitae ex ultrices pulvinar. Etiam rhoncus non urna vel volutpat. Donec ut erat ornare, faucibus quam a, posuere urna. Phasellus at nisl sed erat ultricies commodo vel ut mauris. Morbi ac mauris dui. Cras sit amet ornare nisl. Suspendisse lectus mi, ullamcorper et dolor a, vulputate condimentum velit. Morbi dolor eros, cursus euismod magna sit amet, tempus volutpat quam. Morbi at est sed erat efficitur lobortis nec non elit. Integer urna nisi, dapibus nec magna non, pharetra sodales felis. Fusce dignissim elit sit amet purus aliquet, quis luctus tortor commodo. Donec viverra enim vel ultrices iaculis.


2015 Dutch iGEM Teams Meeting

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ultrices tincidunt ipsum, vitae tempor nibh porta ac. Fusce consectetur neque et dolor vestibulum iaculis. Nunc pretium turpis at arcu tempus vehicula. Nam nec accumsan metus, ac tempus tortor. Aenean euismod elit vitae ex ultrices pulvinar. Etiam rhoncus non urna vel volutpat. Donec ut erat ornare, faucibus quam a, posuere urna. Phasellus at nisl sed erat ultricies commodo vel ut mauris. Morbi ac mauris dui. Cras sit amet ornare nisl. Suspendisse lectus mi, ullamcorper et dolor a, vulputate condimentum velit. Morbi dolor eros, cursus euismod magna sit amet, tempus volutpat quam. Morbi at est sed erat efficitur lobortis nec non elit. Integer urna nisi, dapibus nec magna non, pharetra sodales felis. Fusce dignissim elit sit amet purus aliquet, quis luctus tortor commodo. Donec viverra enim vel ultrices iaculis.


Subtitle or summary goes here. Should be short - two or three sentences.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ultrices tincidunt ipsum, vitae tempor nibh porta ac. Fusce consectetur neque et dolor vestibulum iaculis. Nunc pretium turpis at arcu tempus vehicula. Nam nec accumsan metus, ac tempus tortor. Aenean euismod elit vitae ex ultrices pulvinar. Etiam rhoncus non urna vel volutpat. Donec ut erat ornare, faucibus quam a, posuere urna. Phasellus at nisl sed erat ultricies commodo vel ut mauris. Morbi ac mauris dui. Cras sit amet ornare nisl. Suspendisse lectus mi, ullamcorper et dolor a, vulputate condimentum velit. Morbi dolor eros, cursus euismod magna sit amet, tempus volutpat quam. Morbi at est sed erat efficitur lobortis nec non elit. Integer urna nisi, dapibus nec magna non, pharetra sodales felis. Fusce dignissim elit sit amet purus aliquet, quis luctus tortor commodo. Donec viverra enim vel ultrices iaculis.

On the 12th of June we had contact for the first time with a team outside the Netherlands. We arranged a Skype meeting with them for an hour. We explained our project, and they explained their project. We had just started in the lab, and it was very interesting to hear how far they were in the process and what their experience was so far. CGU team was further in the development of the plasmids. In their iGEM project they try to develop an organism that can detect Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). They use the idea of the TU Delft team of 2012, the snifferomyces project.

Unfortunately our projects are now too different, so there was no reason to exchange plasmids. They had some questions for us about the modeling, because our model was already quite developed at that time. It was a good experience, and nice to meet another team!

On the 4th of August we had a Skype conversation with the iGEM team of NCTU. After 15 minutes of getting the technology to work, we finally can talk. We started with sharing our project topics. Jenny Gee, one of the team members held a comprehensive presentation of their project. What we noticed and surprised us is that it seems that most of the teams have a lot of members. However, our team consist only of nine(9) members, we seem to be quite on track. We are all now working at least 40 hour a week on iGEM, and it was nice to hear that NCTU team also does. They are arranging a big event among the Asian iGEM teams. For us that’s maybe also an idea, to arrange one more time an event among the Dutch teams. It was a nice conversation, we had fun meeting them and seeing how far other teams are in their project.

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