Team:Freiburg/Protocols/Gel Extraction


Gel Extraction

Protokoll zur Aufreinigung von DNA nach Gel-Elektrophorese
Protocol on the purification of DNA after gel electrophoresis
Protocol by QIAGEN, modified

material: Kit (z.B. QIAGEN …)
duration: 90 min

  1. cut out DNA band (use UV protection) and transfer into Eppendorff tube (weight gel slice)
  2. 500 µL QG-Buffer (3/1000 of the mass of the gel slice)
  3. incubate 10 min @ 50°C, vortex from time to time
  4. load onto the column
  5. centrifuge 1 min, full speed @ RT (discard flow through)
  6. 500 µL QG-Buffer
  7. centrifuge 1 min, full speed @ RT (discard flow through)
  8. 750 µL PE washing buffer* - incubate 2-5 min @ RT - centrifuge 1 min, full speed @ RT - turn tubes 180° - centrifuge 1 min full speed @ RT - transfer column into Eppendorff tube - pipet 25 µL water on the membran (may be warmed up before) - incubate 10 min RT - incubate 3 min, 55°C - centrifuge** 1min, full speed RT

⇒ DNA is transferred into the Eppendorff tube

To increase yield two bands at once may be loaded onto the column