Team:Freiburg/Protocols/Gibson Assembly


Gibson Assembly

Protocol for the assembly of PCR products with overhangs (adapted from AG Weber protocol)

material: Gibson Master Mix Aliquots
time: 90 min

  1. prepare 5µl of DNA-Mix (calculate voulumes using the equations below or use the prepared worksheet: Stefan's ExcelSheet
  2. add DNA Mix to Gibson Master Mix
  3. incubate on RT for 5 min
  4. use 5-7µl for transformation of competent E.coli cells

V (Bb) = 12 ng/kb * l (Bb) / c (Bb)
V (Ins) = 12 ng/kb * l (Ins) * X / c (Ins)

X = Ratio Insert to Backbone
z.B. X = 4, if Ins : Bb = 4 : 1

Gibson master mix

A) ISO buffer

1.5 g
3 ml
Tris-HCl (1 M, pH 7.5)
dissolve 12.1 g Tris in 100 ml dH2O, adjust pH to 7.5 with conc. HCl
300 µl
DTT (1 M)
dissolve 1.54 g DTT in 10 ml dH2O
150 µl
MgCl2 (2 M)
dissolve 4.06 g MgCl2 in 10 ml dH2O
300 µl
NADNa (100 mM)
dissolve 0.02 g NADNa in 300 µl dH2O
4 x 60 µl
dNTPs (100 mM, each)
up to 6 ml

aliquot á 350 µl

B) Assembly master mix

Work on ice!

690 µl
320 µl
ISO buffer
160 µl
Taq ligase (NEB, 40 U/µl)
20 µl
Q5 Polymerase (NEB, 2 U/µl)
10 µl
T5 Exonuclease (NEB, 0.64 U/µl)*

* dilute 3.2 µl T5 Exonuclease (10 U/µl) in 46.8 µl 1x T5-buffer

aliquot á 15 µl