

Transfection of Cells

Transfection of Cells

material: chemicals, used kits, …
duration: 30 min

  • The transfection is carried out at a density of 50-70%. The following information refers to the transfection of cells on 10 cm plate.
  • Just before the addition of the transfection mix 25 µM chloroquine were added to the medium.
  • The amount of DNA used was 12μg. The final volume was 1.6 ml.
  • First, the DNA was treated with the appropriate volume ddH2O, which was calculated from the discrepancy of the final volume
  • then mixed with other ingredients and 99.2 ul of sterile 2 M CaCl2.
  • Then 800 ul 2x HBS were added dropwise while vortexing to the approach.
  • The transfection mixture was dropped onto the cells within 10 minutes.


  • 2x HBS (500ml): 8 g NaCl; 0,37 g KCl; 106,5 mg Na2HPO4; 1 g Dextrose; 5 g Hepes (pH 7,05)