Team:Freiburg/Protocols/GOPTS Surface


GOPTS surface

protocol for derivatisation of glass slides with GOPTS
According to protocoll from Günter

material: GOPTS, aqua dest., acetone; (plasma generator, nitrogen gun)
duration: ca. 2h

  1. Name slides
  2. Wash with aqua dest.
  3. Dry with wafergun
  4. Activate in plasma generator: gas flow: 40-80 L/h, time: 40 s - 1 min
  5. Pipette 80 µL of GOPTS-solution per glass sandwich
  6. Incubate for 1 h at RT
  7. Part the sandwiches and put in acetone for 30 s
  8. Wash with acetone (work fast!!)
  9. Dry with wafergun

storable for up to 2 weeks.